RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Horizons Reach

    Horizons Reach Void-Bound Voyager

    Grabbing a weapon, Joshua quickly equipped some basic power armor and ran toward a position of cover, signalling
    a group of soldiers to head to the roof of a nearby building. Goddamit, he thought. This shit was not going to end well.
    Looking around, he noticed a few figures running towards him. Drawing his magnum, he quickly killed both of them.
    His earpiece crackled to life. "Sir, we have gotten to a recon position. Theres a huge fight going on near downtown.
    As it stands we have a visual on a man hefting some sort of huge weapon. Orders?"

    Cursing himself for eating one too many cinnabuns, sprinted toward the downtown area.
    "Get the VTOL's to do containment, take out all the smaller targets, i'm going to try to meet
    up with the man."
  2. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ((Hey Horizons Reach, can I know what you're commanding? Would my character have knowledge of a company like this?))

    Umbra finally reached the NWBS, and launching himself up into the sky, he pushed himself forward, crashing into a window in the top of the tower. Picking out a few pieces of glass, the rest falling out naturally by regeneration. Taking the steps, he reaches Sector 3 of the NWBS. Breaking open a metal door with a pulse of energy, he walks through and sirens begin to wail throughout the entire tower. "Uh-oh." Umbra mutters with a slight grin on his face, as he speeds up.

    Reaching the end of the corridor, he blasts another door open again, and encounters two soldiers in body armour. They immediately notice Umbra and ready their guns. Umbra freezes in his place, and says:

    "Uh. Hi."
  3. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Hey... super-dudes of questionable morality!" Blinky yelled to Umbra and Alex from his vantage point. "It appears as if the infection is killing the host. We're playing for time here. Try taking out the legs!"

    A guttural howl from behind forced Orun to port instantaneously to the rooftop of the building across the street. Spining round he saw what had made the sickening noise; one of the infected had been creeping up on him. His eyes narrowed as he took great offense at the creatures attempt on his life.

    "So rude!" he yelled over and the creature roared in reply. "I'll teach you a thing or two..." he muttered to himself before porting right behind the monstrosity and tasing it in the back of the neck.

    The creature collapsed with a hidious gurgle and collapsed to the ground, it's taloned limbs flailing viciously. Slowly, painfully, it stopped it's twitching and the grusome additions melted away to reveal the comotose citizen within.

    "Biomechanical?" Blinky mumbled to himself and pocketed some of the gunk in a plastic container. "This will get me into University for sure!"

    An instant later the the traumatised guy was safely in hospitol and Blinky was back with Umbra and Alex on the city streets.

    "That stuff's biomechanical!" he added and looked at one of his tasers. "I really don't think these will work on one of those Titans thought."
  4. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ((Uh... I'm not there... Not sure about Alex though.))
  5. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    he saw her running with the mutants(he could see into the front and saw it was a she)and, with perfect aim, shot a small capsule of protective goo that envelopes its target and protect them.the reason he did that is because he hated those stupid infected. he just didn't want any more people turning. if it was just explosions, he would probably shoot the goo.he didn't know why. suddenly he felt a deep pain in his leg. he looked down and saw a piece of small shrapnel stuck in his leg.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  6. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex hit the ground with a resounding thud, as he rolled when he hit the ground. It had been quite a large fall, so he'd broken several bones, but it wouldn't be too much of an effort, he hoped. He'd landed right behind Mia. He coughed up a lot of blood, and said, with blood everywhere, and his knee protruding from his skin "Run, assjack." He got up, with pain rushing through him, but it was healing. A small gross tentacle came out of the hole in his knee, and pulled the protruding bone back in, as the wound healed. He then pulled out his blade, and put it to right. "Its time.......... to lay down the smackdown!"

    ((Image of sword. Enter Soundtrack. Those are two different links, kaY?))

    He then ran forward, towards the creatures.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  7. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (I still thought we were on page one at the time :/ anyway...)

    Orun looked around, noticing he was mostly alone except for the titants stomping towards him.

    "Oh great Blinky! Talking to yourself again! Well, you know... talking to yourself you sometimes get a good reply. Anywho... Yikes!"

    He yellped and jumped back as a splodge of goo the the size of a mini rained down from the quickly mutating and melting titans. Looking up, they had been replaced by even more of the human sized monstrosities and suddenly found himself back in his appartment.

    "Ok Blinky... Ok... Just chill for a moment and think..."

    That's when he saw the abandoned car in the parking lot and had an idea...

    "Incomming!!!!!!" he yelled with manical thrill as he and the car appeared over the street he'd previously been in. Letting go of the worn out craft he jumped away to a roof top and admired his work as it plunged into the hordes below, turning them into green and yellow street pizza.

    Then he noticed the girl running down the street on the other side of the corner...
  8. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    (i'm on a rooftop. I kinda climbed up the rooftop next to you)
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    ((That makes no sense. He had jumped several posts before you. And it was a very high roof top!))
  10. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    (I climbed up window ledges.)
  11. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi paused to catch his breath....his vision was starting to blur on top of the constant pain as snow drifted around him, oblivious to the chaos that filled his surroundings. From the shelter provided by a building fragment that was propped up by an overturned truck, he wittnessed a hail of shrapnel hit the street. In the middle of it all, a cloaked figure darted across the cold expanse- pursued by a pack of infected.

