RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    *CRASH* the metal roof buckled under the under the sudden crash and bent, a large hole in it's roof as snow peacefully drifted through the hole and began frosting the clinics floor, ANOTHER hard light cage rising up and surrounding Hawkins since he was STILL wearing his weaponry. . .
  2. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "ALLONS- wait, wha- dammit, not this again!" Alex said, sighing. Well, this was a dumb idea. He'd even thought something like this would happen. Well, at least he could wait for his wounds to heal. He pulled out his wallet, and began to take out money. He'd pay for the damages, at the very least. He looked around, and said to everyone "Hey, guys, don't mind me. Just screwing around!"
  3. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi deactivated his Blood Buster- he had almost made a dark mockery of himself, there was clearly no need for violence here. This IS a clinic....after all..and if there's one thing I don't like, it's seeing people hurt or afraid.

    Upon seeing Mia's exposed form, Tsurugi reflexively flinched a little and then chided himself inwardly. Well, guess it shouldn't be too surprising, given we're all supers- the transhuman freaks, misfits, oddballs, and outcasts of society. After everything that's happened in your life, the strange and unexpected should be old hat for you by now..

    His train of thought was broken as his poodle ears caught the faint sound of a falling object.

    "Whoa!" The cyborg had leapt back to avoid Alex's dynamic enterance- only to botch his landing and fall flat on his hindquarters. Glancing up to look at the hardlight cage, he could only shake his head and sigh for what was the nth time. "You don't really THINK before you LEAP, do you..."
  4. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Yes, I do. However, as they also say, ALLONSY. Screw the police." He replied, as he kept pulling out debit card after debit card. Nope. Nope. Nope, these are all expired. He finally found one that wasn't expired. "Well, can you open this hardlight cage up? I have to go pay the owner. Again. He probably hates me for all this, but I give him interest. This is, like, my fifth jump in here."
  5. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    A sliding door opened with a whoosh as a rather perturbed looking attendant entered the room, holding a key card in a death grip as he angrily slid it down a console, the hardlight cage fading and disappearing. The attendant turned to Hawkins and said, with a rather angry red face, "Hawkins. . . The next time you fall in here, I will keep you in that cage for a full week, and will NOT open it. . . " the attendant said with a deathly calm, holding his hand out for the now regular ritual of hawkins paying for the damages.
  6. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Yeah, yeah, I know." he replied, as usual as he dropped a debit card into the attendants hand. It was of the usual kind, in which the man could not draw more than 20000 units of money. He knew it was an empty threat, considering that given a day, he could break out. How?, that he was not going to give away.
  7. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Getting up from the clinic floor, Tsurugi glanced back to Mia and the pale 'creature'. Then, returning his attention to the attendent- the cyborg asked a question. "Um, excuse me sir...Does this facility have any spare clothes? There's a woman who's freezing cold back there and could probably use something more than just that cloak." he said, putting his arms behind his back and looking down a little while swaying alittle, trying to play the 'cute card'.
  8. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Wait, woman?" Hawkins said as he was about to leave. He spun around, and said again "A woman? Freezing? Well, that wasn't here before. Mind informing me why theres a woman here all of a sudden, with probably no clothing?"
  9. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky slowly, miserably, trundled down the old stone steps of the university, then gazed back at the institute with disgust. The tactless words of the HR manager still rang in his ears: "We don't take people without any formal education and we definitly don't take refugees!"

    Blinky had tried to explain, but they wouldn't listen.

    "Looks like I'm going to have to teach myself Mala..." he muttered under his breath.

    Why should the snooty rulers of the college dictate what he could and couldn't learn? Had his knowledge of computers not saved his former friend, master and guardian numerous times? Had he not aquired the knowledge needed to not only maintain, but sometimes replace her equipment? Was he not already a self-professed journeyman of the old school of Jiggery-pokery? Besides, he was the only person he knew with teleporting abilities (Nightcrawler and Pixie were works of fiction after all) and New White's security forces had left a bad first impression with the young mutant.

    "Fine," he added to nobody, "havn't the time for those losers and their dusty old morterboards."

    With that, he turned his back on the university -although not for good- and trudged off down the snow covered street.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  10. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Her cloak now in the possession of another, Mia stepped back, wrapping her limbs around her body in an almost futile attempt to stay warm. Watching the strange being within the shadows, she couldn't help but think that whatever is in front of her is causing something - and even if not, she would certainly have to ask 'her' about 'her' name, origins, reason - whatever she could glean from the humanoid creature.

    Mia's pondering was suddenly interrupted by a loud, steel-rending CRASH from behind her, prompting her to instantly turn back to see... Alexander, the rugged man from before, sealed within the hospital's security system, a hole right above him. Apparently, she thought, the man fell from high above for some reason. And he apparently has done that four times before, as he answered to Tsurugi. She watched as a hospital attendant unsealed him, talking with a sense of hostility as well as familiarity.

    The ridiculous sight almost made her facepalm.
    That, and the hole in the ceiling is making it even colder.

    As Tsurugi asked the attendant for some clothes, Mia couldn't help but chime in, seeming somewhat more 'normal' than she was after Jake mentioned her hidden appearance.

