OOC Planet H3R01CS, sign-up

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This just proves that there are no such things as time, or space in MPRPs.:D
  2. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    carpet cleaners have advanced hearing.
  3. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "And things were so much quieter in Old Anarchiss," Blinky grumbled, but then shuddered when he remembered his old home.
  4. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Christa frowned as she curled up her limbs closer to her body.
    I really need another set of clothes. And a towel. Or fix this drafty old warehouse. Maybe I should visit the local clothing store while there's a year-end sale going on.
    Or was it a Christmas sale? Whatever.

    Noting that her clothes have stopped dripping water, she went ahead and put them on.
    Damp. Better than soaked, though. Now, I should go and fix my limited wardrobe...

    Christa, you're up for the IC thread. Looks like things will be back to normal in a day or two, as well.


    Um, sorry?

    "Never mind. Let's just go and finish this quickly so I can get some time for myself"
  5. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm headin' outta town tonight for X-Mas upnorth, so I hope everyone has a merry holiday. Don't know exactly when I'll be back..
  6. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    so do i happen to be accepted im scared

  7. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    I would like to know that as well.
  8. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    I'm still waiting to see if my character is accepted too.
  9. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    So, aside from these three, who else feels that their character isn't accepted yet?

    On a side note, I'm also wondering how much weight can Christa lift normally. While her muscles and bones are, pound-for-pound, much stronger than a normal human's, she's also much lighter, which, combined with her past physical training, kinda evens out.
    I guess she can probably handle lifting like, 90-100 pounds or so? Not forever, but how heavy is the little girl anyway?
  10. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    *raises hand*me.
  11. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Christa doesn't know Alaizia and Edan's name yet, so she calls them 'blondie' and 'pyro' respectively.
    Actually, she can probably call Edan with 'pyro' and 'psycho'.
  12. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    you peoples are accepted, im sorry about the lack of responses, my alert isnt showing the all the OOC responses, pardon about that
  13. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    You know... Didn't I hear something about alerts stopping if you ignore them once? I dunno...
  14. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    That is the case
    Which is why I have to look at every post.
    Anyways, HE'S BACK
  15. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    From my understanding, we can't bring our character in until the next arc?
  16. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  17. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wake me up from hibernation when new white comes.
  18. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please start New White!
  19. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    You know, I could wait for Alaizia or Edan to respond to Christa's "Any objections?" line, or I can just get to it.

    Or I can start thinking up of a new character for New White.

    BTW, austriss, can I ask something?
    If a Vampire Infected receives a blow to the heart, then all their power will be redirected to regenerating the heart, making them significantly weaker.
    What happens if a Vampire Infected receives a blow to the brain, the medulla, or the spinal cord? They're pretty important organs too.
  20. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, think of it this way - The Virus or whatever you want to call it has its "brain" in the heart.Meaning that by stabing me in the heart you majorly injure the thing, or even kill it.And after this happens it releases significant amount of the "healing thing", healing the heart and then slowly the thing heals itself. Sometimes if the thing is not mature yet then it dosen't have enough of the "healing thing" to heal the heart .In rare cases the thing can release enough of the "healing thing" to heal the heart , but is left with none for himself, resulting in freeing the infected from the curse.And with the Headshot thing it just counts as another organ(see Vampirism post lvl 3) and if the thing is mature enough it gets smarter , healing much major organs faster than say a shot liver, buut if the thing isn't that advanced yet then the infected will collapse or move wierd (think samurai or chickens after losing head.)for about 1-90 seconds.
    Hope you understand anything i wrote, this is original (atleast i think it is.) so look at the idea itself, not grammar ;D.

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