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Post your highscores!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by navar0nius, May 5, 2013.

  1. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Basically post the highest score you achieved in the demo. Screencap required as proof. Optionally post how many areas you've visited.

    Mine: 85088 on area 6 696,359 on area "lost count"

    Page 1 scoreboard: COMING NEVER
    • Galdius

      Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • Shrooblord

      Shrooblord Void-Bound Voyager

      I had a run of an hour once and ended up with this: 62588

      But holy crap - Galdius - seeing as you got that much higher in five minutes less, I'm seriously starting to wonder what mad reflexes you must have! ;)
      • kusosan

        kusosan Aquatic Astronaut

        uh 4 bosses cannot handle

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        • navar0nius

          navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I actually got 255k once but I failed to screencap it so f^^^ me
          • Crimbo Hardstyle

            Crimbo Hardstyle Big Damn Hero

          • joey4track

            joey4track Ketchup Robot

            Here's one from the alpha
            • fidrildid6

              fidrildid6 Space Spelunker

              7,658924. From the alpha obviously. I think this was the run I started and it went so long I got my boyfriend to finish it while I went to bed xD. Also, killed by a drone? wut?
                BlastRed, Bump and Myth like this.
              • Salem_1337

                Salem_1337 Subatomic Cosmonaut


                That's AWESOME!
                • Myth

                  Myth Space Penguin Leader

                  That's my girl X3
                  • navar0nius

                    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Improved highscore:
                    also i forgot to say i'm talking scores from the demo, but whatever floats your boat i guess
                    • Myth

                      Myth Space Penguin Leader

                      I like the demo, but I still play the alpha due to more items.
                        fidrildid6 likes this.
                      • joey4track

                        joey4track Ketchup Robot

                        @fidrildid6 wowee! Everytime I play 2+ hours with the alpha I always get stuck in a wall and lose my game :rofl: Yeah with the alpha you can pretty much become unstoppable and then you just kinda want to stop after awhile. But that's why theres hardore!!

                        Killed by a drone? That's why I never use them :laugh: But seriously, what!?!?
                        • Galdius

                          Galdius Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Whoa for the score *_*
                          I have known this game with the current version, how to get the alpha please? ^^ (sorry for my english , i'm french haha)
                          • Seria-Myouna

                            Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

                            Might be a missile drone that hit too close to the player? Not sure if the explosions can hurt you but I died once to "Commando" when I had the missile powerup so I'm pretty sure they can.

                            EDIT: Finally have a score reasonably worth posting:
                            • clodan

                              clodan Void-Bound Voyager

                              Well, after commenting here that the game was so hard that it couldnt be posible to go through the first level, I made it lol...

                              this is how far I got:


                              Last difficulty level, fighting against 5 bosses at the same time, buffs on the left corner, level 15, 38:42 mins in!

                              So, how far did you get on the demo??? POST SCREENS OR DOESNT EXIST :)
                              • Seria-Myouna

                                Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

                                Got much further before(Hence no new records), but never screenshotted a proper scoreboard.

                                • DNLK

                                  DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  Can't remember highscores, but timer shown me more than 80 minutes of running all around from 10+ giant worms!
                                  • gangwarily

                                    gangwarily Astral Cartographer

                                    20 minutes is the longest I've gotten...xD
                                    • Nyarlathotep

                                      Nyarlathotep Void-Bound Voyager

                                      This is the best score I have.

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