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Random rows of crops dying?

Discussion in 'Support' started by CattMann, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. CattMann

    CattMann Space Hobo

    Sometimes either individual crops or entire rows will all die and turn into other plants that I've never seen before. The ones that seem to die together have always been planted on the same day. I've had entire greenhouses all die and turn to this, but I never took a screenshot.

    Here is a screenshot of my Winter Seeds dying for no reason. As you can see, I have a scarecrow placed and sprinklers to constantly water them. The ones farther to the right were planted a few days later, and didn't die.

    Anyone have any idea why this happens? As I said before, it has happened both outside and in the greenhouse multiple times, and they always have sufficient watering and scarecrows.

    UPDATE: The next day, all of the crops that were alive the day before are now dead.
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    • One More Day

      One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

      The crops in that picture are fine, they just look like that while they are growing. Honestly, the first time I also thought they had died

      FYI, none of the seasonal wild seeds actually need to be protected by scarecrows, they are immune to being eaten.

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