Playable Race: Androids

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Space Core, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    again, thats not what he's saying, the story would SAY that the armor is part of the skin, but it is just like humans, you wouldn't have to do any of that, just change the face to be an android face, and the under the armor to be the bare works of the android, so like a human with no armor.
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  2. Space Core

    Space Core Pangalactic Porcupine

    but in that case all the armor looks the same on androids which is boring
  3. x-adam1234-x

    x-adam1234-x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Who needs humans when you have androids :D!

    Great idea :D
  4. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    you can't have it both ways :L

    and coz there will be hundred of thousands of armor options anyway, you'd need to be on a really big server or play loads of characters simultaneously to notice
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  5. Space Core

    Space Core Pangalactic Porcupine

    I never said i want'ed it both ways. I fully prefer using the same Armour as every other character to have it any other way complicates things unnecessarily. and i well certainly notice if all my Armour looks the same.
  6. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    you won't notice, it'll be like a 1/100,000 chance that two armor sets will be the same, maybe 10/100 times more than that coz of there will be loads more types of armor than rocket launcher (my base for this)
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  7. Space Core

    Space Core Pangalactic Porcupine

    I would notice if all my Armour sets look the same.
  8. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    THEY WON'T LOOK THE SAME!! what am i saying which is wrong??
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  9. Space Core

    Space Core Pangalactic Porcupine

    If they don't look the same then they have to be sprited which is whole load of new work
  10. RuskinReynolds

    RuskinReynolds Big Damn Hero

    they might look the same, but it will be EXTREMELY UNLIKELY for them to be so, someone back me up on this!
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  11. Ramare

    Ramare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oooh. I would so like to play as a synthetic race. Geth, anyone? But seriously, they could just be roughly the same size and shape as organics/other races, as to be able to wear their armor.

    Maybe they could be paralyzed by electric attacks?
    Take extra damage if an enemy is using big enough calibers and/or armor piercing rounds?
    Maybe a chance to reflect ranged energy based attacks?
    Natural armor rating, but less health?
    Require scrap metal for quick self-repair (much the same as organics could maybe use bandages)?
    Rely on a shutdown for a maintenance cycle for heavier damage?
    Temporary paralysis upon energy being forcibly drained (I.E. by a Virorb)?
    Immunity/resistance to Virorbs?
    Immunity/resistance to psychological effects (I.E. Virorb spores)?
    Weakness to corrosive damage?
    Can be contaminated with radiation/chemicals, potentially endangering organic allies, and the environment?
    More fall damage?
    Higher jump height?
    Less air control?
    Vulnerable to magnets?
    Move slower on higher gravity worlds?
    More control than other races on low gravity worlds?
    More power with melee weaponry?
    Maybe once you get to a higher tech level they could apply (temporary) modifications like blade/chainsaw arms, built-in jetpacks, nightvision sensors, head lights, and things like that?
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  12. Disreputable Dog

    Disreputable Dog Void-Bound Voyager

    I seem to have sparked a bit of a fight on here. my apologies. and there will be a lot of armor that will look similar to each other. Afterall, unless you change the shape of the characters, a full space suit is going to look the same weather its on an ape or a fish-man. I bet a lot of the variability will be like Borderlands guns, which have random affects, rather then entirely visually, and even then, most of the visual stuff isn't all that huge a workload, since its something like Draw special armor-fins in gray-scale, then attach them to the armor thru a procedural program that gives it a random colour to go with the armor, and that's making a "new" set of armor, as multiple add-ons make the armor look a bit different from each other, without a huge difference in actual appearance. Think a bunch of guys wearing the same clothes, just with different accessories.
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  13. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Absolutely like the idea. More playable races is exactly what Starbound needs. Androids will make a nice addition to the Starbouversum.

    However, since the idea reminds me of Bishop from the Aliens-franchise, I think that they should look entirely human (maybesome minor differences like pale skin, additional hair designs like electronic modules hidden in ther skull or cyber implats like red glowing eyes)

    Also if there is an EMP weapon in the game, they should be absolutely affected by it.

    Edit: Also if the player bleeds when hit, this fella should totally have white blood.
  14. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Space Core, you're making no sense at all. You say it would be boring if the armour looks the same but if they don't it will be too much of a workload. Whose side are you on?
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  15. Toppop

    Toppop Orbital Explorer

    the Aperture Science Enrichment Center would like to remind you that Android H*ll Is in fact a real place, and you will be sent there at the first sign of not implementing this idea.
  16. Zalachenko

    Zalachenko Twenty-three is number one

    I dont like androids. They´re full machine (unless i got the facts wrong). I prefer cyborgs.
  17. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Then don't play as one, I'll have fun playing as Marvin.
  18. zomjam

    zomjam Void-Bound Voyager

    They should move faster than other races, with lower health. or vice versa
  19. Imnotdavis

    Imnotdavis Big Damn Hero

    Typically, since androids are made of metal, they would have more defense but much slower (since, ya know, they are made of metal)

    I think androids are a good idea, or any race, because then it would give more ability to customize your person.
  20. Malbutorius

    Malbutorius Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, since there Robots doesent that mean that when they shoud drain energy for certain actions and when they run out of energy there HP should start draining, and no Health regen unless you have Nanobots or something.

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