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Bug/Issue Quest "Initiation" bugged.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Xylia, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    So I started a new playthrough on Steam PC, and I got to the part where I'm supposed to kill 10 slimes in the Mine.

    The first day I was able to go to the Mine, I went down to Floor 10 (I needed coal for the scarecrow and the game was refusing to give me coal).

    The next day, I went to the mine again after getting the mail from Marlon asking me to kill 10 slimes to join the adventurer's guild.

    Went to the mine, killed a bunch of slimes and decided to check my progress.

    "0/2 Green Slimes killed"

    I was like ".....wut?"

    Killed a couple more, and nope. Still 0/2 despite me killing probably 8-12 of them.


    • Xylia

      Xylia Tiy's Beard


      Apparently for some reason it wants Rock Crabs. I opened the save file and noticed it mentioned Rock Crabs next to the <quest> tag for that quest.

      SO, on a hunch I went to the mines and killed a Rock Crab. It went from 0/2 Green Slimes to 1/10 Rock Crabs.


      That's going to take stinking forever to get that done, because said crabs are NOT plentiful by any means.

      EDIT: That was before today's update. But since I already have the quest on me, and there's no way to abandon/drop/cancel quests, I'm probably stuck with it.
      • MysticTempest

        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

        If you want to upload your savefile; I can try and fix it.

        I did a quick test on a new game under the latest beta build today. It still errors a bit on the "how many I should kill". It says 6, but when I kill one it resets to needing 10. But, it does give me slimes; as the target.
        • Xylia

          Xylia Tiy's Beard

          Nah, it's OK... I have 7/10 now, so.. with any luck, another 15-20 trip should do it. But thanks for the offer! It's also nice knowing that I'm not the only one with the problem.
          • Xylia

            Xylia Tiy's Beard

            There we go. Finally got it done, I had to run clear down to Floor 29 before I got the last 3 crabs (4 of them on one floor lol).

            But hey, I almost have the bug head weapon already, 103/125 kills. haha.
            • MysticTempest

              MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

              Haha, nice!!
              • femdelacrem

                femdelacrem Space Hobo

                Hi! Is it possible you can fix mine? I am having the same issue but I tried to fix it by making the quest complete in the save file but it didn't let me into the guild :/
                • MysticTempest

                  MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                  Sure, just zip up your save and upload it here.
                  • Typhoon

                    Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                    This bug has been in the game for a long time and it apparently remains unfixed - it's now affecting Switch owners.

                    @Chucklefish/Sickhead Games, can you fix it please? :)

                    • HimbeereEsser

                      HimbeereEsser Void-Bound Voyager

                      Hi, I'm not sure if this thread is dead or what but, I have a problem where no matter what monster I kill, slimes, rock crabs, flies, demons, nothing is filling adding to the total monsters needed.
                      • MysticTempest

                        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                        Hey HimbeereEsser, if you're on PC; you can zip up your affected save. Follow this guide for their locations: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Saves
                        And, I can see about repairing it. Or if you wanted to do it yourself, the quest data for that quest would have to be replaced with a working version. You can find a copy, on my old post here: https://community.playstarbound.com...est-bug-and-qi-quest-bug.135408/#post-3193591
                        • Typhoon

                          Typhoon Spaceman Spiff

                          You'll find that due to this old bug the Slimes total is irrelevant - what instead happens is that the total to be killed is whichever monster you first killed. Usually it's Rock Crabs - are these showing up at the bottom of the Quest instead (below the 0/10 Slimes Killed)?

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