Pixel Pyro3345s Pixel Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Tarpet Mixxak, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Naw it isn't I just haven't been working on requests lately, but no worries it'll get done. But over the next few days i'll be stuck in a hurricane so it won't be up for a little while.
  2. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Shadow, try to use pixels the same size as the base you are using, it will look better.
    pyro3345 likes this.
  3. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    are you referring to my avatar?
  4. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Yes, but also your pixelart in general.
    pyro3345 likes this.
  5. Yeah a good tip :p
  6. Jensen

    Jensen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    How do you think I feel :p I am stuck in it's path :D It will hit me tomorrow near the afternoon, so no worries!
  7. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    its already hit me...just a tiny bit
  8. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Hahaha, I have a massive sprite compared to others. :p
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  9. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    ..................ill try................:(
  10. I just made it bigger xD
  11. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Username: Galactic Mindswipe
    Images (Appreciated but not required):
    Description: I need some trains for my train idea suggestion, if you need more detail about them I'll gladly add more (I like to give artists as much freedom as they want with things)
    Reference Links (again not required): http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/trains.11217/
  12. at the moment i'm swamped and really need to get some of these requests done. I'll get back to you on this later.
  13. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    hey i could do your trains if you want? i could give it a shot. reply back plz
  14. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    why sure

    why use grammer wen we can not?

    JK :p
  15. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Okey Dokey Lokey, I've taken some time to try and figure out a character without running into copyright issues. So, I figured: why not just do myself! Oh yesh, I don't have a camera so I had to scour the internet for these pictures. Just a fair warning: there are many pictures.

    Username: Arretez​
    Images (Appreciated but not required):​

    Description: This is essentially me. It's a guy with a buzz cut, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. He's wearing a brown B-3 bomber jacket, with dark green/grey cargo pants, a radio, black combat boots, a green/brown sling pack, and he's wielding a VSK-94 rifle. The sling pack would be going across from the left shoulder to the right hip. At the top left shoulder of the sling pack's strap would be the radio. Um, I guess that's it. If you need more pictures, I've got plenty, and if you need anymore info, I've got some of that too.​
    Reference Links (again not required):​
  16. Jedesis

    Jedesis Ketchup Robot

    Nice SKILLZs there! ;-)
    Arretez likes this.
  17. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    If I provide a drawn picture(Pixel), could you sprite it?
  18. Slendamon

    Slendamon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Username: Slendamon
    Images (Appreciated but not required): slendamon.png
    Description: Slendamon as a sprite
    Reference Links (again not required): ^up there
  19. TheSlimeGuy

    TheSlimeGuy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    this is quite an annoying one and no one has tried yet but if you can be bothered don't.
    Username: TheSlimeGuy
    Images (Appreciated but not required):
    Description:a terrarian style character standing in a pile of black slime goop and a small black slime saying: i will avenge you mother
    Reference Links (again not required):
    these are just the general look of his gear etc
  20. So yeah, the OP is going to be redesigned fully! I'm going through and making some images to make it pretty like :D
    Breather likes this.

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