Fallen was an old RP on the forums run by Relten, who you may or may not have seen around Kaiachi's Off-topic thread. It ran for a very long time, or so I am told. The thing even had a sequel, but I think that one eventually died out.
Oh, I wasn't talking about your pun even though it didn't make much sense. I was referring to my bad pun.
Trance has returned! Sound the bugles! Prepare the welcoming party! Raise the mizzenmast! Jib the topsails!
I would explain why I was gone but (no depressing things for you!).... lets just say I am here to stay for good and final.
You sure you don't want to talk about it? But hey, I'll stay out of your business if you don't want me there. I'm just glad you're back.
There is a time and place for everything, when I reach that breaking point I will gladly vent. Thank you though, I truly appreciate it. I am glad to see everyone again, I missed y'all. I was starting the map and then I left my tablet somewhere so I gotta wait again... UGHHH
Hey, now you have time to update the OP, right? A GM's work is never done. Also, I saw your new thread over in Forum Games. I'll be sure to post something there in the near future. By the looks of it, you''l probably overshadow my thread in a day!
Nah, I don't mind it. It's just a tiny thread made for solving riddles, nothing like what your thing will be (hopefully). I'm excited for it, because you craft some really cool stuff from what I've seen. Speaking of which, how much information do you want in my first post? A line or two or a paragraph expositing on the world at large?
For a world I would expect a large description, some people like to team up and create it post by post. Its really up to you, I like to add a few things as well. (Also if there are any contradictions I like to combine the ideas and make them really silly!)
Some one beat you to it, feel free to join in though, you can add anything you want. Maybe a giant dragon cat!
So once a world has been made, we just build off from that one? Also, does my post have to relate to the posts before it, or can it start something completely tangential?