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Outdated Progression Enabler [Nightly 07/08/2014] 1.3

Enable full crafting progression in the nightly builds

  1. spiritofcat

    spiritofcat Big Damn Hero

    Check out mwu's post above to find out how to fix it for yourself, or wait for me to release an updated version.
  2. teodorp99

    teodorp99 Void-Bound Voyager

    i tried his way but it didnt work and any time i mined titanium it said a perfectly generic item
  3. spiritofcat

    spiritofcat Big Damn Hero

    I'm working on getting it sorted out.
  4. teodorp99

    teodorp99 Void-Bound Voyager

    ok and i also made a mistake, i meant the 19th version not the 22nd
  5. teodorp99

    teodorp99 Void-Bound Voyager

    i used that as i use the nightly 19th version but it just crashes. do i need to do anything else? i changed all of the files you said into what you said so i don't know
  6. spiritofcat

    spiritofcat Big Damn Hero

    I haven't been doing much Starbound stuff recently. Been busy with other things, so it's not likely that I'll release an updated version of this mod any time soon.
    However, like it says on the mod overview page, "Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.", so if anyone else wants to bash it into shape and release it, feel free.
  7. rawkinrex

    rawkinrex Phantasmal Quasar

  8. teodorp99

    teodorp99 Void-Bound Voyager

  9. rawkinrex

    rawkinrex Phantasmal Quasar

    Worst case is it does not, give it a try. I am on a hiatus from gaming for a bit.
  10. teodorp99

    teodorp99 Void-Bound Voyager

    ok can you do it for the 25th of sept? cos it didnt work for that
  11. suhail75

    suhail75 Void-Bound Voyager

    what version am i using ?

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