Question about Item Spawning on console

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HrdRock, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. HrdRock

    HrdRock Space Hobo

    So does the item spawning trick doesn't work anymore?? I play on Xbox and I was reading about the Item Spawning Trick. That's cool I would help me with fishing cause I really don't like the fishing mini-game. for me its a pain on my controller. I don't mind fishing. And I was going to use it to help with the community center for that reason. Makes me sad to read it doesn't work on consoles any more only on PC and mobile I think.
    The Item spawning trick is what made me want to start playing it again. To help with Items I have a hard time getting or finding. If I was able to play it on PC I would use mods. Like the tractor or the automation one.
    • Pangaea

      Pangaea Forum Moderator

      The support forum is for glitches or technical issues with the game. Moved to general discussion.

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