Please Implement A Warp Beacon, Doing Anything Underground Is Tedious Without It

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Pizzarugi, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Coexist

    Coexist The Number of the Minibeast

    I agree to a degree, traveling back through explored places is unfulfilling, and the idea to link the two together prior to use sounds more reasonable then dropping a teleporter down at whim for sure.
  2. AhmNee

    AhmNee Big Damn Hero

    To be fair, the "learning to climb" comment was kinda condescending.
    I understand where you're coming from to an extent. Climbing to the surface really isn't that difficult. But it is a time waster and can get tedious after the first few times.
  3. AhmNee

    AhmNee Big Damn Hero

    That's my preferred solution to the teleporter as escape problem. Place one in first location, please and activate in the second, return to first and activate to link and now there is unrestricted travel between the two. If you pick up either end, they need to be re-linked.
  4. Coexist

    Coexist The Number of the Minibeast

    Right, Still maintains the idea of digging under to find what your looking for and a travel measure up. then the ability afterwards to teleport at free will once set up properly on both ends?
  5. AhmNee

    AhmNee Big Damn Hero

  6. Klokinator

    Klokinator Big Damn Hero

    This thread is exactly the sort of thing I'd want in game to reduce tedium. What's wrong with having a teleporter network? I just made a topic about how slow paced the game is with the artificial slowdowns imposed by the developers. There is nothing wrong with Terraria's magic mirror and having some sci-fi equivalent in Starbound. Hell, if you wanna rip Star Trek off there's even a precedent set for this!

    I care about reducing tedium. The amount of relief I felt when Terraria released a teleporter system that could be connected via wire was immeasurable. Finally I could get from place to place quickly!
  7. AhmNee

    AhmNee Big Damn Hero

    I don't know if I agree with everything you view as tedium but we share at least some common ground.

    With Terraria, there was plenty of walking but once you got where you were going, you could plop down a bed and set your spawn point. Something like that is on the way if I remember Tiy's post about the future of SB correctly.

    The teleporters were definitely a very cool addition. And I hope it's not overlooked here. It'll have the added bonus of making the game feel a bit more Sci-fi, too. The implementation doesn't need to be game breaking, either.
  8. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    I don't feel it necessary for us to be able to teleport from the underground, I have had fine experiences having to make my way back up.
    My trick is to dig a straight down tunnel from the surface, and then place wooden platforms as you jump back up. Dirt blocks if out of wood.
    I can see though that having deep underground bases could be really cool, and having to walk down a long mineshaft to get to it would be very tedious indeed.

    I agree with this idea though, and I'm pretty sure the Devs have confirmed they are already working on a Beacon-device.
    I hope too it will work indoor (Underground) and be able to send you back up.

    In my opinion though, it should neither be Cheap or Mobile.
    Maybe like the turret, once placed down and activated, unable to pick back up without excessive loss of recipe items?
  9. Nerdotron

    Nerdotron Space Hobo

    I think a 'warp beacon' to designate the place you teleport to from the ship is a great idea, so you don't have to walk forever to your base if it's build somewhere nice but far away from the normal teleport point.
    But the idea of underground teleportation doesn't sound good, I also think you should be able to use only 1 beacon per planet that cannot be changed once you placed it, so you can't hop off and on anytime and anywhere you please or only make it usable on your homeworld.
  10. Genouious

    Genouious Space Hobo

    Warp beacons are certainly necessary however they should be separated into two different types. The first would be a very basic beacon made from copper and iron that'll work up to the depth at which you could normally jump to ship, its only role being to warp back from the ship to specific locales. The second warp beacon would be relatively high up in the tech tree, be expensive to make,and would take a Long time to break (to discourage people from only building two and essentially daisy chaining there way through a planet). These would work up to a certain depth for free beyond which they will need to be powered by batteries, we'll call these power packs "warp charges". In order to make a warp you would have to expend an amount of warp charges proportional to your depth beneath the planet, to still encourage walking and other means of transport.

    Sorry if something like this has been suggested before its just there are over 12 pages to this thread now, so i have most likely missed something similar.
  11. clockler

    clockler Void-Bound Voyager

    Orbital Beacon
    Crafted on Robotic Crafting Table
    20 Gold Bars
    8 Platinum Bars
    30 Titanium Panels
    1,500 Pixels
    When used at a valid point to jump back to your ship, aligns your ship to the current point. This requires you to stay still, and takes 30 seconds - moving will cancel the process. When you set your home planet, your alignment point is saved with it - so warping home will always send you to the point you were aligned to when you set your home. Otherwise, jumping to another planet will reset your alignment point - even if you return to that planet later, your alignment point will be set to the default point on arrival.

    Jump Pad
    Crafted on Robotic Crafting Table
    20 Gold Bars
    4 Platinum Bars
    15 Titanium Panels
    10 Durasteel Bars
    1,500 Pixels
    Requires the Wiring Tool to be of any use. When used, charges for five seconds then teleports whoever or whatever - items, players, monsters - is on top of the pad to the pad whose input node is linked to its output node with the Wiring Tool. If there are no pads linked to its output node, or all pads linked to its output node are blocked (have solid objects - closed doors or blocks covering any point in a 4x5 area above the pad) the pad will not function. If multiple pads are linked to its output node, a random non-blocked pad will be chosen and all things on top teleported to it.

