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Closed PS4.

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by KHCloud, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. KHCloud

    KHCloud Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just watched an interview video on youtube detailing that Starbound will be coming to PS4.

    This is a long shot but figured I'd ask anyway, will we be getting PSN codes with our pre-order/purchase?
    I really don't expect it but you never know so thought i'd ask the question.
  2. That is most certainly a no, after the Interview with Legris there is pretty much a discussion on PS4 going on, but they said it will be ported to both Vita and PS4 after launch, what means depending when the game releases on 2014 we may still need to wait a decent amount of time.
    So when a game like this on PC, like Terraria or Minecraft launches on consoles, we pay it again. :cautious:
    Serenity likes this.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    No. At launch, the game will only be on PC, Mac and Linux. Playstation ports will be coming sometime after the full release. I imagine it would be a separate purchase to the desktop version.
    Serenity likes this.
  4. darkdomino

    darkdomino Title Not Found

    They can't even release this game in a reasonable timeframe for PC and you're asking about PS4?
  5. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    Where's the Xbox One and Wii U versions? We need them too. Don't say the Wii U is dead. Ask yourself this question: Why is the Wii U still getting games? Yes, we all know the Wii U isn't getting as many games as us fans would like, but Nintendo is working hard right now, allow them time to complete their games.
  6. darkdomino

    darkdomino Title Not Found

    There is so much fail associated with how Nintendo is handling itself these days that I'm doubtful they're going to be relevant 10 years from now.

    Nintendo has repeatedly made horrible design and sales decisions. They chose, for whatever reason, to NOT market their Wii U to anyone. Heck, nobody knows what the Wii U is. Half the people I talk to think it's an attachment for the original Wii.

    Nintendo makes a ton off their mobile NDS division, but my theory is that there will be a tipping point where they've lost just too many customers... pissed off too many people... and eventually they go the route of Sega.
  7. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    No they wouldn't. :) They would most likely shorten the console's life and build a new, better one.
    Also, remember that the Wii U may eventually have better sales next year. There will be plenty of new games for it as well as next year which include; Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Super Mario Galaxy 3, The Legend of Zelda U.
    Oh man am I super hyped for Zelda!
  8. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    I believe Nintendo has a tight policy on indie games or games it allows.
    Do you seriously think Nintendo, of absolutely all the companies would die out or be slightly relevant? This comes off as sounding like such a joke.
    Everybody I've talked to know what the Wii U is, and the only problem I see is people debating whether it's really "next gen" or not. It's the only next gen console I was actually excited about due purely to the fact that Nintendo games and and accompanying 3rd party games seem to blow everything else out the water. The only people I see buying Nintendo are the people that know it's a great provider of games, which by the way is a huge populace. In the terms of just consols, there's been many that have a rough start before even getting to be good. But Nintendo in general, is who I'd bet would be the ONLY relevant company in the far future if console companies were to extinguish over time.
    Legacy95 likes this.
  9. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you for explaining. Just my cup o' coffe. :D
    Evangelion likes this.
  10. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    your joking right, please say your jokeing
    you cant be srs
    if your not jokeing i feel very sad for you =(
  11. darkdomino

    darkdomino Title Not Found

    Which statement of mine are you refuting? Any of them? No? I thought so.
  12. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    here lets break it up

    "There is so much fail associated with how Nintendo is handling itself these days that I'm doubtful they're going to be relevant 10 years from now."
    (well this statement is just wrong, nintendo will still be relevant 10 years from now even if it compely tanks people will still talk about the old games thus making it still relevant, its not just gonna disapere)

    "Nintendo has repeatedly made horrible design and sales decisions."
    (they seem to be doing well seeing they are the number 1 selling in japan almost always)

    "They chose, for whatever reason, to NOT market their Wii U to anyone"
    (they doent need too, anyone who knows what the wiiu is, already has one, waiting for more games, or isnt intrested, Also you propley havnt seen there youtube chanal

    "Heck, nobody knows what the Wii U is."
    (everyone who is a gamers knows what it is)

    "Half the people I talk to think it's an attachment for the original Wii."
    ( no one is this dumb, not even my grandmother thinks this, who are you talking to?, cavemen?)

