Question about SpeedMod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kit Ballard, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Kit Ballard

    Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

    So I got the 1.05 update and noticed the speedmod I have keeps getting reset to default. Hate to bother, but where might I find the updated one that runs on SMAPI? or would SMAPI 0.37+ fix my silly issue? (still on the old SMAPI 0.36). I'd go get Storm, but I'm patient. I can wait till it's more stable for a non-coder like myself to use.
    • ArchGaden

      ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

      I'm having the same issue. It happened once before as well, but the problem went away.. likely an update fixed it as I couldn't play for a day. We're in a very early state for modding so these things happen. You could try Storm which has a speed mod apparently, but not much else yet.
      • Randonx

        Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        You could just set your speed to 2 if you have the trainer.dll mod loaded, which I'm guessing you do if you have SMAPI.
        • ArchGaden

          ArchGaden Big Damn Hero

          It doesn't stick though. The problem is that after a few seconds of moving, the speed drops back to 0... like it's getting reset internally somehow.

          Anyway, I found an easy way around the issue, but you do have to go up to SMAPI 0.37 (which breaks a few SMAPI mods sadly, like calendar, but I already live without that).

          Install the cheat menu mod and use the speed setting in that. It seems to keep it locked just fine.

          Storm has a lot more mods than I thought it had... like dozens more popped up in two days. Wow. Once I see one that lets me freeze time on demand, I'll jump over to that. Or maybe just make the mod myself when I have half a day to figure it out... since Storm lets you use the free community VS2015, wheras SMAPI needed the heavier less free version.
          • Kit Ballard

            Kit Ballard Tentacle Wrangler

            Cheat menu.. hmm... I'll give it a shot. Thanks ^_^. Sorry to have someone else dig up a solution, but limited internet speed really bites x,x

            edit: Perfectly fixed. There's quite a number of features that has wow. I do believe I'll stick with this until it breaks again :rofl: I really don't mod often, and only needed a few personal tweeks added.
              Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
            • Randonx

              Randonx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              That's exactly what I meant by setting your speed to 2. It's what I'm using as a workaround until the Sprint mod is fixed.

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