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Possible New Race Themes!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Zosimus, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Kreg

    Kreg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    We need pirates with an arabian theme, like desert pirates.

    This wont work
  2. druid

    druid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    actually i would enjoy a cow-themed race of hippies...
    might do a suggestion
  3. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    In terms of stealing from Earth culture, here are some of the genera we are missing
    • Ancient Greece or Rome: Robes, sandals, columns, etc.
    • Egyptian: Pyramids, sand/desert worlds, hieroglyphs.
    • Pacific Northwest Tribes: Totem poles and other icons (perhaps too similar to the Avians?)
    • Indian/Hindu Mythology: Elephant men, beings with multiple arms, all kinds of awesome 'demons' and spirits.
    • Vikings: Ice worlds & mountains, honor/epic stories, raiders/warriors, horns... so many helmet horns
    • Film Noir: ~20's century Earth; gangsters in Space!
    • Pirates: Can't have a space setting without Space Pirates! Ships with grapple-arms optional (or mandatory)
    • The 80's: Daft Punk, Tron, Big Hair, a very specific look of the future (from our recent past)
  4. Phaun

    Phaun Industrial Terraformer

    Tribe of Drag Queens. :idea:
  5. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Where the men look like women and the women look like men. Brilliant.
    Phaun likes this.
  6. IReallyHateYouPeople

    IReallyHateYouPeople Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, the Novakids were suggested alongside another race that was greek themed, they even had a couple comics together.
    The greek ones were made up of magma from what I saw.
  7. Kazvent

    Kazvent Big Damn Hero

    those are the anodynes but because the novakids were derived from them they want to implement a little more of them to the novakids
  8. UristMcSpaceDwarf

    UristMcSpaceDwarf Zero Gravity Genie

    As someone previously mentioned I'd like me some (SPAAAAAAAACE) Egyptian style.
    Alluvian_Est-Endrati likes this.
  9. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    All of the ninjas.
    All of them.
  10. Zosimus

    Zosimus Phantasmal Quasar

    New Race THEMES. I was gunning for people sharing race themes. Sooo yeah
  11. Xail Jaderune

    Xail Jaderune Void-Bound Voyager

    Make that race of steampunk cat people, and everything will be right in this dimension and the next!

    Seriously they had my vote since I laid eyes on them.
    Kistaria Prime and Kazvent like this.
  12. Zosimus

    Zosimus Phantasmal Quasar

    Teih and Mianso like this.
  13. BlueMendari

    BlueMendari Void-Bound Voyager

    ...I am not in any way biased towards this but YES.
  14. Kistaria Prime

    Kistaria Prime Cosmic Narwhal

  15. azarga

    azarga Big Damn Hero

    This alone deserves its own thread.
    Kistaria Prime likes this.
  16. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man

    Pirates and Vikings?

    Make it happen!
  17. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    All of my yes.
    Teih likes this.
  18. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hylotl definitely need more customization options towards Cthulhu and Rodians.

    About completely new races dunno.
  19. Two Shot Joe

    Two Shot Joe Void-Bound Voyager

    something reptilian would be nice
    azarga likes this.
  20. Two Shot Joe

    Two Shot Joe Void-Bound Voyager

    and my brother says "space smurfs"

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