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Post your highscores!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by navar0nius, May 5, 2013.

  1. Vizjun

    Vizjun Starship Captain

    I don't really know in fact. I was in Invincible state most of the time, then suddenly I was running really low on HP, so I took my chance and used the Lost Doll, weird thing is... The Colossus killed me. I thought I would just kill myself.
    • Mesosade

      Mesosade Space Hobo

      Registered just to say, I might of surpassed the curve. I ended up being unkillable even when stood still. (No doubt that armour that reflects damage for 4 seconds is what caused by inevitable immortality.)
      • Rial

        Rial Poptop Tamer

        got to an unkillable state, then let the game run for a day

        got back and checked on it and see that i somehow fell through the world
        photo is in secret area so spoilers i guess

        • Fox0427

          Fox0427 Big Damn Hero

          Man... Now I feel like my 51:58 is nothing...
            okok111 likes this.
          • DNLK

            DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            I finally made it: got overpowered with miner on hardcore! It actually took me lots of tries but turned out to my best run ever. It was late night though so I gone afk to die (it took couple minutes). So there's recipe: you should take lots of crits and be lucky to earn wicked ring. Then you can use your evading skills very often which will help to go to that moment when you start smashing all around. Yeah, this ring is damn overpowered!
            • Kistaria Prime

              Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

              Here's my humble submission. [​IMG]
              • AbeX300

                AbeX300 Scruffy Nerf-Herder


                Game won't let me die, even with the % health shrines in the fifth level. End of story.

                There needs to be a suicide option.
                  okok111 likes this.
                • Galdius

                  Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  the same as Abex300 but in hardcore mode

                  • DNLK

                    DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Appears some people got even bigger black things on sides of the screen. How can I get rid of them? Why they are here?
                    • Shrooblord

                      Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                      I think you have too large a monitor for Game Maker to scale nicely. :p
                      Basically, if Game Maker doesn't scale in specific increments, the game's graphics will completely flip out and will look so fugly it's unbelievable. So then the only option is to not scale beyond specific increments, but scale up to as close to your monitor size as you can, and leave the rest blanked out.

                      I have a suggestion for the devs though: take a look at how Binding of Isaac handles it: it too has borders, but the borders are filled with a neat little repeatable pattern texture to fill up 'dead monitor space'. You could do the same! ;)
                      • Shrooblord

                        Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                        With one too many First Aid Kits heaing me for more health than I could deplete, a Dio's Friend and strength so like the greatest turtle of all the world, that not even the fearsome combination of three Electric Blue Magma Worms and four Red Fire Vagrants could bring me to my knees, I had to just quit my what must be five-hour long run (don't worry - I paused the game and took breaks once in a while :p) :

                        I had more items, but the screen does not support their display. ;)

                        Starting out with a Brilliant Behemoth is maybe the best thing that could ever happen to you. Especially as an Engineer.
                          hextorHD and Rawrquaza like this.
                        • hextorHD

                          hextorHD Big Damn Hero


                            Attached Files:

                          • Shrooblord

                            Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                            Haha your nemesis is a Lemurian? Do you get killed by Elite Rocketeers a lot?
                            • hextorHD

                              hextorHD Big Damn Hero

                              hahaha yep! you are awesome!
                              • blorx

                                blorx Aquatic Astronaut

                                So maybe this isn't a highscore, but it is pretty impressive regardless.
                                notahighscore.PNG The only reason I picked up that jetpack is because when the magma worm dropped it, I couldn't get around it without picking it up.
                                • meow247

                                  meow247 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  gotta say,.. miner is pretty good :D
                                  poop1.png poop2.png
                                    DNLK likes this.
                                  • Fox0427

                                    Fox0427 Big Damn Hero

                                  • hextorHD

                                    hextorHD Big Damn Hero

                                    need to grow up!
                                    • Fox0427

                                      Fox0427 Big Damn Hero

                                      • DNLK

                                        DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        He says "make it on hardcore".

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