OOC Planet H3R01CS, sign-up

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "want some fish and chips? they are amazing!" jake said,fork in his hand.
  2. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Errm... OK!" Blinky agreed, just glad nobody was kicking off. When his order arrived he tucked into the deep-fried goodness and- "Duuuuuuuuuuuddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
  3. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "I know!"jake said, muffled by the food in his mouth
  4. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Nevermind if something in here effects my powers, this is ssoooooooooo worth it!" Blinky proclaimed and threw a tip at the chef.
  5. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (I whould prefer if you call me Dracula , since i never said my name was jun)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  6. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "I know that, Jun..." Blinky sighed, "but your narrator did..."

    The waitress gave Blinky another one of her 'your stark-raving-mad' glances.
  7. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    * Replaced in New White*
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  8. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (That was out of character , but ok never mind)
  9. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *Replaced In New White*
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  10. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    After a long day of fright, excitement, graphic novel buying and milkshake drinking, Blinky returned to the derelict tenemant block on the edge of town, his refuge from the cruel world. Jumping into his room, the sensor detected his presence, the electrics leapt to life as the generator coughed awake several floors below and Amy Macdonald errupted from the stereo.

    "What a day..." he sighed, too tired to work on any of his little projects, read, or even just watch catch-up on the dataweb. He turned the music off, padded to the mountain of blankets and pillows in the corner and yawned "sleep time now..." before flopping forward and retreating to the land of nod.
  11. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    And Jack the Killer rose up, and attempted to stab him. However, by some chance of luck, Alex, while sleeping shot a TAC 50 into the air, which somehow killed Jack, making no noise. It would be very smelly in the morning.
  12. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    The following morning Blinky's eyes snapped open and met those of Jack the Killer. He screamed and suddenly found himself back in the duckpond.

    "Man..." the mutant groaned, soaked to the skin with murky water and heart pounding like a pnumatic hammer. "This isn't a safe place... What's with that?"

    He quietly meditated what he had seen while drying off on a nearby bench.

    "Was that guy..?"

    With taser at the ready, he ported back to his room and found the cadaver rotting on the floor.

    "He isn't going to be trippin' the light-fantastic anymore."

    That's when Blinky noticed the bullet hole in the wall, close to the ceiling.

    "Interesting... anyway... better call this one in..." he stopped and looked around. "Once I get you some place less of a secret. Looks like it's off to the duck bond for you!"

    Grabbing Jack the Killer by the coat, the two of them disapeared in the blink of an eye. A few minuits later, the mutant returned with carpet cleaner and fabreeze.

    "Good thing there's no lecture this morning!"
  13. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So then, I will be creating a new charater for New White, fancy that, to have a character that is different instead of another shadowmancer. This has been cleared with Phanaton before you ask.

    Name: Marc

    Surname: [redacted] "Omega"

    Age: [redacted] Physically 21 years old.

    Physical Appearance: Thin with pale skin, 5'10'' with black hair, wears black gloves and steel gauntlets that have switches on them. Wears a form-fitting olive green suit under cargo pants and a white t-shirt.

    Mental state: 3 depending on circumstances. 3 when human, devastated by the destruction he causes. 10 when berserk, however the berserk mind cannot be put on this graph due to differences from the human mind.

    Moral Inclination: Neutral (He just wants to live, man)

    Berserker mode:
    Subject can physically transform himself, reshaping joints and lengthening bones, to become a vicious beast. While the subject looks almost identical to his original form, besides his four-legged stance and elongated bones, he is mostly different psychologically, emphasis on the "Psycho". Due to experimentation, his most primal and animalistic tendencies are stored in the area of the brain that is used in this form, being very violent and killing anything that attacks him. Subject gains incredible strength and speed, while using his previously hidden claws and sharp teeth. He must rest after reverting to human form and cannot control himself very well in this state. (Think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
    Temporary force field:
    The subject's gauntlets, at the cost of preventing his transformation, can produce a short-lived force field to protect himself. This field makes up for his lack of strength and can protect him from melee and ranged attacks. However, strong enough attacks can destroy the field and leave him defenseless.

    Berserker mode:
    The subject despises this power and will only use it under extreme circumstances. The power also does not differentiate from friend and foe, killing both if possible. The subject can only direct this power and not control it. He will only change back after being tired, hurt, or if the subject yells in the beast's proverbial ear hard enough. The changing process is long and painful to the subject as well. This power is negated by his gauntlets, needing them to be taken off before this power can be used.
    Beast/human split:
    The introduction to this power caused an unusual side effect, the subject's brain was divided into human and beast parts. The beast part has the most primal and basic tendencies which make up the Berserker mode. The human side, by comparison is very frail and delicate. The subject has been noted to be very polite and rather soft when he is normal, most likely because he has lost several violent tendencies to the beast. Because of these lost tendencies, he is highly unlikely to participate in a battle and cannot bring himself to hurt others.
    Can't blend in: With razor sharp teeth, gloves covering his claws, and a form-fitting jumpsuit under his clothes, Marc does not easily fit in with the crowd. And considering that the scientists are still looking for him, that is bad.
    High learning capabilities:
    The split between the subject and the beast has revealed an incredible capacity for learning, being able to learn how to use a device mere minutes after examining it. This is most prominent with weapons, only the most bizarre weapons keeping him from using it in times of trouble. This may also be because he read books on weaponry, but this could be possible too.

    Scientists in an underground study, were trying to create the ultimate warrior to be sold to powerful rulers. However, many of their experiments ended in either failure or robots, both of which they were not going for. They eventually decided to focus on the violence inside of man instead of that in the Animal kingdom. For various reasons unknown, they chose Marc [redacted] as their test subject. They were able to isolate the parts of the mind holding this power and amplified them, giving the subject skeletal and muscle enhancers along with it. While the end result had the warrior mind, it was uncontrollable. They continued to test on Marc, at one point giving him the gauntlets that send nerve impulses to the beast mind, inhibiting it. Finally, Marc could not take the studies anymore and, against the scientists' will, removed the gauntlets and went into his Berserker form. He did not realize how dangerous the form was though, and killed a large multitude of the scientists in that wing of the facility. The remaining scientists are looking for him, realizing that he is too dangerous to live.
    austriss likes this.
  14. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Sounds... fearsome, lol. My character hasn't been ok'd yet, but I think he will.
  15. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes, a psychopath that does not want to hurt anyone. This will be interesting.
  16. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (Gravity!It's your turn.)
  17. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    suddenly the carpet cleaner drove out of his hand, and disappeared two blocks away."i stole your carpet cleaner!"jake yelled towards blinky.
  18. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex awoke in the morning, looked at Jake through his TAC 50 scope, and said "Freaking retarded world, really."
  19. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "well *bleep* you then" jake said, overhearing this comment.
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    austriss likes this.

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