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Server Discussion Project Starlight - Starbound Server Extension - Player Commands, Admins and more! - Open Source!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Opalium, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    Great ideas, I'll see what I can do.

    As for the coords, I can get them when I reverse their respective packets. Universe coords will be easier, I believe.
    SQL use is not really needed now, but can always be added in the future.

    The image doesn't work.
  2. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

  3. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

  4. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

    newPlayer.sendServerMessage("Welcome to blah blah server.");

    Add a configurable message that is less than 45 char long on player join for server admins to advertise.

    I suggest that some options are /modlist
    where a list of mods is shown obviously - manually typed in to a file by server operator.
    options like checkAssetDigest for not allowing modified clients to join.
    (I'm not sure if this is the case but I'm wondering if the server has mods if it will allow people to join with the same mods, with checkAssetDigest = true.
    /listplayers (Maybe list off players online, or /players for number of players.
    /admins list online admins, with option for admins to be hidden from this list.

    Thanks again. I'm sure I'll keep thinking of things.
    Thanks for being active on working on this.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  5. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

    Bug Report:
    successfully added myself as admin.
    Upon entering "/ban ?" In the in game chat, I am kicked from the server.
    However I am able to rejoin.

    Ok so if you try to get into the ships captain seat, the game crashes. Admin or regular player.

    Update the version info that displays in the app.

    Also when using a site like starbound-servers.com. when the server connects for a brief moment, it throws up some java errors on screen then disappears.

    /motd and possibly have it show on join.

    Chat filtering.... from a filter.txt etc.. maybe even disallow URL's

    Along the lines of chat filtering is to Mute people. so they can not chat.

    could even add an option to disable global chat, and potentially redirect to plant chat.

    Random thought.. If you are in a party people can beam to your ship.
    Not sure if that is possible without being in your party.
    Maybe have an option to where either way you have to /trust someone to allow them into your ship. Not sure how easy that is.

    I know that with a MITM approach you can control quite a bit once the packet struct is known.
    Just throwing all sorts of ideas out.

    Thanks again.

    I noticed while typing and starlight refreshes, it makes it difficult to type a message to players or anything really.
    Is there a way to separate the input portion from the rest?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  6. TheBorg

    TheBorg Aquatic Astronaut


    More trying here, found this silly issue due to the Windows VS Linux party.
    The magical switcharoo of the dashes, / versus \

    /Starbound/linux64\Starlight\bans.xml -> Not surprised if it doesn't find the files then :p

    Anyway, keep up the good work. :up:

  7. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, I got that fixed in version 0.2. I'm too used to Windows xD
    It'll be up in a minute.
  8. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    NEW! Version 0.2 Beta
    • New feature: Whispers!
    • New command: whisper (also /p ingame) - sends a private message to a specific user
    • New Feature: Admin chat!
    • This is a chat that only admins can see. Typing # before your message in-game will send the message through the admin's chat. This can be used by players to contact admins, or by the admins to chat between them.
    • New console command: asay - sends a message through Admin's chat.
    • New Feature: MOTD!
    • The MOTD is a text message that will be shown to players when they connect.
    • New Feature: Player Join and Leave notifications!
    • New: Config file
    • The config file allows you to change a vareity of Starlight's settings. It can be found inside Starlight's folder as config.txt
    • New: Automatic Port Setup!
    • This feature will automatically make the changes needed in Starbound's config, so you don't have to worry about it! This feature can also be disabled in Starlight's config.
    • New console command: admins - shows a list of all online admins
    • New console command: loginterval - sets how frequent will the console output update.
    • The command list in console is now multi-paged.
    • Fixed a bug where Starlight could not load some files on Linux.
    • Fixed a few random crashes.
    • Some text clean-ups.
    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6mcewz9p0ka05y7/ProjectStarlight_0-2-beta.zip

    Remember: If you have any feedback or problem, you are more than welcome to tell me about it. Don't be shy!

    TheBorg likes this.
  9. TheBorg

    TheBorg Aquatic Astronaut

    I'll give it a shot in 20 min ^^

    [Starlight] ERROR: Failed to read Starbound port number.
    [Starlight] ERROR: Cannot find Starbound's port. Shutting down...

    I'm assuming its attempting to read it from the .config file?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
    Opalium likes this.
  10. Stadl0r

    Stadl0r Contact!

    Opalium, thanks for the quick fixes! I no longer get the server.exe not found. But I also get this same error on Linux (CentOS).

    [Starlight] ERROR: Failed to read Starbound port number.
    [Starlight] ERROR: Cannot find Starbound's port. Shutting down...
  11. TheBorg

    TheBorg Aquatic Astronaut

  12. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

  13. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

    A Note on the whisper feature, there is a feature in game /w for whispering. Not sure if you knew that or not. If so, wondering why you added it in, maybe I'm missing something. Thanks for the great work.
  14. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    Really? I tried finding a whisper command before I made it, it didn't work...
    Haha. This is awkward. :rofl:
    Still, I'll leave it, I'm planning to extend this later.
  15. TheBorg

    TheBorg Aquatic Astronaut

    We have liftoff!

    Opalium likes this.
  16. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm very happy to hear. Hope you enjoy. :)
    And remember to tell me if you ever run into problems!
  17. AcidWeb

    AcidWeb Aquatic Astronaut

    How you sending chat messages from script to game? Fake packets? You create a fake player?
  18. TheOtherDrew

    TheOtherDrew Big Damn Hero

    I wanted to reiterate that when typing into the command prompt and a refresh occurs, the previously typed characters are erased and still in the variable.
    This makes typos very likely. Wondering if you could separate the command prompt from the rest of the screen updates.

    Also When beaming down to the planet, Instead of planet info shown, it shows " - - ".
    Still get client crash upon entering captains seat to go to another system.
  19. Opalium

    Opalium Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm sending chat packets to the client.

    Yes, I am aware of the console thing. I'm still trying to find a way to make it better. I hope I'll find a solution soon.

    As for the planets crashes, I'll look into that. Thanks for the report.
  20. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Running this on Windows Server 2012 and added it under the win32 folder and when i start the bat file i get the following error.. and i am running the latest Java version as well.


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