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Post your highscores!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by navar0nius, May 5, 2013.

  1. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    I can only get to level 3... It's fun but I suck at this game :badpokerface:
    • Headphoner

      Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

      You think you're bad? I can't even get past level 2 yet. :lolwut:
      • Evangelion

        Evangelion Supernova

        Damn mushroom level right?
          Headphoner likes this.
        • Galdius

          Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

        • Ad Absurdum

          Ad Absurdum Void-Bound Voyager


          I would've lasted longer but a Vagrant hit me for 1400 damage.
          • flame45

            flame45 Space Hobo


            I feel that I just got extremely lucky in this run xD
            • Seria-Myouna

              Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

            • Kiefer

              Kiefer Aquatic Astronaut

            • TehWavy

              TehWavy Aquatic Astronaut

              Double Cremators just proved a little bit too difficult! Also not sure if this is a bug or not, but has anyone else's HP stopped increasing (with Infusion) after 1532? Anyway, I had a pretty awesome combo of Alien Head (reduces cooldown) and Skull Ring (cooldown decreases after critical hit) which basically meant I could spam my skills non-stop. :)
              • joey4track

                joey4track Ketchup Robot

                Here is my second hardcore run with HAN-D, who I still haven't made my mind up about just yet. I did however manage to survive for 35 minutes on hardcore with him, so that must say something :fusrodah:


                There were at least two Cremators and one crazy other boss that I didn't get the name of swimming through the lava at bottom
                • Zone Spyker

                  Zone Spyker Aquatic Astronaut

                • Shrooblord

                  Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                  I've got a new high score: 182,314

                  I could've easily continued on, but that infamous Life Savings bug trapped me and forced me to kill myself... Han-D has instantly become my favourite character. ^-^
                  • Rawrquaza

                    Rawrquaza Existential Complex

                    Hardcore run went very well, but there comes a point in every commando's life where your life-on-crit just doesn't stack up against the 4 cremators. :rainbow:
                    • Shrooblord

                      Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                      Geeeeeebus that's a lot of cool stuff. Too bad the Golden Gun caps at 700, no? ;)
                      • Venom

                        Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

                        Man my highscore for beta was 500k+ but forgot to screencap.
                        Time to do it again then and update hehe.
                        • Seria-Myouna

                          Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

                          Got a new high score, nothing crazy, but yaknow:

                          • Burby

                            Burby Phantasmal Quasar

                            I don't have a screenshot for the beta currently, though I did just get a 61 minute run done in it. I have done a run in the alpha which I just quit at 180 minutes because it was getting late, and I think my best run in the demo must have been around 90 minutes, which I have actually put on youtube under "HAHAHAHA.mp4". I'm commenting over it but the audio balance is extremely poor.
                            • Venom

                              Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

                              Not as good as my previous one but whatever.

                              • Shrooblord

                                Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

                                Hm. That icon of the boss that killed you probably shouldn't be overlapping the entire HUD like that. I'd report it in the Bug Report thread if I were you.
                                • Venom

                                  Venom Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  True, will do.

                                  Also, currently playing and I got to take a break because i'm at 84 minutes with 77 items.
                                  When will it end!?

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