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Community POLL: Space Battle Royale: Glitch A.I. Edition (POLL BROKEN)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Jul 1, 2014.

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  1. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    wait 1 option... 98.8 % !?!?!?!?!?!.... is that even....., WHAT !?
    Sihn and yclatious like this.
  2. Darkmere

    Darkmere Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm really glad trolling the fanbase is acceptable PR now. The giant middle finger really reinforces community trust.

    Next time could you be more direct and add "umad bro?" as an option?
  3. Shoehead

    Shoehead Turbonerd of Scaremonies

  4. BoTMania

    BoTMania Master Chief

    Should I pick yes, or should I pick yes?
    Decisions, decisions.
    Skarn likes this.
  5. ApisRex

    ApisRex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wizard. Definitely the wizard.
    Skarn and artbot345 like this.
  6. Better go with Yes. Just to be safe.
    M C and demanrisu like this.
  7. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Horse! Horse! HORRRRRRSSEEE!! (/Mgs)
  8. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    This is bordering on Metal Slug levels of animation. That is awesome.
    Hatsya Souji and artbot345 like this.
  9. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    [13:59] <@mollygos> oh cmon. we're obviously not going with the horse AI
    [13:59] <@mollygos> take a joke

    you are a bad person @mollygos and i feel like you should know this!
  10. wayninja

    wayninja Aquatic Astronaut

    Hmm... did it change?

    When I first looked at it the options were like "yes" and "no, but make the horse playable".

    Again, must be some very funny joke that I'm just not getting.
    Al Sheepses likes this.
  11. Hara Rara

    Hara Rara Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Guys, it's a light-hearted poll with what is essentially a whimsical part of the game. I appreciated the effort devs, I had my share of internal chuckling from the poll options. Boob-horse masterrace ftw (but honestly it's obvious wizard will win this out).
    ShinyPants and Mythrrinthael like this.
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    It's a sad sad state of affairs when someone has to POINT out the obvious truth that there is a joke going on. Humor is dead in this generation
  13. _Defender_

    _Defender_ Master Chief


    All hail to the titty-horse :D
  14. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    just a clever way to introduce more art imo
    Hara Rara likes this.
  15. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Tithorse=funny as a joke
    Tithorse=/=AI I want when I play
    but yeah as a joke AI (Which we should be able to choose! We should be able to choose AI!) it'd be ehksellent.
  16. wdalphin

    wdalphin Astral Cartographer

    It's nice to see the community manager really trying to stay in the good graces of the community. Instead of, you know, treating them like sticks-in-the-mud for not appreciating a massively advertised joke mocking something they have a genuine opinion about. Stay classy, Molly!
    ___MeRliN___, killpay and Pingeh like this.
  17. Mythrrinthael

    Mythrrinthael Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here's something for people to enjoy if they're feeling annoyed at Molly's antics:

    Really? Starbound is whimsical by nature - you shouldn't take it seriously, the devs knew the horse wasn't going to stay.
    WatcherCCG likes this.
  18. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    really super good fanart by meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Lecic, demanrisu and Mythrrinthael like this.
  19. SolidSnake

    SolidSnake Existential Complex

    told ya
  20. Hara Rara

    Hara Rara Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Right? Extrapolating anything else from this poll is bordering on fedora.
    Mythrrinthael likes this.
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