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Notice Publishing vs Developing

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Wasn't it already stated that there are plans to set up a central Chucklefish website? Why are we still arguing about this?
  2. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've been on some sort of forum now for 30 years and I have yet to see any satisfying answer to that question.
  3. samp

    samp Void-Bound Voyager

    Posting on their main site is logical, Molly explained that as publishers they also try to get the games they publish publicity, so it isn't weird that they post on their busiest site.
    You could see this as a sneaky business tactic, but really, since these games only get made if they get enough backers on kickstarter, they would be really lousy publishers if they didn't post it on the frontpage.
    It doesn't really bother me, it isn't really what I come to this site for, but if it means that more indie-devs can live their dream, who am I to complain.
    Palewolf and Christovski like this.
  4. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Besides, if I'm not interested, I just skip over it anyway. Though I certainly was interested in Witchmarsh.
  5. Toquio3

    Toquio3 Star Wrangler

    Whenever you plug games you're "publishing" on the starbound website, I just add them to my list of games never to buy. And I also make a point to not buy anything from the devs of those games.

    So please, keep them coming, you're just saving me money.
    Pingeh and DraconX like this.
  6. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Heh, that's so petty.
  7. DraconX

    DraconX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or maybe we should get starbound instead of any other things(especialy games that are not even similar to starbound in gamestyle) , when I go to car salon I want see cars not a soap.
    SweFox likes this.
  8. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    It's like ads you cannot adblock :(
  9. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    Congratulations, you're part of the problem
  10. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    What might that be?
    ___MeRliN___ and DraconX like this.
  11. Toquio3

    Toquio3 Star Wrangler

    I'll spend my money on what I damn well please.

    Key words: 'my money'.

    I dont owe them a goddamn thing.
    Pingeh, SweFox and DraconX like this.
  12. DraconX

    DraconX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Because he is disappointed with broken product he paid for ?
    ___MeRliN___ and SweFox like this.
  13. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    Because he's purposefully being a petty jerk?

    Also he paid for an EARLY ACCESS BETA which is blatantly listed as something that is buggy and IN DEVELOPMENT.
    Starbound is not advetised as a finished product, if you want the finished product wait a year or so for them to finish the game
    Paco495 and Mackinz like this.
  14. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    A friend and I were golfing yesterday and he brought up a very good point when we were discussing indie games: If we were to somehow be able to get our handicaps into the minuses (instead of the laughably bad 40 or more that they are now) we could qualify for the tour. That would technically make us professional golfers. What it wouldn't do is automatically guarantee we would start winning tournaments. We would essentially be professional scrubs making silly rookie mistakes the real pros learned to avoid years (decades) ago.

    The point being that CF is now a brand new professional company. That doesn't necessarily mean they they should be in any way compared to every other big boy gaming company. The dissatisfaction with their performance that some people have should not stem from CF making typical doofus mistakes. But yet it does and that just shows that those same people have ricockulously skewed expectations after making numbskull comparisons.

    Too long; Didn't read because you're a fool: They're newbies and, like all committed newbs, they'll figure it out and hopefully get better at it. And maybe eventually come back and pwn all the asses.
    Barl0we, Dagorran, Mackinz and 2 others like this.
  15. Christovski

    Christovski Ketchup Robot

    Things people currently need: Patience.

    Things people need to do WITHOUT: Believing that paying $15 for an early access game means the developers have to do exactly what they want.

    The developers don't owe you anything but access to their beta, which they have given you.

    Check your Entitlement at the door, and get over yourselves. Play the game, have fun, and don't be a jerk to the developers :p
    Thoragon and Barl0we like this.
  16. DraconX

    DraconX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When I bough this game (December 2013) I was promised thick and fast daily updates, there were 3 small updates which were good but to small to satisfy me or other people (visit steam forum for more criticism post)
    Pingeh, ___MeRliN___, Beniwa and 2 others like this.
  17. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    If it only were that simple huh. They surely owe people more than a beta.
  18. Toquio3

    Toquio3 Star Wrangler

    wrong wrong wrong.

    they owe me a full game.

    I didnt buy into a beta. I pre-ordered a full game. thats what it says on the PRE-ORDER page on their own website. At the time of pre order, they had listed a release date of 2014.

    So yes, they do owe me a full game.
    Pingeh, Boshed, Beniwa and 3 others like this.
  19. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    So what about those of us who are mad about you spending money on publishing when what we paid for was for Starbound to be developed? If we had wanted to "help out other indie developers" we would have given them money for their game, rather that watch you guys spend money that we gave you on other developers and their games. We gave you money to develop STARBOUND and you spent that money on other people's projects so that even if Starbound was a flop, or never got finished you guys would have money coming in from essentially hedging your bets. This feels rather unethical to me as a fan.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
    Pingeh, FLOknows, SweFox and 2 others like this.
  20. Kojinus

    Kojinus Void-Bound Voyager

    You're joking right? They have a full time team working on Starbound, Molly posted EARLIER in this very thread that publishing these games does NOT take away from developing Starbound at all. How thick do you have to be, honestly?

    You're basically saying "I'm mad because my money that went to supporting this game is now being used to support this game to its fullest as well as help other people out with their games". Everything about this is a win-win, Starbound remains in full force development (whether or not it's to your AAA standards is irrelevant) and new and fun games are able to be finished and published.

    Everyone who is speaking so negatively about all of this needs to take a step back and realize what you're doing. CF is an indie game company, developing a game that we all want, and HELPING other companies develop games that people want, and you're giving them a hard time over it? Get over yourselves, good things are happening and you find ways to play the victim, it's disgusting.

    All of that aside, I personally don't mind seeing you guys post stuff about other games on the front page. I tune in for Starbound updates, but will never turn down an opportunity to be exposed to other potentially good games. :)
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
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