RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Poles lurched up out of the floor, walls of hardlight connecting and closing Hawkins in as a computer voice spoke out of a loudspeaker "Firearms are not permitted in the clinic, please wait for an attendant to come to you and deactivate the hardlight shields, thank you for your patience." the voice ended abruptly.
  2. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Mia cringed at the sight, almost frozen in place.
    On one hand, she didn't want the man to kill the anthromorph.
    On the other hand, she knew full well that the anthromorph would, if left unattended, turn into one of those monsters and start the vicious cycle again.
    In panic, she saw that one of the people right next to her - a young man with blue-green hair - holding a handheld, battery-powered high-voltage taser. An electric taser.
    "WAIT! LET ME TRY SOMETHING!", Mia shouted in panic, dashing toward the young man's side. With one swift motion, she took the taser from his hands, put the taser on the anthromorph's infected side, and pressed the button.
  3. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Ah, dammit. Not this again. This is the fourth time now! I keep forgetting! YAGH!" He yelled. He dropped the weapons, and took out the sword. He then stabbed it into the floor, and attempted to cut his way out. The sword was quite powerful, really. He yelled again "Atleast kill that damn thing!"
  4. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The sludge shuddered, cracks spreading across it and breaking the sludge up, a few miniscule half formed needles launching out, not laced with the infection, although the sludge beneath the hard outer surface simply bubbled, some of it dripping to the floor and dissipating, although most of it was still there, perhaps a longer length of electrical shock?
  5. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The poles whirred, electricity sparking on their tops, bolts of incapacitative energy shooting towards Hawkins as the same voice repeated its previous statement.
  6. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc winced at the message, "Stupid semi-super hearing... wait."
    He pieced the quarantine message together, finding that 3L3C7R1C could also be seen as...
    "Clean Procedure ELECTRIC," Marc breathed with horror. "They can't be seriously be using it."
    He turned back to where the quarantine was, knowing that there were living people in there. He runs at full speed back, believing that he could do something to stop this massacre.
  7. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Hell no" he said, as he used the sword somewhat as a lightning rod. He however, took the hint. He put the sword back into its sheath, and yelled at Mia "Kill that thing! Don't just stand there with that naive look!"
  8. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    A large metallic dome laced with lines of light closed over the nobles district, thick metal walls rising in front of the fences, and forming a super protective barrier as a huge floodlight in the domes ceiling flashed to life, an almost ethereal light bathing the snow covered district in light. The loudspeaker spoke out again "Clean procedure 3L3C7R1C will begin in several hours, civillians are once again advised to evacuate to the nearest safe zones or checkout points immediately. " It said with a rather dark sense of finality in its voice, as a few holes in the dome opened, a few carrier ships flying in and hovering above the infected streets, monsters running rampant and a few attempting to reach the carriers, and usually falling to their deaths, several blobs like those that had his the titans flew at them but were shot down with an electric burst. Doors on the carriers opened and ropes rolled down, New Whites specialist containment force sliding down and loading glowing white cartridges into their weaponry, and turning knobs on their helmets, their visors changing to a deep green, as they begin firing at the infected, energy flashing and infected flying back and dying with an agonizing human scream. The carrier ships gunners began firing down on the infected, the previously infected titans now nothing but scrap metal, having been consumed by the sludge, the few infected that reached the specialists repelled by bright flashes of light and electric fields, the specialists proceeded through this work as if they had done it before, with a cold certainty and precise tactics, the infected falling rapidly.

    The holes in the dome closed as the specialists continued, a few carriers proceeding to the few holdouts of survivors and dropping specialists, the gunners carefully watching and protecting the few packs of survivors in this hell fight. A few charged up to the clinic and stood guard outside of it, a rather official looking specialist dropping from another rope and walking into the clinic, eyes filled with a cold decisiveness as he takes into consideration everyone, his helmet whirring and folding back, revealing a badly scarred face with a rebreather over his mouth, his voice metallic and burned sounding. "All citizens are advised to remain within this clinic and allow clean procedure 3L3C7R1C to proceed with its work, " as he said this his eyes fell on Hawkins as he resumed speaking "under special direction from Annalita Von Chistoph you all are to be commended and treated as needed for you aid in this outbreak, all civillian casualties on your part will be written off as collateral damage and any actions taken averse to this cities laws will be forgotten and wiped from the network. . ." the metalmouth said bluntly, pulling out a small disc and clicking it into place on Tsurugi, the disc whirring and cleansing the infection entirely "Once again, your aid is appreciated." he says and pulls out a weapon, standing guard inside the clinics entrance as he maintains a vigil.
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex looked at the man, sitting crosslegged. Annalita, huh. The ruler of New White, the savior of the planet, and all other kinds of propaganda fueled bullshit. He scratched his head, and looked up. "Well, I suppose it was okay. The people had terrible fashion sense anyways. But what I don't understand is, why would they start 3L3C7R1C over this? It was mostly self contained here, considering the fact that some in the government know I live here, and should have realized that I would have taken care of it. However, I guess thats irrelevant, and those people may have had doubts about my capability. In any case, would you kindly let me go? I have work to do, since I have to deal with a certain, well, vampiric presence in our lovely city."

