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Bug/Issue Prairie King Crash Upon Startup.

Discussion in 'Support' started by dexois, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. dexois

    dexois Space Hobo

    Hi there, new player here.
    Me and my friend were playing in multiplayer, but for some reason whenever Journey of the Prairie King starts, be it at the arcade or Abigail's heart event thingy, the game abruptly crashes on the person who started the game.
    So now we can't enter Pierre's shop at all.
    Please help.
    • jessevang

      jessevang Space Hobo

      This won't be a solution that bug, but would be a work around to allow you to shop at Pierre's. In most events you can click on the invisible Skip button on the bottom right corner of the screen to skip that event, doing so would allow you to continue your shopping as usual.

      I run on PC, so I just click constantly on the bottom right corner and eventually I'm able to hit the skip button.

      I hope the work around works for you.

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