RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex nodded his head and said "If thats how you feel, ghosty boy!" as he looked outside the window, and contemplated his choice of weaponry. "Say, were you going to kill a- actually, leave it at that, you wouldn't know, nor care."
  2. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi gripped the coke can in one hand and took one of Alex's business cards with the other. "Thanks...guess I'll look foward to doing business with you in the near future." he said with a mild hint of sarcasm, sipping the refreshing carbonized liquid. Though he was feeling alittle better now, the cyborg knew he had still lost a lost blood and it would take a while to recover-so the best thing he could do right now was rest.

    At least things seem to have calmed down, for now... Tsurugi thought as he drank his coke. It was only at that moment he came to the realization that he was still in his nightgown. Grreat...why didn't somebody tell me!? Okay, item # 2, get some new clothes. And think I was fighting mutant abominations in this the whole time...bleh.
  3. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex looked back at Tsurugi and said "Well, sarcasm isn't getting you any discounts, but I'll still provide you one, for the sake of it. In any case, from what I saw earlier, you should get some better clothes. Also, sorry for dropping hell on you and your friend, as well as nearly terminating you. Well, I'm sure, if I had killed you, you would have looked deep into your heart, which would have been all the way outside on a wall, and forgiven me. Goodbye all, now. Enjoy life, as such. I might have a party r tomorrow night, so if you care, come. Not you, underage boy, though." as he kicked open the door. He definitely had not planted explosives in the clinic though. Definitely not.
  4. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "All right... Gotta find that Alex dude. The guy was a boss. But where...?" Umbra said to himself as he continued to walk down the long and empty street.
    He was also wondering were everybody was, but he didn't really care that much. He counted to walk pointlessly for a while, until he happened on Alex crossing the street- without looking both ways.

    "Hey, you little asshat! Come 'ere!"
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex looked to his right, and saw his good friend, Umbra! Good spectacles of heaven! "By the beard of Gary Gygax, Umbra, good you're here. You missed out on some fun stuff that happened, you un-english nut muffin! Like me brutally murdering so many of those creatures with a sword! Jah!" He said, extending his hand for a handshake.
  6. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    "You're... A cyborg? I... See. I guess you're a lot tougher than you look, huh?", Mia replied, somewhat nervous.

    She watched as the young man named Blinky disappeared and reappeared, showing off his powers of teleportation -
    And reappeared with a bottle of cola to sate Tsurugi's thirst.

    "Oh! Thanks for giving Ms. Yoshi a drink, Mr. Blinky! Although, I probably would have done so myself if you didn't", she said, showing the bag of groceries she was still holding on to with her upper-left arm, her other limbs hidden beneath her cloak. The bag had bottles of drinks, vegetables, some condiments, and potatoes. Lots of potatoes.
    "By the way, I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but... You didn't, um, steal that cola, did you?", she asked Blinky curiously, knowing just how easy it is to steal with such a convenient super-power.
    She turned to the side, seeing the rugged man walk away from the clinic while giving everyone business cards - she received one herself, of course, putting the card into her grocery bag.
    "Thanks, Mr. Alexander Hawkins! Good luck out there!", the hooded girl said to the leaving mercenary, thinking it as a gesture of common courtesy.

    Mia then turned to the others - and saw that the tall man was gone, the vending machine nearby rattling and clinking oddly.
    She shrugged it off, looking toward Tsurugi and Blinky.
    "So, um... What do we do now, everyone?"
  7. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Umbra went in for an awkward fist bump and awkwardly recovered it into a handshake. "And I just highjacked the NWBS and shut down all the Titans in the city! Oh, and we won't be getting a million dollars any time soon."
    Scratching his head, he continued: "So what are you gonna do now? I got a contract for a location on the far outskirts of the city, basically the countryside. Something about some guy with 'super' powers whos started doing good stuff, and people don't really like him. Like. At all. The salary's 30,000. We can split it. So what do you say?"
  8. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex pulled out of the handshake, and with a laugh, said "Man, you didn't have to do that at all! The entire situation was self contained. The Infection destroyed the Titans, and left only the people behind........ And plus, I've got a different job. An idiot vampire. Gotta kill him, and it pays around 50,000, so no thanks. Though I suppose we could do both. I think your's might be easier, so lets start of with mine, shall we?" He scratched the back of his head and looked up. "Damn, I'm gonna have to restock on weapons though."
  9. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *achillea put the businesses card into what looked like a leaf formed into a pocket of sorts she decided to get going as there was no point staying there she decided she would get to the top of the apartment she lived in as it would be a better lookout*
  10. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    "Do now?...To be honest, I don't know. The sitution seems to be under control, so I guess we try returning to our normal lives for now. However, I have a feeling someone high up started that infection fiasco and they have an interest in us 'supers'. This was some sort of test, to gauge what we're capable of." Tsurugi replied to Mia, as he finished his coke. His blue and black fox like tail flitted back and forth with slight unease.

