Pixel Pyro3345s Pixel Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Tarpet Mixxak, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. :Vlol.
  2. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Thanks alot! :D
  3. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks! I gotta admit that demon made me smile :D Also, if you have some random free time in your day could you make the hair be longer? Like in the 3rd picture in the link i gave you? Don't get me wrong, i love it! You could do that when you are bored! :D By the way thank you very much!
  4. ok...
  5. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    ...ok sorry if i confuzed u
  6. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just a tiny bit :p But no need to be sorry :DD
  7. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    i like your guy its cool i'm geussing pryo did it
  8. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    i love your work....by the way what software do you use to do this? i want to try it out for my self.
  9. I use GIMP mostly, and no I didn't make Jensen's avatarX3
  10. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    oh....right right...ok any thanks for doing that..i'll look in to gimp...what version?
  11. I use 2.6 but apparently there's a GIMP 3 out.
  12. Anyway, I'm finishing up some requests but tonight I most likely WON'T be updating because I have a project due soon and I gotta buckle down on it. [​IMG]
  13. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    ok thats fine just take your time
  14. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Even though this is completely and utterly useless... BUMPITY BUMP BUMP... That is all.
  15. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you very much!
  16. lol my post has been on the front page ever since i updated it xD Let's just say that this forum isn't the biggest and most active one out there...
  17. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    That is one weird looking "sniper rifle". The stock looks like it would hurt.
    Nice job anyways :p
  18. It's a snipper riffle. and i'm limited to what I can use for gunparts cause I'm using the Starbound Gun Resource pack :3
  19. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Read the OP, there is an application you have to fill out.
  20. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Aaaand he removed his post :S Which btw, this is your 100th post :D Celebrations anyone? :proper:

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