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Outdated Playable Chess 1.0

Now with chessboards!

  1. Myrmex

    Myrmex Pangalactic Porcupine

    Tired of endless running and digging? Bored of space age and all these hightech things? Call a friend and spent some time relaxing with a classic game of chess!
    It's easy to start - just assemble a game table, create a set of figures, place them and enjoy your brain getting smarter.


    Current content of the mod:
    - stone chessboard
    - classic pieces set (wood)
    - royal pieces set (gold and silver)
    - baroque pieces set (bone and obsidian)
    - primal pieces set (magma and moon stones)

    Vanilla pieces were used in creation of this mod.

    How to install:
    Unzip archive to mods directory so path would be like this:
    [–] Starbound
    .....[–] mods
    ..........[–] colfigures
    ...............[+] interface
    ...............[+] items
    ...............[+] objects
    ...............[+] quests
    ...............[+] recipes
    ...............[+] sfx
    ................... colfigures.modinfo
    ................... player.config
    ................... quests.config

    How to start:
    Create gameboard and one of pieces sets via crafting table. Place a box on the ground, on activation it will drop 32 pieces.

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
  2. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    wow.. I don't mean to damn you with faint praise, but that's better than a lot of the content that is in this game already.

    LOL BALL Existential Complex

  4. Peelz

    Peelz Giant Laser Beams

    Utilizing a custom storage UI for playing a game of chess that multiple players can view?? That's genious!
  5. facara

    facara Starship Captain

    Wow this mod is really nice :D
  6. Myrmex

    Myrmex Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thank you guys ^_^
    There're still few problems though. I tried to make some sort of switch (over the timer) visible to any player to define whose turn it is, but failed with understanding JSON. Also couldn't find a way to create more than 3 item grids: current groups are itemGrid, itemGrid2 and outputItemGrid, new ones refuse to work. Would appreciate any help.
  7. Peelz

    Peelz Giant Laser Beams

    I haven't done anything with containers or the new UI system before, but I can look into it. If you post in the modding help subforum there are a few good modders in there too that might be able to help you out.
  8. There's a hard limit of 3 Item Grids that you can place in the interfaces. Plans to increase this limit is already there, but its a low priority. If you need any help just shoot me a message.

    The new UI API might be able to help you out alot better than using a container. As you could enforce player turns, specific movement rules, etc. with it.
  9. SpiderDave

    SpiderDave Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you want this to work on rampaging koala, delete player.config and make a new file player.config.patch and put this in it: http://pastebin.com/xHCeU2yg

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