    "I couldn't guess at what their plans are, but it'll probably invovles our powers-they'll try something again latter.That, I'm postitive of." He continued, his hand crushing the empty can with a grinding *KRRSSHTTCH!* "However, we're still missing pieces of the whole jigsaw, so the best we can do now is wait and see..." The fenix poodle hybrid finished. Having regained some strength, he slowly stood up and stretched, which was followed by a yawn.

    Tsurugi then crossed his arms in thought, as he leaned against the clinic counter.
  11. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "ha!" jake said, unpossessing the vending machine. "that's my power! by "that's my power" I can possess things. i'm kinda half-ghost. by the way, my name's jake. I didn't have the time to introduce myself back there, with the infection and all that. and i'm guessing you're half bug. oh, and to answer your question, I don't know." jake said Yoshi soon answering mia's question with a much better answer.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  12. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Looks like I can't use this thing to get me a place in the Uni then," Blinky replied and showed his new found friends the sample of the parasitic goo. "Dunno how I'll get in. Was plannin' to wow them with what little I know. Oh, and no Ms. Mia, I didn't steal the drink from you. Just got it from my place. Mal- someone once told me: 'You only mark those who have more than enough'."
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  13. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (I am sorry if i offended you in anyway , but no need to call my character an idiot..:cautious: )
  14. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    it's IC austriss, dun worry, anywho ) The sludge ebbed in the container, as it seemed as if some sort of conscience was contained within, trying to speak out, it changed to a pure white and shuddered, a small tendril attempting to open the lid, and failing.
  15. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "why the heck did it turn white?" jake said because no one else noticed. "hmm."jake thought, then pulled the container from blinky's hand. he dripped a bit of water on it, and wanted to see if there was a reaction. he waited for a second to see if there was one.
  16. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "THE HELL MAN!" Orun suddenly raged. "DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!!"

    After composing himself for a minuit and watching what Jake was doing to the sample, he just shook his head and continued more calmly: "Especially dangerous stuff. I was thinking of making a vault for that thing, but you've opened it now so... whatever... If you wanna start another outbreak go ahead..."

    With that, the disgruntled and disapointed young mutant disappeared back to his den on the edge of town.
  17. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The sludge shuddered again, the water staying on the top and not sinking through, the sludge shudders again and flicks the drop of water at Jakes eye, carefully squeezing out and quickly slithering underneath the vending machine, several flashes of light blinking out.
  18. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi's eyes widened as he wittnessed the viral ooze escape from the container and slide under the vending machince. "One of you was ACTUALLY dumb enough to keep some of that crap ALIVE?!.." he shouted-half out of anger, half out of fear as the vending machince began to rattle and shake violently. Reflexively, he leveled his right arm at the hijacked device- his hand turning into a shiny chrome revovler once more.
  19. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    moments later, a meek and feminine sounding voice rang out "hello? why is it so cold?", what dark magic or forbidden science is this?
  20. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    "Hmm... That's certainly a possibility, yes", Mia chimed in, thinking.
    "The quarantine is rather excusable - this is New White after all, and one wouldn't be surprised if every district has the means to. But the speed... I think it was in mere minutes. That's pretty fast. Well, although I won't rule off the possibility of them plain having excellent comm networks", the cloaked girl said, pausing for a moment.
    "Thing that bothered me most was how prepared the military is, really. They were very prepared at dealing with this kinda thing. Maybe too prepared. Almost like something like this has happened before. And as far as I know, there weren't anything like this happening before...", the girl trailed off, questions floating in her mind.

    "But I guess thinking about it wouldn't do much good now, huh? Might even get on the government's bad side"

    She then saw the tall man suddenly appear, his sudden appearance leaving her innocently blinking in surprise...
    Until he said those words.

    Eyes wide open, she reflexively stepped away from the tall man, walking backwards until her back is pressed against the wall, her hood and cloak wrapped around herself even tighter.
    "...Hi, Jake", she replied with few words, nervous and wary, in sharp contrast to the timid, yet lively chatterbox she was before.

    As she watched Blinky pull out the sealed sample of parasitic goo, Mia kept silent, though she appears to be warily watching the goo - she only nodded as he explained about him not stealing. When the man known as Jake took the sample and began messing around with it, though, she reacted with voiceless exasperation, and even more so when the sample escaped.
    She pressed back against the wall, her two blade-limbs preparing for the worst beneath her large cloak...

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