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RELEASED Purchasable Pets [SB 1.2] v1.4

Buy pets at Infinity Express

  1. SoulEchelon

    SoulEchelon Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm sorry if I overlooked something or this was already addressed, but how do I remove my original pet? I wanted to use the Pet Trap item but it's on sale for 0 pixels, thus I can't buy it.
    I'm playing a mod race by the way (Felin). Not sure if that makes it impossible or not.
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Pet trap is 0 pixels? Thanks I will look into it.
    Ya you will need to ask @Kawa how he added it.
    If he used a custom tech station then pet trap wouldn't work, because it would be constantly spawning the pet anyway.
    If he referenced one of the vanilla tech stations then it theoretically should work as long as no other mod overwrites the changes.

    Till then you can check for your self easily by spawning it manually
    /spawnitem petTrap 1
  3. SoulEchelon

    SoulEchelon Void-Bound Voyager

    Bah, looks like it just respawns itself. It's a crawling tentacle and while there's an understandable lore around why a Felin would have a tentacle pet, I...don't like tentacles. <_<
    Either way, thanks for the help. I'll figure something out!
  4. enceos

    enceos Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Can this mod spawn pets on planets?
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Yes - just place the pethouse on the planet.
  6. leongrox

    leongrox Void-Bound Voyager

    im not sure what it is, but my pet keeps restarting and changing, everytime i go to my ship, i have a new pet (of the kind i bought), what could be causing that?
  7. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ya I am not a 100% sure, I noticed this happen occasionally.
    Some times restarting the game helps.

    It is the way they store and push out information seems to be a little wonky.
    Some how if that data gets changed inadvertently then the data gets modified.
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    xxswatelitexx updated Purchasable Pets with a new update entry:

    Small Updates

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Kordain

    Kordain Void-Bound Voyager

    Just wanted to report an odd bug, not sure if it's cause by the mod, or if it's a bug with the actual game. Mostly for decoration I've set up turrets inked to an alarm system on board my ship, however the turrets activate whenever they see the cat I purchased at infinity express. Although I'm glad to see my alarm system works it will be getting very annoying quickly if I keep the pet on my ship.

    Never mind I managed to attach the screenshot. (Derp)

    Attached Files:

  10. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    That is something to do with the turrets.
    The pets spawned are no different then the pets spawned in vanilla.
  11. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't know what your policy is on updating to nightly but your mod keeps spawning pets when you leave and then come back to the ship or world on nightly.
  12. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ya I only deal with stable - or I will have to constantly keep checking to make sure it works.
    When the next stable hits and there is an issue I will deal with it.
  13. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    BTW this mod works on Unstable (Glad Giraffe) if you delete the file petbehavior.lua in /monsters/pets (because all the functions that are in the mod's petbehavior.lua are now in the stock one but it is coded differently.
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ya - the changes to pet behavior on my end was simply so the pet will sleep in its own house.
    It is not a crucial file - if you don't mind the pet sleeping outside.
  15. sigmix0101

    sigmix0101 Space Spelunker

    Is this mod compatible with Glad Giraffe?
  16. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    No - they changed a few of the Lua functions - so I have to sit down and spend some time to see what all has changed to make the appropriate changes. Should be ready by this weekend if all goes well.
  17. sigmix0101

    sigmix0101 Space Spelunker

    Okay. I can wait... :disshappy:
  18. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

  19. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Ok should be working again - post any bugs here.
    I have for the time being disabled the ability for pets to sleep in their custom pet houses.
    There have been quite a few changes to core mechanics of pets ( though none are added features - just how it all works )
    So I will have to take time to dig through all the code to see what is going on as there still is no documentation.

    But at least the bare bone basics is working.

    Just stating again
    • Pet trap is disabled
    • Ability for pets to sleep in custom houses is disabled.
  20. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Just a heads up.
    This will most likely be the last major release.

    I am planning for a new version of the mod with different spawning mechanics.
    Which won't be compatible with the current version - but the new one will offer more flexibility.

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