Modding Discussion Potential new modding site, with awesome features

Discussion in 'Mods' started by OrSpeeder, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. KayokoSalsa

    KayokoSalsa Guest

    I dunno, but I did find it a bit recently and had no clue of there being mods posted there without permission. I suppose I could just use the official one then, thanks.
    • Goldenrevolver

      Goldenrevolver Astral Cartographer

      i also really dislike that we dont use one site but spread to everywhere. maybe im biased because i used nexus for a very long time for quite a number of games but i really like the site. i didnt have any issues uploading mods, it is a simple step by step guide atleast it was for the games ive modded: skyrim, fallout 4, morrowind and oblivion (most of my mods are hidden because they are outdated so if u wanna stalk my profile go ahead). its really great and easy to use for the user. there are filters so you can ignore all these damn nude portrait mods that are everywhere for this game and it has a huge community. the only thing missing atm is a good mod manager. nexus mod manager is not updated for stardew valley but even if it would be i dont recommend it for anything. maybe im spoiled from the mod manager "mod organizer" for skyrim but thats how a mod manager should be. also i dont want updated mod notification on my modding site, i want them in my mod manager when check for updates. just my two cents about this. would really prefer that we get this sorted out quickly as any united site at all is better than being split between all of them
        Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
      • VITAS

        VITAS Space Hobo

      • Cider

        Cider Ketchup Robot

        Yeeeeeea rather wish people would just upload mods here and the Nexus. Sure I'm not a big fan of the Nexus and want another option to do mod hosting but for all intents and purposes this site has mod hosting, it works fine as the alternative option and I trust it more than some other site I've only just heard about.
        • CoolFangs

          CoolFangs Void-Bound Voyager

          Agreeing with this. Nexus is already a well established modding site. Plus using it means the possibility of eventually getting Nexus Mod Manager support.
          • taintedwheat

            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

            How come besides GOG users, is there no steam intergation with the mods? What makes it different from other games that are on there?

            XCOM 2 mod loading is TOO easy.
            • CoolFangs

              CoolFangs Void-Bound Voyager

              Are you talking about Steam Workshop? If so CA has already confirmed that support for it is high on his list of priorities to get done.
              • taintedwheat

                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                yeah, I was, sorry. I didn't see that D:

                Thanks for letting me know. o:
                • cossack1977

                  cossack1977 Intergalactic Tourist

                  there are already 3 sites i am aware of that host SV mods. It's bad enough that mods on here aren't always on nexus and vice versa but throwing another mod site into the mix isn't required. Not only does it fragment the community further but also means modders have to maintain there update cycle on more sites.
                  While it is fantastic that you are prepared to do all this work for another site it isn't really required. Spreading the modder base thinner and increasing there work load will stop mods being made and or updated as they are trying to handle several sites at once.
                  Just my 2 cents.
                    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
                  • Cider

                    Cider Ketchup Robot

                    I didn't even know there was a third site already, I thought it was just the Nexus and here.
                    • cossack1977

                      cossack1977 Intergalactic Tourist

                      also stardewmods. Someone on another chat thread also mentioned a 4th site as well. Just cant find it at moment.
                      • ClxS

                        ClxS Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Hi VITAS, looks like your dev site is down at the moment so I couldn't check but does Spacedock offer a REST API to get access to mod/dependency information? If not, would you be open to adding it/me adding it in the future? :)

                        One thing I'm wanting to add the Farmhand API is an option to allow it to automatically resolve dependencies. I'm pretty sure it's not possible with Nexus or here, AFAIK. (Someone let me know if I'm wrong)
                          Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
                        • Disiesel

                          Disiesel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Nexus will tell you if you're missing a dependency, but it will not download it automatically. Still have to do everything manually for that. Example if you download CJB's mod it will tell you it requires SMAPI to function and then gives a link to SMAPI.
                          • Goldenrevolver

                            Goldenrevolver Astral Cartographer

                            yes modders can add requirement during the setup of the mod page before publishing. they can be nexus mods or in the case of smapi links to other sites. i really dont know why people want another site. this site has a great community and is really good for discussion and such but its really bad for uploading mods imo for the users and mod makers. nexus has a simple functional design for uploading mods and great search and filter functions as well data that can be accessed really easily and it has a hot files section. there is also possible nexus mod manager support. there is a reason its one of the most common mod uploading sites and i dont understand why so many people here on chucklefish are not uploading their mod to the nexus too (416 "mods" on chucklefish, only 244 on the nexus (most of them retextures portraits and save games)).
                            • Lechet

                              Lechet Big Damn Hero

                              It's gonna be a moot point when CA gets Workshop support on Steam anyway.
                              • ClxS

                                ClxS Pangalactic Porcupine

                                I heard he isn't going to be implementing a modding API, only allowing others to make them.
                                That means workshop support for mods isn't really going to happen. XNB replacements are a possibility though, but that's it.

                                There's also Gog.
                                • Ciriun

                                  Ciriun Big Damn Hero

                                  If a total n00b to modding may interject for just a moment, why do we need other sites to upload mods? I thought you just used the Upload a File button and that was that. Does that not work?
                                  • atomicbee

                                    atomicbee Master Chief

                                    I'd rather have CA work on the game if other people already want to do APIs.

                                    I like the idea of a cleaner, less noisy mod repository with better features, I've generally had to deal with an unsightly mess like nexus or curse or any other number of mod sites out there.

                                    Notifications of updates is a fantastic feature.
                                    • VITAS

                                      VITAS Space Hobo

                                      atomicbee likes this.

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