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Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Having to wait till New White works for me. That's where I intended my character to start off anyway. The bit in Old Anarchis would be his escape. This will be my second RPG (but the first was years ago and didn't follow any rules). I read a few posts on the last page of Old Anarchis. Went over my head a bit (no time to read it all) but I thought your character was cool... for a 'bird girl' :p
  2. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    For your amusement:

    Batman is a gorram SIR. He can roll with the best of them; so can Christa. ^_^

    in regards to starting, le sad -- Gun clearly is not a denizen of New White... Ah well.

    *twittles thumbs impatiently*
  3. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    I do know that Batman is totally awesome. He's one of the biggest guys in the Justice League... And he only has brains, tools and training.
    I'm just saying that being 'normal' in a place like this is, again, not exactly the easiest thing to do.

    Anyway, I'll keep trying to finish Old Anarchis, but my OCD is preventing me from doing quick transitions and such.
  4. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    if you think about ones wheres its only batman and batman villains you see they make each character as dark murderous and material gain isn't much for them

    austriss likes this.
  5. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    that was actually pretty good.
  6. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    I want new white to come out o.o
    austriss likes this.
  7. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Same dude. It's part of my character's backstory to start in New White (he fled Old Anarchis).
  8. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Lol, I have been reading Old Anarchis pretty closely, and am anticipating joining in on the fun :D
  9. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    we need more weird villains
  10. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

  11. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    I need more likable villains. The only currently active one we have right now is pretty much Lucius.

    Also, I realize comparing characters to Batman is probably pretty difficult. When it comes to the Badass Normal archetype of heroes, Batman's pretty much one of the best of the best. The cream on top of the cake. Or something like that. Doubtful I'll ever come to his level.
  12. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Once, I actually managed to come close. Not too close, but then again, WHO CAN? HE'S FRICKIN' BATMAN!
    My character was a billionaire.
  13. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  14. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    I have that kinda training too.
    You arn't alone
    Also, @austriss!
  15. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wait a sec, did you just accept his and not mine!?WHY!!!
  16. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Wait, what?
    Not quite sure what you're talking about
  17. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I thought you accepted his but not mine because of you saying his name but not mine
    wait a sec I don't even think you have that authority.sorry!
  18. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Still don't get what you're talking about
  19. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    actually,me neither.
    I just thought you were the guy that accepted applications and you accepted his but not mine
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest


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