    (( @austriss ! !))
  10. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    He stops, "What. Am. I. Doing. I cannot help anyone that would be there. And furthermore, some of those people might recognize me and try to take me back."
    He turns away from the quarantined area, "I will not go back to the labs again."
  11. Horizons Reach

    Horizons Reach Void-Bound Voyager

    A few blocks away, Joshua had noticed the huge ass dome that had spread around the city, blocking his and his teams escape.
    Looking around, he saw a group of soldiers, but they were not his own. "Hey!", he called out to them. Seemingly out of the blue,
    they snapped to attention and saluted him. After exchanging formalities, they updated him on the situation, and directed him to the nearest command post.

    As he approached the clinic, he spotted a platoon of soldiers and what appeared to be a specialist of sorts.
    Brandishing his identification, he strolled right up to the man. "My name is Joshua, I need access
    to this outpost, and to speak to your commanding officer.

    "I am the commanding officer", the gruff man replied.
    "Then you will do well to step aside, for likely you know who I am.", and without a sound, the man let him past.

    As he stepped into the clinc, he noticed many faces. All weary, likely from the battle. He glanced around, and
    noticed the man he was chasing. "Alex". He spun around and stared at Joshua. "I do believe that is your name?"
    The man nodded.

    I do believe you lot have done excellent work today. It is commendable, however I am not here to give you praise,
    or give you arrest. I don't work for the city. I am here to formally request you join the Dynamic Hive Cells taskforce.
    Each of you will be given a card. Should you wish to join the DHC, simply call the number on the card, and we will
    transport you to our Headquarters. Enjoy the rest of your stay.

    He walked out, taking only one glance at the commander, before turning back. "You." The man stirred. "I need you
    to take me to whoever you work for".

    "Not possible sir, theres a conta-"
    "I don't care, make it possible. Until then, you're coming with us"
    With that, several armed soldiers lead the commander to a waiting VTOL.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  12. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *Achillea stood at the clinic she wasn't really sure of what to do at the clinic anything she did could not really help and so she just stood waiting
  13. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    *eyebrow twitches* Horizons Reach, these are NOT run of the mill soldiers that just listen to anyone, they are cybernetically bound to obey ONLY Annalita, and her commanding officers, they are her last resort if things go too far south, as such, please refrain from controlling my NPCs ) The metalmouthed commander pulled out a pistol and aimed it directly at his face, "We are not bound to obey you cabal master, my soldiers and I obey ONLY Annalita Von Christoph, one step further and you will die, " the man said, clicking a button, the pistol whirring into a ready firing position.
  14. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Several other soldiers readied their guns and aimed at Joshuas task force, the carriers aiming lights that weren't preoccupied with infected following suit, the weapons whirring to ready position as they stood ready to open fire if need be.
  15. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Well, hot diggity damn, its another asshole in the gameplan! So, like I said, can I leave now, whatever-rank-you-maybe?" Alex said, with a slightly irritated face. He removed the sword sheath from his back, and threw it at Tsurugi's face, but it missed entirely, since he was still in the light cage. It hit the light wall with a bang.
  16. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The sword burned and dissipated into the air, gone.
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex looked back, and shrugged. He had tonnes of swords in the first place. Far too many, in fact.
  18. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Groaning, the cyborg twitched and stirred... I'm..alive?..Bleh..how long was I out?. he thought as he came to. Tsurugi slowly sat up and observed his surroundings. He appeared to be in some sort of clinic, with a group of people- three of them he reconized imediately.

    "Oooh man... would somebody like to explain how I got here, and what's going on?" he coughed, his throat rather dry.
  19. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "well the new white military came and cleaned up this place, cleaned your infection, and are about to intiate something called cleaning program electric, Yoshi." jake said then turned to mia."oh and I was the one who shot the orange capsule so, you're welcome." then he turned to annalita "so, annalita wha-i mean annalita sir"he corrected as he saw a small bit of murder in the soldier's eyes"what is cleaning program electric?" jake said, noticing some blurs taking out soldiers out side "um, annalita sir,look outside!"
  20. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After a legion of guards and no less than 10 bullets in his torso, Umbra made it through to the control room. Finding a crapton of switches, he didn't know what to do. He looked through the windows that showed the Control Hub, where the Signal Core for the Titans was stored, along with backup Titans and some special marks. He knew he didn't have enough time, so searching for a big red button that said 'OFF', another 5 guards charged into the room. He immediately found and pressed the button, and then flipped off of his seat, picking it up in the process, and slammed one of the guards in the head with the metallic seat. Turning to the other 4 left, he easily frontal-kicked one into a stack of metallic barrels. In front of him, there were 3 left. Dashing forward with a pulse of electricity, he grabbed two of the guards and slammed their heads together, instantly knocking them out. The last guard was left trembling, holding a gun that he believed would help him.

    "D-Dont come any closer!" the guard cried. "I've got a gun!"
    "No shit. I did everything I had to do here, now get out. Don't tell anyone, and don't try to fix anything here. It's for the best."

    Umbra had finally done something useful. Or at least, useful to him and Alex. One more step closer to getting their million dollars. He had powered down all the Titans in the city, and now he had to tackle the source itself, if he could find one.

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