    Jump Network Router
    Crafted on Robotic Crafting Table
    30 Gold Bars
    30 Titanium Panels
    10 Durasteel Bars
    1 Artificial Brain (please, please, less items with only one use)
    20 Glass Blocks
    6,000 Pixels
    Jump Pads can be wired to this router instead of directly to other jump pads. Any jump pad whose output is linked to the router's input will display a list when activated; the list shows all jump pads whose inputs are linked to the router's output. If a pad is blocked or incorrectly linked (input or output linked to the router and other pads - each one can be linked to a router or other pads, never both) it is grayed out on the list. Choosing a pad from the list jumps to that pad.
    Some way to label jump pads - such as reading off a sign placed nearby - would be nice. Signs with arbitrary text in general would be nice but that's a whole other idea.

    Do these sound like decent ideas at all? Yeah, they're tier 3-4 items, which some people may argue is too early for this, but honestly delaying it any further than that would feel pretty contrived. They're moderately expensive for that tier, but obviously later on it won't be a problem.
    As above, sorry if this is a duplicate. Twelve pages is a lot and a lot of that is likely arguing against this because tedium = difficulty = good is the prevailing mindset in these kinds of games.
    Numbers are obviously ballparked.
  12. Happy_Dragon

    Happy_Dragon What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

    I like the idea suggested in OP, just warp back range be lowered to 18 blocks, this means you have to go back to the beacon to teleport back. I would also like if the beacon had say 2000 health, and could be damaged by monsters. This adds back a challenge, so when fighting monsters, it wouldn't be a good idea to goto the beacon as you risk damaging it, and only an 18 block radius means you have to get close to warp back.
  13. Thywolf

    Thywolf Space Hobo

    I currently have a base at the bottom of the map aka "the planet's core" (where one square down is insta death) The process of moving around block to destroy magma blocks is hard enough without having to jump up for 30 minutes to get back to the surface. so i can mine out the top of the planet to continue my massive subterranean hellish base. (getting down is easy cause i mined out some water to fillthe bottom of the hole.....was hard enough to keep it in there to keep going

    Maybe an Elevator Teleporter/beacon that only works when place under it's companion, or runs along a tunnel system linked via wire. Something to speed up the link between my above ground base and the underground base.

    Make people dig out a tunnel between top pad and bottom pad, so it has a clear path of travel. It would provide quick transport from mining systems, or underground bases with the surface, without the cost of losing the difficulty of exploring and make it a easier "too hard, need run"((we all know you just save and exit to get back on your ship!!)) bailing method.

    Would be nice, it would convince some of my friends to help me build down there where you dont need to spend a day and a night just escaping the tunnel systems, building a 'ladder' or a staircase that encircles the planet several times to reach the surface....
  14. whiteLI0N

    whiteLI0N Space Hobo

    To quickly get to my mine, I dug a hole straight down, laying platforms one jump apart to climb back up. At the very bottom, I collected a decent pool of water to catch myself. I can free-fall all the way down, and when I hit the water I take no damage. It takes me 10 seconds to get to the planets core.
  15. Technologist

    Technologist Orbital Explorer

    Exploration is fun. Forced travel time is not. When saving and quitting, which is available from the very start of the game, is the fastest and easiest way to get back to the surface, there is a problem. Any alternative solution would have to be faster and easier, and available pretty early in the game, to really be preferable to just saving and quitting, which is free for everyone forever from the moment your character spawns.

    On a related note, I'm all for teleporters. They added them to Terraria with 5.2, and I squealed like a little girl. My house on that game has twelve. All over the map. When I can just teleport somewhere to see my building projects, I find that I'm more inspired to build in distant, interesting places. If I had to walk, I'd never bother building in remote locations. Who'd see it?
  16. ggh325

    ggh325 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi, this may be a necro, but going up is easy. simply knock out a wall and stand in the hole. you will be able to warp back to your ship. This may not be possible when you get really low, but it is when you are at the top levels of a cave.
  17. TheLostSentinel

    TheLostSentinel Big Damn Hero

    That isn't going to stop you from needing to mine out materials to -build- the transporter for underground in the first place. Of which, requires you going in and out of caves without one. Seems kinda mindless to me, but at the end of the day, I guess it's sorta useful.


    I wouldn't mind them leaving it the way it is, as long as players are rewarded more for delving deeper. Which I believe is a thing coming in the future.
  18. monkeynohito

    monkeynohito Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've never quit my way out of any spelunking situations (I think it's too cheaty) and I enjoy crawling around underground and making my own mineshafts, but I'd definitely like some teleporters or elevators at a higher tier. When I'm driving around in a spaceship, the land travel equivalent of pooping in a latrine just shouldn't be normal.
  19. Aphala

    Aphala Aquatic Astronaut

  20. WolfBane

    WolfBane Phantasmal Quasar

    I think just having a teleport system with two teleport stations would work nicely. They'd take a little time to set themselves up once placed, and you can activate them by setting a code for both which would link them and act as a password. That way if you dig too far down after placing one in the middle of the planet, you'll still need to get back there so it's a little more balanced. This could be used in servers without a sense of dread, because of the aforementioned password feature.

    It could also require a bit of a podium be made for it to be placed onto. Dunno. It should also take perhaps 5 coal per teleport.
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