    "Nintendo makes a ton off their mobile NDS division,"
    (thats true)

    "but my theory is that there will be a tipping point where they've lost just too many customers... pissed off too many people... and eventually they go the route of Sega."
    (your last statment proved this one false)

    honesly nintendo doent care about makeing money, they just make games for the gamers thats all they care about
    they could always go make that Pokemon MMO, or an HD majoras mask, and get millions but they never will, becouse they dont want money
    that and out of all of the (3 major game systems) nintendo is the ONLY one who makes profit

    now back on topic, i would love to see Starbound on other systems, but honestly like most indie games, its "homebase" is PC becouse its the one thats gets the updates 1st, free online, and mod suport
    Draconano likes this.
  13. darkdomino

    darkdomino Title Not Found

  14. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    yep, just like valve,
    they could have charged per TF2 update but havnt,
    in fact they made it free 2 play

    also to add on to your Sega comment,
    nintendo would never do something as dumb as sega like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SegaWorld

    now please stop derailed the thread, this is about the PS4 afterall =D
  15. Cantiep

    Cantiep Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Starbound may eventually come to consoles, however it will take a very long time for the devs to join up with Sony, create the PlayStation version and release it. As the Starbound devs will keep on making Starbound for a year after it's release, they may not have the time to begin the port to PS4.
  16. Legacy95

    Legacy95 Void-Bound Voyager

    If they do ever happen to port StarBound to PS4, at least they can also port to Wii U. That would certainly be a dream come true... one of my favorite unreleased games on Wii U!
  17. Benjamin Bridges

    Benjamin Bridges Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The port to PS4 shouldn't take too much work, the PS4 hardware is practically standard PC guts. I would think most of the work would be integration with PSN and performance optimization.
    Heartstrings and xepherys like this.
  18. xepherys

    xepherys Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not entirely sure that you're in touch with reality... comments bolded and underlined in quote.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
    Benjamin Bridges likes this.
  19. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Like I said up above, Nintendo has a strict policy on what games it allows on it's consoles, even more tight for indie games.
    First off, did you just say the Wii was horrible? The only one out of touch here seems to be you... The beginning sales for the Wii were astounding and it continued to be one of the best consoles, in the least saying it was horrible is as silly as denying the earth is round. Of course that's all just your opinion to begin with, but objectively you just seem like a person who hated it for no reasons but your own. The DS, absolute rules the handheld market no matter what country it is. The sheer library of and attention it gets from Nintendo is enough to put it up there again with the Wii- seeing no real reason how it could even be bad except for your silly opinion. The Wii U hasn't been marketed very well but as an article stated, those who compared it to playing on a tablet and nothing more falled within the demograph of unknowledgeable mothers and grandmas, congrats for being in that- proving you really don't know much about the Wii U or it's games.

    Second, don't even get me started with your silly demograph of what gamers will play... oh man, "Hardcore gamers..." Please.
    For one thing, it's demograph can't be young kids... they're all playing tablets right? But wait even if they aren't... a huge chunk of them flood to shooters on other consoles, hence the Xbox Live or PS online being riddled with annoying kids barely above or perhaps below puberty. This just leaves a few type of people then, those who are not to well at games, and those who are family oriented. If you think it's the first one, you've never played a true nintendo game. The second one seems more likely, but even then it's not a good sizable chunk.

    Third for the pissed off customers, you're a strange one. GC was literally the best console I've ever had with amazing games on that. Again, your strange opinions against Nintendo only seem to fuel your argument.

    Fourth, of course they want money like any business. My only problem here are people's crazy idea of this rehash shit. I'm sorry, how is Wind Waker a rehash of Majora's mask? Oh... no? Well how about Twilight Princess and Skyward sword? Oh... let's move on to another then. How about the first Metroid compared to the Prime series? What's that? You can't do it? I didn't think so. Ohhh Ok, so the rehashing is all in the Mario Kart series. So how objectively can a racing game change besides graphics? You add new courses and bump the graphics, throw in some new carts/cars as well. The hell are you expecting, battle warfare mode? Capture the flag? It's no different from any other racing game in it's 8th installment.

