I was just wondering if anyone could make a mod where you would be able to plant seeds just by dragging your mouse hence not having to move your character along with it. It would be much easer and faster since your farmer is quite slow walking or running without the use of speed cheats.
Afraid that isnt possible at the current time, the placement code is burried rather deeply inside the game, and SMAPI isnt capable of letting us access that code yet.
Well yeah thats too bad. All we can do now is just wait for someone to crack it and figure it out. I just wanted the option to plant the seeds without having to move around so much.
Would be nice to have a seeder tool. You could load seeds into it like you do bait in the fishing rod. But then use the tool like an upgraded hoe or watering can, eventually being able to seed two 9x9 plots at once. That would be fn sweet imo.
Lol shheeeeee this would be pretty sweet, much much better than my idea. Nice! My idea kina lay between the lines of a bit cheaty but this tool addition would be nice.
Once the FarmHand is released, and its Global Route mechanic available we should be able to override the placement mechanic, but CLxS unfortunately has a job that needs doing first, so it might be a while still