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Quick guide to unpack your starbound assets folder

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Clockwork, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    So can you run the packer just by clicking on it? I tried and it just flashed up for a split second and closed.
  2. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    And it didn't modify anything. I'm just trying to mod my own game.
  3. NoirSuccubus

    NoirSuccubus Guest

    Dunno if you guys knew this or not, but in regards to the paths, you can just use ../assets/packed.pak

    The .. part just makes it go back a folder. ;)
  4. Tini_weni

    Tini_weni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    lol i'v not even run the game since it updated, ahh the frustration why the devs not do what Clockwork made for the unpacker
  5. Lyro

    Lyro Seal Broken

    Tryd it, but dont know, it wont work...

    How did i target a Folder?
    My Path to repack it:
    asset_packer.exe "....myfolders\Starbound\win32\assets" newpacked.pak
    Wont work ;) help pls :(
  6. Clockwork

    Clockwork Master Astronaut

    mkay try this
    Put it in the win32 folder, also maybe delete packed.pak first, I'm not sure how the program treats overwriting stuff.
    Tini_weni likes this.
  7. Tilux

    Tilux Aquatic Astronaut

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Gaming\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound>win32\asset
    _unpacker.exe assets\packed.pak assets
    Exception caught: IOException: remove error: Permission denied
      0043F4F4 asset_unpacker.exe
      00413CEA asset_unpacker.exe
      004168E9 asset_unpacker.exe
      00416745 asset_unpacker.exe
      00416745 asset_unpacker.exe
      004B65E3 asset_unpacker.exe
      004010FD asset_unpacker.exe
      773D98EE ntdll.dll
      773D98C4 ntdll.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Gaming\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound>
    So, how I do i fix this? Running W8.1 Pro
    AmazonValkyrie and Annuschka like this.
  8. PurplePrairiedog

    PurplePrairiedog Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure what im doing wrong but console opens for a split second then closes
  9. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    This is the reason I did it manually. I have windows 8 granted, but that is close enough.

    I modified my post due to I forgot the exe file in the first ""

    but that is what I did after booting up the command prompt.
  10. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

  11. Lyro

    Lyro Seal Broken

    Guys the Batch file from Clockwork is an example, u can edit the paths ... i packed it in a new file (like packed2.pak or something else ... but when i try to use this new packed file (renamed in my mod folder in packed.pak, my mod wont work - game starts without the mod
  12. Tilux

    Tilux Aquatic Astronaut

    It was done manually. :l
  13. summitslaughter

    summitslaughter Big Damn Hero

    How do you recompress it?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  14. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    oh... hm... might be a thing with 8.1, as I have not upgraded to that yet. hmm... well does my command line thing work on it? Even though I have it going to a different directory. Windows 8 has quite a bit to get use to still yet. Came from xp, so was a large change for me.
  15. Tilux

    Tilux Aquatic Astronaut

    CMD is the same, I have to do everything manually though if I want to keep the CMD open and not instantly close.
    Tamorr likes this.
  16. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    XP yup... crashing on start up no matter what I do. it's not any major modding either, i just changed the lantern stick brightness and the player interact radius and the matter manipulater radius and fire time... OTL
  17. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    yeah I usually do it that way so I know what is going on too... I just know what I typed works on the regular windows 8, although takes a bit to finish.
  18. Clockwork

    Clockwork Master Astronaut

    Tiy say's he's making the unpacker "safer", there might be some problem with it.

    Maybe try deleting packed.pak first before you use pack.bat
  19. ClockworkMidnight

    ClockworkMidnight Big Damn Hero

    I've tried that twice. still crashing on start up. XP
  20. summitslaughter

    summitslaughter Big Damn Hero

    Hey, whenever I load my game, it gives a infinite loading black screen. Is ti because my file isn't compressed to .pak, and if so how would I compress it?
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