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Server Discussion Project Starlight - Starbound Server Extension - Player Commands, Admins and more! - Open Source!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Opalium, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    By server errors what do you mean?
  2. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    • New command: exitnow - shuts down Starlight immediately. (Instead of waiting 5 seconds)
    • You can now make Starlight ignore previous instances of Starbound server on startup through the config (allows you to run multiple instances)
    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3k3qzzqu7rrrwi/ProjectStarlight_0-2-3-beta.zip

    Well, I can say this is quite stable, but it's still not perfect. I believe there are some crashes/errors I haven't found yet, so I can't promise 100% stability yet.
    However, as more people will try Starlight and report problems, I hope I can get the stability as far as possible.

    About the errors: I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. Can you explain?
    I'll gladly share what I know. Just ask. :)
    supernet2 likes this.
  3. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks buddy bud bud!!!!
    Opalium likes this.
  4. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    The only crippling errors... Sorry for massive recap but here goes*

    Im just asking as im looking for something that holds up longer, something that gives me more functionality, and enables me to implement admins and or helps prevent the server from crippling so badly that server system completely locks up (Gui freezes up, entire system locks up*)
  5. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, Starlight doesn't have a GUI. It's console based. So you don't need to worry about that.
    As for log overloads... Starlight has some log filters that filter out unneeded log text (you can choose which), but other than that I haven't implemented anything yet. I can add one in the next build though, just tell me if you have any specific requests.
    It'll be tomorrow, though, it's getting late now and I need some sleep. :)
    supernet2 likes this.
  6. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    Dude you are my hero. That last update fixed my issue. Thanks a million. Have you had any brain waves regarding forcing slots/ports via command line?
  7. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    This maybe my replacement wrapper considering its console based. I prefer console. The one thing that would make me move to test this out more is to have automated restart apon identifying the listed errors i've listed (the crippler errors).

    This is one of them Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: std::bad_alloc

    The other one is

    key ?? (where ?? = whatever number went wrong in the world block generation process) {i think}

    Running 4 separate tools that do it all enabling my server to auto restart unless the system comes to a error thats so immense that it locks up the system. Thats whats really rendering my reboot tasks in the scheduler complete and utterly useless, if the entire system freezes up to point of nothing responds, at all im forced to power down unit or rip out power cable leading to the unit, then manually restart server system, do a quick registry fix run, and then resume server start up. If that one extra function can be added in, that would be basically a seller right their. I dont think anyones implemented a actual restart system thats not apart of their wrapper or isn't a plugin that works to that extent (for those critical errors that can push a server system to entire system freezeup)
  8. Stadl0r

    Stadl0r Contact!

    Thanks! I got plugin working. It was stable for a few minutes but then I started having issues where it was disconnecting players almost constantly. I'm running on Linux. IF you need help testing more on linux I can supply you with the logs.
  9. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Make sure your MOTD is not more than 45 characters, i had the same problem.
  10. Stadl0r

    Stadl0r Contact!

    Had it set to 26 characters. Could it be that it needs to stay on default MOTD? Thanks for the help though : )
  11. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Automatic restarter would be nice, something that will detect that the server hangs, because currently the server runs out of memory because of the memory leaks, server still runs but won't accept any new connections, so need something that will detect that and then reboots the server automaticly.

    Babysitting the server is still a huge roll for me at this stage, need to reboot my starbound server atleast 5 times a day if not more.
  12. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Theirs memory leaks? Do you mean when it runs into massive errors and due to the massive errors (crippler errors as i call them) begin to error up so hardcore to the point it creates memory leaks, vs no memory leaks if no crippler errors appear(?)
  13. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    It doesn't this is my MOTD
  14. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Indeed, nothing todo with the wrappers it's starbound itself, so waiting for them to optimize the code better for the server as well.
  15. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    My question is when are we going to get another update.
  16. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    hmmm no that is fine then, not sure why your clients get dc then, i only had that problem because my MOTD was longer than 45 characters.
  17. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    I realize its not the wrapper but more so optimization errors. My question is more so directed at the memory leaks related to errors. You call them optimization errors i call them errors that cripple the system due to massive log system build up. The actual cause. Until everything including users using a client to connect to server, and server houses ALL data (what data can be pulled to the client, ex; their user credentials, data, etc...) that i realize cannot be fully tweaked until that optimization occurs. Or just limit who can join the server based on if client has mods that are running that are not also installed on host machine (ex: using flagging).

    Their are ways to bypass and quickly reduce user/community issues by implementing automated reboot before these fatal optimization errors overwhelm the server system. I was asking for this OP to implement it. I can help add in collective input as my community of users let me know or complain (as i ask them to) about issues, weather it be a simple server reboot, to actually being mass disconnected from server due to say... someone doing something (or using modified clients, modified character data, old data, new data, you name it).

    Again 95% of my errors are due in part i dont catch the errors and quickly halt the system manually, i assume automated scripts will do this before entire server system locks up. Then again i also cannot be waiting hand & foot on watching system logs until the fatal error occurs to get system up and running.
  18. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

    Feature Request: Offline Banning.
    I would like the ability to ban people who are not currently in the server. (However I will just manually add the ban for now.)

    Had a raider come into the server asking me to invite him, then he tried to go into my ship's storage... (I admin from a brand new character lol.)
    Anyway I called him out and he left the server.

    P.S. I have been running the server for 6.5 hours with no issues.
    supernet2 likes this.
  19. Kaillera

    Kaillera Big Damn Hero

    Still a no go with my server running on 2008 r2. People seems to get locked up trying to exit. I don't think the server was sending any packets to them too, cause even the npcs on my ship just moonwalks in place.
  20. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm running a server on this same operating system put your configs up I'll see if I can spot the problem as both mine are running perfect.

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