    "Uh... Yeah. For your information, she's over here. It's, ah, a bit complicated", she said, pointing toward the shadow behind the vending machine.
    "Also, if you don't mind... I would like it if I can borrow some warm clothes, as well. It's really cold out, and this place has gotten quite a bit more drafty than usual", she continued, almost shivering in the cold, her left eye visibly gazing toward the big hole in the ceiling.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  11. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    After jumping back to his once abandoned tenement block, Blinky ventured down into the basement with what tools he could afford after the purchase of the land. He then started digging and planning just how big, and what shape his lab was going to take...
  12. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex looked at Mia with a grin and said "Don't laugh, I saved your life back then, what-ever-your-name-is." He then said again, "But would anyone mind telling me who this woman is?"
  13. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "she was formed from a sample of the virus." jake finally said after face palming for 5 minute "and if you excuse me, i'm going home." jake said as he exited the door. he got in his truck that was barely damaged and started driving. he pasted a hair salon, a university, and he was about to pass a abandoned tenement block, but he saw a shadow inside that went down to the basement. "hmmm..." jake thought as he got out of his car and entered the building and went down into the basement and there he saw blinky. "hey kid, what are you doing?"
  14. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Well, that guy is an ass! Anyways, formed from the infection, huh? I suppose I could probably help with that. She's feeling cold? Bullets are very warm. But we'll need to pump a lot of bullets, since they don't stay warm for too long." Alex said, looking at Jake leave the room. He turned around, and walked up to the woman. "Man, this place might need cleaning after this?"
  15. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    (bleep) it Jake!... Uh oh. Things might go south..FAST.. if I don't do something-like right now!

    Tsurugi imediately dropped his 'cute facade' and darted between Alex and the pale woman. Putting his arms out to the side, he took a protective stance and gave the mercenary a dagger sharp glare, "It may be stupid heroics, but if you want to harm her- you'll have to go through me first!" The cyborg warned, his fox-like tail tense.
  16. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Eh, I nearly shot you before, when you were infected. I know that the Government would agree with my outcome, even if they didn't with my methods. Things like that thing over there have to be destroyed. Also, I really hate furries. In fact, I think I hate most things. And if you wanna fight, remember, I have regen powers, some of the largest and most powerful guns ever made, and some badass aviators." Alex said to Tsurugi. Bromageddon would follow fast if he were to get angry. He would send them all to Brohalla. Except for the chicks. The chicks went to Hell for being evil. The aviators perched on Alex's noes dropped, slightly, and he reached inside his pocket for a cigarette box. He then remembered this was a clinic, and he couldn't do that, so he grabbed the e-cigarette.
  17. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky dropped the sledgehammer in alarm and spun around, a mixture of shock and anger on his face.

    "What are you doing in my house? Nobody said you can go in my house. This is my house! And if you should know, I'm making my super cool, super secret lab with a vault, and a robot building work bench and stuff! And you're standing right where the giant strawberry milkshake machine is going to go!" The mutant cherped with all the territorial fury he could muster -which wasn't much. "Or does that... Yes... the milkshake machine goes in the milkshake room next to my library... Now get out! Actually, no... that's rude... Go make a cup of tea or something... I'm busy extending my basement!"
  18. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn observed the streets from high atop a fire escape, puzzling over the recent events that had unfolded. He had observed the infection and took mental notes of it. He fought a few of the creatures but mostly tried to observe. He saw several other powered individuals fighting, some familiar, others unknown. Whatever this catastrophe was, it wasn't some random outbreak. Not in this city... It was a calculated move, a play by someone with power. The purpose was yet unclear but he resolved to get to the bottom of it as soon as he could.

    His musings were interrupted by a crash from relatively nearby. Sighing, he stood and stretched, then bounded up the fire escape quickly. He paced to the edge of the building toward where the crash had originated and saw a man-sized hole in the top of the local clinic. He squinted in thought and decided to get a better look. He leapt to a building near to the clinic and extended a hand toward it's surface. black liquid seemed to ooze quickly from his pores and form a claw over his hand, he caught the building with it and slid until he was several yards from the roof of the clinic. He descended from the taller building slowly, lowering himself like a spider. The black liquid stretched like a rope from his hand to the claw that remained in the building until he alighted quietly on the roof of the clinic. He withdrew it, the sound hardly audible, no more than a whisper in the night.

    He peered into the hole tentatively, and was not surprised by what he found. Alex freaking Hawkins was wreaking more havoc in the clinic, a regular occurrence actually. He'd heard the merc's name on the streets very often during intelligence gathering outings. He'd witnessed a few of the impressive paths of destruction this man carved first hand, though he'd never interfered except to save a few bystanders. He'd also never interacted with him, for good reasons.

    Now it seemed the man was intent on shooting SOMEONE, though from his vantage point he couldn't make out who, though they were obviously protected by someone else, who was also somewhat obscured from his view, though he could make out some metallic pieces, so he assumed it was a cyborg of some sort. He resigned himself to watching a little longer before involving himself. He didn't want to add to the issue at hand. He watched with a slight smirk as Alex pulled out an e-cigarette... what the man lacked in subtlety and sanity, he made up for in style.
  19. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "do you need any help? I mean, you are just a kid."jake said picking up a sledgehammer. "also kid, this is your house? I thought this place was abandoned. oh, and about that milkshake machine, library, and milkshake room, here." jake said as he handed $5000 to blinky. "got that when I hunted down and killed the drug dealer green-eyed simon. now, you gonna accepted my help or not? I can even tell you about some classified tech I heard about in the lab where I got my powers.
  20. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky looked at the half-ghost hand offering him the $5000 that would definitly come in handy. He then thought of just how lonely the place could be and how Jakes powers could -tenuously- be linked to Mala's in a bout of homesick for the past.

    "I have an... idea..." Blinky reluctantly replied. "Why don't you... set up base here too? A joint venture of sorts. I had money but most of thats gone now. This place was intended to be a base for myself and well... somebody else... Anyway... there's like, thirty flats in here. Just... dont go in my room... and don't mess with my experiments... Oh! And don't open the vault when it's built! -unless you ask nicely before hand..."

    (OOC. Damn, I love the unpredictable journey RPG's can take you on. This is the Elder Scrolls effect right here, lol. Oh, and by the way. Anybody watched Doctor Who yet? It was awesome! /OOC)

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