REACH Laboratories

Discussion in 'Corporations Archive' started by DJMatyas, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. DJMatyas

    DJMatyas Void-Bound Voyager

    Greetings Candidate and welcome to REACH Laboratories. Here at our labs we try every day to make your lives easier. How? We can start by the air you are breathing right now. You see here at our labs keeping You alive is our priority. We invent, innovate, design and manufacture technology wich increases - well - Your reach, by that we dont mean TV's that function on voice command because, let's face it, You are lazy. We mean REACH and that means everything from E.V.A. suits to matter refineries and other ''lifespreading'' tech. Our goal is to connect planets by sending our so called SEEDs to uninhabited space sectors and creating selfsustained spacestations at their point of arrival where. And we can accomplish that only with Your help! If you prove to be able you will be sent in one of the SEEDs to such sector where you will propably spend the rest of your life making our dream come true! As if that by it self isn't enough you will be paid a fortune on your return, thats if you return of course.

    Best of luck to You, future Space Pioneer!
    Venn Ufiik, Director of REACH Labs.

    REACH Labs. specialize in creating technologies wich allows life to exist in otherwise uninhabitable or even toxic enviroments. Our most prominent inventions include:
    Modular E.V.A. Suit
    ,,Because you know that cant go to repair the hull breach on your ship in your bathrobe. .''
    Our E.V.A. suits allow for difficult outer-vehicular work to be done without any motion limiting, unlike those bulky spaceuits or armors. Once you connect your E.V.A. suit with your shits mainframe the suits HUD will always point to the direction of your ships Nav. Beacon, the HUD can also interfere with your computer through use of Holo-Tech. The offer limited propulsion tech through the use of oxygen release. They also come equiped with Magnet. Shoes for both easier and safer movement outside of Your ship. These suits were created mainly for spacestations but their use expanded past their intended purpose. The newest models dubbed Modular E.V.A.s are also able to support some addons like bigger air reserves, upgraded scanning capabilities, different repairing gear, extra armor etc.
    BUT! All this luxury comes at a cost. Unlike the more bulky space suits our E.V.A.s have severely diminished air supply, their defensive capabilities are also severely diminished, because our E.V.A.s were never created for combat purposes. Even though E.V.A.s have spinal supporting they cannot be used on planets with strong gravity. Also they dont come with automatic feeders and waste disposal units (please keep this last part in mind. . .)

    AGAR-7(Atmosphere Generator and Air Recycler)
    The latest model of our AGAR tech. A two part piece of quite peculiar tech actually.

    The first part of our revolutionary tech, the Atmosphere Generator, has a misleading name, it doesn't generate atmosphere from nothing, that has proven impossible. Each of these is actually linked with our facility and serves as a sort of portal, thanks to our progress in teleportation tech we were able to store several small thousand small teleporters inside the machine. Through these teleporters we send various gases wich are a part of atmophere from our Atmosphere Storage facility directly to the generators area. Thanks to inbuilt scanners the machine will know if thee is enough atmosphere in the are and will shut down if there is. This process is autonomous, but as each race is accustomed to breathing different gases for survival, so they need to ''order'' the gases of wich the sent atmosphere is made of.

    Now to the second part, the Air Recycler. Compared to the AG, this is a simple piece of essential equipment. This machine takes care of maintaining the created atmosphere. It works quite simply, this machine functions like a flower - well, a quantum flower - it absorbs the exhaled gases (ex. CO2) and then through nuclear fission seperates the oxyde back to carbon and oxygen. Don't worry about the energy that is released in the process, it is sent directly into the closest battery unit.

    Matter Refinery (TBA)

    The SEED Program (TBA)

    History (TBA)
    Employment Applications (TBA)
    ([There will be two kinds of applications one for a scientist and one for a Pioneer.])

    ([I will try to create a logo and some sort of machinery pixels if I have time.])
  2. AirMan121

    AirMan121 Void-Bound Voyager

    "connect your E.V.A. suit with your shits mainframe"
    These are some wise words of wisdom.

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