Also wanted to ask, if you used Photoshop in order to add the pokemon sprites in, I'm torn between using photoshop and illustrator since both seem to work but have some pros and cons
Hey, so editied the Dusk Sprite, but not sure why the new sprite is spinning around and not using the four bottom patterns..
Yeah but the sprite doesn't work so great, Looks fine and recognizable in the game, but when it turns it starts bouncing on it's head a lot..
I know it doesn't make sense, but it would be so funny to see a Jigglypuff version of something, maybe the dust things, considering Jigglypuff is a balloon and you just pop it owo
Also just made this guy. need to remove the black outline.. Plus didn't realize there was a difference in the Grub's resting phase..
I actually planned on doing that, but the sprites I planned on using are a bit different than what I hoped for animation wise, so I need to find a way to make them work. I think I'll take a look at that now actually. I'll post here again if I get something worked out. I already made a mightyena, so if you want, there's that for now.
I have finished poochyena and posted it here. Please let me know what you think and if you notice any problems or know how I could improve it. Sorry about the run animation, I tried a few things with it but all of them looked weird, the current version is the one I thought looked least weird.
I just made a fix for the icons in the Cursors files for all my mods, so if you grabbed one of those, be sure to go redownload that portion to get the corrected version!