Player level / progression

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SoL1234, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. SoL1234

    SoL1234 Space Hobo

    As someone who likes RPG's and numbers going up, i think it would be cool to sort of have a player level stat that goes up as you play. Like you start at level 1, and for each match, no matter the mode, you get a certian amount of XP (can be based on turns, enemies defeated etc) and eventually level up. Kinda gives a feeling of matches being part of something bigger. Maybe you could unlock tittles or something else thats simple for extra incentive.

    From my experience as a programmer, shouldnt be to difficult to implement, and could swing some people who are on the fence, like me. If it gets implemented, i promise to buy 2 copies of the game for myself, and 10 copies on steam that i will give away.

    Thanks for reading -SoL.
    • The_Tragicz

      The_Tragicz Lucky Number 13

      This could be cool.

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