    "10% times better than crap is crap"
    I suggest you try again harder next time, find some time make a rebuttal without it being riddled in your subjective hate of non logical sense.
  20. xepherys

    xepherys Void-Bound Voyager

    It filled a void - a cheap, kid-gifting void. Parents weren't rushing out to spend $599 on a PS3 for their kids for Christmas at launch, so of COURSE the Wii sold. More Ford Fiestas sell than Lamborghinis. That doesn't make the Fiesta better, or even good, it makes it affordable.

    And once again, you clearly aren't presenting logic in your arguments. First of all, iOS/Android rule the mobile/handheld gaming market if you are looking at sheer numbers. But if you are sticking with actual portable consoles, your logic still fails you - the DS had no competition for YEARS before the Vita came along. It's not hard to do good business in a vacuum, and until the Vita gets a stronger library that will continue. With the price drop, and the much stronger hardware of the Vita, in a few short years, the DS will suffer. Also, back to design, the 2DS is god-awful. Just look at reviews from major gaming and tech sites. Or just look at it. LOOK AT IT! It's ugly.

    Wrong answer. What little marketing Nintendo did do with the Wii U focused primarily on the tablet-like features of the controller, and the ability to play some games or mini-games directly on it. Those are Nintendo's marketing slicks, not grandmas and non-gamers.

    I won't go into the age-based flamewars because I don't actually know you, but I've been playing "true Nintendo games" since December of 1985. And frankly, the first-party titles are amazing. If Nintendo would give up the ghost already regarding hardware and pull a Sega - offering it's fantastic software on other platforms - I would buy every Mario, Zelda, and Metroid game that comes out. I'm a gamer BECAUSE of Nintendo, because of hours and days and weeks and months spent playing Kid Icarus and Nobunaga's Ambition and, man... and so many games. Nintendo whelped me into the gamer I am now, but just like a neglectful parent, they lost touch - they stopped caring about what I wanted or needed, and I know a lot of gamers my age that feel exactly the same way. That's probably the sentiment behind people saying that Nintendo "won't be relevant" in a decade. Maybe to some young gamers, but to fewer and fewer older gamers... the ones who actually have the money to spend on consoles and games. That's a dangerous trend for Nintendo. Even if they aren't "in it for the money," they still need that money to survive.

    Strange opinions? It's not like I'm the only one with them. I'm not even the only one with those opinions in this thread. What are the GC games that you so cherish? I didn't really care for the N64, but it did have some stellar games, and pushed the envelope for what a console could do. Back then, Nintendo did that - pushed to bigger and better things. Now they accept resting on their years-gone-by laurels collection gold Mario coins in return for staying mediocre. Hell, the DreamCast was a better system than the GameCube, and Sega clearly had no clue what they were doing at the time.

    Wind Waker HD has nothing to do with Majora's Mask - it's a rehash of... wait for it... Wind Waker. You know, that game that Nintendo made over a decade ago now? Yeah, it's the same thing. But prettier. That's basically the definition of a rehash. Oh, except it's in 1080p resolution. Now that Nintendo can actually support 1080p years after everyone else could. (protip: so can an iPad) And I don't expect Mario Kart to be that different - I just don't expect them to insult my intelligence by selling me basically the same game every few years with a different wrapper. I know it's worked for EA Sports for the last 15 years, but that isn't exactly a gold standard to follow.

    At any rate, those are my thoughts on the matter. I've tried to back them up with more actual information, but I'm sure you'll refuse to acknowledge that effort. ::shrug:: I'd rather not listen to you whine on PSN or XBL anyway. Enjoy WiiU, WiiWare, and all the great watered-down versions of AAA titles you are bound to get for the next ten years, just like Wii owners got from PS3/360 titles. I guess it's at least good that the games cost less.
    Benjamin Bridges likes this.
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