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Possible New Race Themes!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Zosimus, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    I lol'd at your pic, so I'm "liking" your post.
  2. Tetrisash

    Tetrisash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dinosaur beings.
  3. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't know what the difference between "lizard people" and "dinosaur beings" would really be... maybe the head differences? But don't you think have a dinosaur race in a game that lets you dig up fossils would be odd? Imagine all the outraged, supposedly extinct, explorers coming to these planets. "Somebody get me a WMD capable of wiping out a planet!"
  4. Tetrisash

    Tetrisash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't know, it's their lore, and it's sci-fi, they can make it out they want. They can easily make them from another planet where they didn't go extinct and evolved. :p I just think it'd be awesome to choose from a variety of dinosaurs species for your person for aesthetics. Maybe more than that, like ones based off raptors could run and jump better.
  5. I made I dinosaur race recently.
    I need to update them, they don't have much right now.
  6. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    Honest questions x2.
    1.Don't these dinosaurs sound like they came from Earth time? How about making it to where the metoers were so damaging that the planet they knew was actually shunted to another dimension's timeline? It would be saying that the dinosaurs from the human's own history were much more advanced than anyone thought.
    2. If all unprotected life was wiped off the planet, wouldn't plants be included? The oxygen would burn and be unbreathable to anything that came out of the cryo tubes, which says that when the Ossemir got out, they would probably die as well. I'm not sure if anything would be able to evolve fast enough not to.
    Sorry for the hole-picking :( I don't mean to be mean or rude when I do it, but it always gets taken that way. I'm actually curious about it, and it gets me into a lot of trouble sometimes.

    Alsom about 30 minutes ago while I was reading these posts, I came up with a race as well. It's not very well thought out since I literally typed it while coming up with the information. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/introducing-unnamed.17735/
  7. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Hippy (flower guns!)
    World War II

    Yes, because they're totally races.

    Oh, and didn't Starbound want to be a bit more original?
  8. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Stereotypical Australian Kangaroo race please.
    Heck just take any australian animal and turn it into a stereotypical australian killing machine of a race and im fine with it.
  9. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    Personally, I just ignored the one liners for "new races". So I didn't even notice responses like that.
  10. Kazvent

    Kazvent Big Damn Hero

    if there are monkeys why not egyptian dogs like anubis? :D

    Even in dbz they use the idea lol
  11. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    [Insert every "Meet the -" race into this post] :p Seriously lots of good ideas in there.
  12. Belzac

    Belzac Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pirates! Yar! I approve yar! Arrr! This be good grog!
    Beta likes this.
  13. Tetrisash

    Tetrisash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Couldn't pirates just be a gameplay choice as opposed to a race? I mean it's a sandbox, right? Maybe we'll be able to travel the Universe raiding other ships and planets. Maybe we can even get a bounty system in. :x
  14. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    Ironic that someone with a cat avatar says jackals... but I digress. Quite a few comments have been made about "dog-type" or "k9" (there's actually a post for a k9 race I was looking at). But we have birds, axolotls, and monkeys. Shouldn't the other races be types that aren't just "animals"? I could see a bug race ruling a planet, but not socializing with other races. If a bug like an ant evolved to rule a planet, the only purpose they would have for space would be more colonies... and we would be in the way, or just a food source. So by a biological standpoint, I would think that an insect race being "playable" would be unlikely if it involved any non-fatal interaction with another race. I would say that "maybe" they may have evolved to have a mind of their own, but it doesn't seem likely. Evolution is all about what makes something stronger, and I think free will would make most "hive mind type" bugs weaker.
    Also, I don't think they're actually monkeys in DBZ/GT. I think they're a race that's just between monkey and human that can forcefully "devolve" themselves.
  15. Kazvent

    Kazvent Big Damn Hero

    True its a little ironic being a cat lover but thats why i love the egyptian culture and the reason why I say dogs its because they re more associated to the culture than the cats in people minds , also what you say about DBZ its absolutely correct, when I mentioned DBZ I was talking about the egyptian jackal bills in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
  16. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    Ah, the new one. Haven't seen it yet. But personally I think cats when I think Ancient Egypt. I don't think they actually worshipped jackals the way they did cats.
    Edit: Guess I was wrong. Quote from the "Animal Worship" wiki. "The Egyptian pantheon was especially fond of zoomorphism, with many animals sacred to particular deities—cats to Bastet, ibises and baboons to Thoth, crocodiles to Sebek andRa, fish to Set, mongoose, shrew and birds to Horus, dogs and jackals to Anubis, serpents and eels to Atum, beetles to Khepera, bulls to Apis. Animals were often mummified as a result of these beliefs."
    I don't know nearly as much about Egyptian mythos as I do Greek and Roman... with a chunk of Norse and Celtic thrown in.
  17. Freekill

    Freekill Pangalactic Porcupine

    space vikings wat

    Oh, what about golem-like people. Think Stonemen from Forsaken World or Rockmen from FTL.
    Zosimus likes this.
  18. Banphira

    Banphira Void-Bound Voyager

  19. Phaun

    Phaun Industrial Terraformer

    I think something that look like the Salarians on Mass Effect would be adorable in this game.
  20. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Dead brought back to Life: Almost a sci-fi staple of sorts, desperately missing from Starbound IMNSHO. Ancient Egyptian-themed is the typical standard it seems, but that is not the only path to go of course. It all depends on the type of reanimated dead. Personally I am partial to skeletal forms of undead.

    Underground Race: Perhaps made of rock or crystal; all of the other races are surface dwellers of one sort or another. Something insectord (Scarb-men?) could work here as well in theory.

    Lizardmen: Seriously.

    Space Dwarves: How can you have a sci-fi game without space dwarves?! They could live on ice worlds, mountainous worlds, volcanic worlds, etc. May be another good choice for an Underground Race.

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