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Post your highscores!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by navar0nius, May 5, 2013.

  1. Fruttie

    Fruttie Starship Captain


    Sadly I could not end my run because the overloading magma worm was bugged and didnt appear on my screen anymore.
    I was on a good way to beat Van. :(
      Rawrquaza likes this.
    • vexxed

      vexxed Space Penguin Leader

      Seriously wouldn't be HARD to beat you VAN, I value sleep more than beating your score though! But rest assured there will always be someone that will best you at RoR! < 10 FPS = anti-fun, although one hitting a boss with headstompers is worth a chuckle.

      • Vahnkiljoy

        Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

        Bah do it with a class that doesn't have a broke ability doing more damage then it SHOULD. You're still a ways off of a BILLION though. :p
        • vexxed

          vexxed Space Penguin Leader

          Pssh, I don't call auto-attacking overpowered at all! However poison, run, poison, run, poison, run just seems SO CHALLENGING! Literally in awe of how AMAZING you are! Maybe one day we will be in a game together and i'll show you how you can do this with any class without problem.... just be prepared to sink 5-10 hours in it like I have previously already done. Anyway keep it up padre.
          • Fruttie

            Fruttie Starship Captain

            Aye sir.
            • Active Link

              Active Link Master Astronaut

              No, the bandit's dynamite is bugged and does ridiculous amounts of damage right now.
              • Vahnkiljoy

                Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

                1.5 billion score, over 12 hours in on sitting:
                  meow247, Active Link and Daimera like this.
                • Daimera

                  Daimera Cosmic Narwhal

                  I joined this stream near the end and it was basically just staring in disbelief and going "what the unholy shit" at his giant death-cloud of drones that he had at one point.

                  Jelly golems were the planet's saviors.
                  • Hawkeman92

                    Hawkeman92 Industrial Terraformer


                    Could have kept going but it's very late and I'm extremely tired.
                    • Vahnkiljoy

                      Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

                      Kind of a sad score for that time spent, should be MUCH higher unless you just sat in boar beach. :p
                      • Hawkeman92

                        Hawkeman92 Industrial Terraformer

                        I was doing a lot of running away before godhood and there was this one moment with a bunch of crematers that kept putting me one low health before I could approach them, spent a long time running away gaining health just to lose it again. Eventually I remembered that turrets draw fire so I could stand still somewhere and let fungus fill me up.

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