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Server Discussion Project Starlight - Starbound Server Extension - Player Commands, Admins and more! - Open Source!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Opalium, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. IhToN

    IhToN Tentacle Wrangler

    Could you add the possibility to integrate it with starbounds-servers?
    You "only" have to export a JSON file just as:
    { "playercount": 2, "playerlist": [ { "nickname": "Killer Bytes" } , { "nickname": "xero" } ] }
  2. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    Try using the default motd and see if it lets you on?
  3. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    ok, default MOTD works perfect, so seems it don't like my MOTD, thanks :)

    Now my only problem now still is that i need to connect with IP - PORT each time where i use to only connect with the IP, any ideas?
  4. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's too long. It needs to be less than 45 characters because of a bug in Starbound. I'll to make a check on that.
  5. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is because the port set in Starbound.config is also the default port the game will try to connect to when connecting to a server. This is only for the local machine, though. Other players can connect without it.
  6. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hello, I just connected using the IP only so it works for external connections.
  7. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Thing is i am not hosting it on my PC.. it's a dedicated server elsewhere, weird thing is seems some can connect to it without the IP but i am the only one who can't, perhaps i am missing something or old data that saved my client to use the port now?
  8. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    This is what i don't get at all.. server is no where near me or on my pc but i can't use the IP only i need to use the port.
  9. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    If you've been running Starlight or changed your Starbound.config's port, it will happen in your computer too. Once again, this is where it reads the default port to connect to from, as well as the server port.

    You mean export a player list as a JSON file? I can add that. Is this the exact syntax?
  10. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    I believe he's fixed it as I could connect to his server without the need for a port.
  11. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Yea thanks for this.. while talking about it i had a look at my clients starbound.config seems if you change your gameport there it will use that as your default port if you only wanna use the ip to connect, so m server runs on port 21025 so i made my gameclient port 21025 so then you only use the IP :)

    Glad i got that sorted!

    Thanks for this awesome wrapper Opalium a few suggestion perhaps if i may..

    1.) Auto Server Restarter, if the server hangs or crash it will reboot the server automatic, or even timely restarts keeping the server "Fresh"

    So far thats the only suggestion i can think off now, furtheron everything else is great and can't wait for more commands and features you may release.
  12. Stadl0r

    Stadl0r Contact!

    Hey, I downloaded the new update and tried installing it. I changed the port number in starbound.config to "gamePort" : 21025, now I get this message and I can no longer connect to the server

    2013-12-21 17:26:30: [Starlight] Starting Starlight...

    2013-12-21 17:26:30: [Starlight] ERROR: Failed to read Starbound port number.

    2013-12-21 17:26:30: [Starlight] ERROR: Cannot find Starbound's port. Shutting down...

    2013-12-21 17:26:30: [Starlight] Server shutdown requested - The server will shut down in 5 seconds.

    2013-12-21 17:26:31: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:31: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:32: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:32: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:34: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:35: [Starlight] Version Offended Koala detected.

    2013-12-21 17:26:35: [Starlight] World loaded: Alpha | -80716131:69467729:-25222162 | 6

    2013-12-21 17:26:35: [Starlight] ERROR: ERROR! Cannot transfer data to the Starbound server. (Has the server fully loaded yet?)

    2013-12-21 17:26:35: [Starlight] Shutting down...
  13. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you set the port in the starlight folder config?
  14. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    The port check failed, as it says in the logs. Try disabling this check through the config (You can do so in Starlight's config), and make sure to manually change the port in Starbound.config to something which is not 21025.
  15. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    AMAZING. Thank you.
  16. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    question... Whats the stability of this? Do you feel it runs better than Icers wrapper?

    On errors, how does the server hold up running this? Is it extreme erroring out? Or does this program enable roll over .log files to deter/buy time before server crashes out from massive error logs?
  17. NakashimaKun

    NakashimaKun Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've ran a server with this wrapper for 2 hours and it ran perfectly. I'm going to intensely test it over the next 24 hours and I'll get back to you with more information.
  18. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Same here no issues yet.
  19. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Thanks, in my current tests Icer holds up for 15-30minutes on massive server errors before system locks up/fails to auto terminate process.
    In my current tests icer with 0 errors (or at least 15k errors) or less (non of being key id errors {World corruption/block misplacement errors}/{graphic/item damage/imagry modifications}.
    I also run a strict management of my system more so in aspect of whats ran, reminding the community on a constant what will break the server/result in server crashes.

    Looking for something that can hold up for at least 12-24hours, before my system process automatically restarts the program, or force terminates starbound_server.exe and reboots it.
  20. Seriallos

    Seriallos Space Penguin Leader

    Any chance to open source this and/or share your findings on the network communication?
    Darkimmortal likes this.

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