    No...You don't have the strength left to fight, much less run...and the infection is still spreading.... The cyborg chided himself, as he watched, but he couldn't take his eyes off the progressing madness- his almost now-pure black tail flicking left and right in anger. Wtihout even thinking, his right hand leveled out to firing postion, a tendril snaking around the metal. He glanced at it.

    Heh...Typical you....no matter how much you say they don't matter, in truth you can't leave people in danger for more than a second. Better give it your best shot then!..
  12. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    before he could shoot, jake's voice said "IT'S OKAY! I FIRED A PROTECTIVE GOOP CAPSULE AT HER! SHE'S GONNA BE ALRIGHT! TAKE OUT THE INFECTED IF YOU WANT THOUGH!" he yelled towards Yoshi.
  13. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex ran forward, hearing the words of Jake. "Good then, I shan't have to worry about casualties then." he yelled back at him, as he sliced the head off of one of the creatures, then stabbed another in the stomach.
  14. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    *BANG!* another black crystal flew across the battlefield, striking one of the mutants in a warped leg. The effect was like acid, as it writhed on the ground-dissolving into a barely reconisable puddle of dead matter. Imediately the infected beings turned their attention from the goo pod to their attacker. With a barely human shriek, one lead the charge as they converged towards Tsurugi.

    "Grrrr...Bring it!" The cyborg said as he stood. Soon as they were in clawing range, *BANG!* he fired a shot into the truck and then sprinted away using the last of his strength. *KABOOOM!!*

    Nearby, Tsurugi fell to his knees....so...This is it, eh?...
  15. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    jake ran as quick as he could over to Yoshi and picked him up. the nearest place was a clinic and he went as fast as he could and, even though it hurt bad, smashed through the window. he gave Yoshi some painkillers and put it down behind the counter."get some rest, okay?"he telled Yoshi as he walked out the door.
  16. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Seeing that the girl was now safe, but that her brave protectors were now in trouble, Blinky burried all his fear and ported down into the clinic.

    "Errm... You guys look like you need help, so I dropped in... Don't know how good this old spud gun's going to be against those nasties though. Electricity works good, but they're scary up close!"
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  17. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    As the infection spread across Tsurugi, some of it attempted to creep on to Jake, although an obviously human voice began ringing in Tsurugis head, as it began to speak, its voice a sound of mad gibberish and mumbling, able to be understood by Tsurugi after a few moments. " I am refuge, and I am sanctuary, why do you flee from that which attempts to save you? them? all of you, my way will unite all life, mechanical, and biological, submit to my way and embrace sanctuary. . . " The voice spoke. Several infected jumped down from the walls of nearby buildings and burst through the now thick blizzard, all other noise besides these morphed hunters blocked out as they howled their hunting cry, needles launching from their back and their claws attempting to rake the flesh of these heroes from their bones, although they seemed to be avoiding Tsurugi to the best of their ability.

    Meanwhile, ( I love this transition so much ) Poles raised from the ground, alarms blaring and electrified fences raising up around the nobles district as a feminine voice blared out of loudspeakers, audible through the snow "This is now a quarantined zone, all uninfected civilians are advised to proceed to the nearest checkpoint before clean procedure 3L3C7R1C is activated, several squadrons of defense force are en route," several other miscellaneous warnings and advisings blared out of the loudspeakers but became drowned out by the blizzard. If one listened thought about the message, and connected the letters and numbers, it almost sounded like the word "electric", but surely it's nothing but a coincidence, or is it?
    austriss likes this.
  18. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex heard the announcements as he mercilessly killed the creatures while blaring music from his phone connected to a portable speaker. He smirked, snorted and said "Pff, like I'd chicken out. This is awesome!" He swung his sword, chopping the head off of one of the creatures, while listening to Queens of the Stone Age. "PRESSURIZE, NEUTRALIZE" he sang along, annihilating another one of the creatures. He bobbed his head, pulling out one S&W in a single hand, while holding the blade in the right hand. He fired at two more creatures.
    austriss likes this.
  19. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    From the corner of her vision, Mia suddenly noticed a small object heading toward her from above, whizzing through the sky like a bullet. On reaction, she dived to the side, the 'bullet' grazing her shoulder - and, surprisingly, developed into an orange 'capsule' that enveloped her. Before she could panic, though, she heard a sudden CRASH as a man landed right behind him, knee broken in an open fracture and spilling blood everywhere.
    Or at least, he had an open fracture and was spilling blood everywhere.
    "Run, assjack", the man said, as he pulled out his blade and charged into the crowd of her chasers with a cry of "It's time to lay down the smackdown!"
    Still confused, she saw as a multitude of things happen so fast.
    Black-colored projectiles, flying from the corner of her vision toward some of her pursuers.
    A poodle-like anthropomorphic person - a girl? - firing a black-colored projectile toward a truck and fleeing as it exploded.
    The animal-like girl being carried away into a clinic by a very, very tall man.
    Alarms blaring. An announcement that all uninfected civilians must proceed to the nearest checkpoint before clean procedure '3L3C7R1C' is activated.
    And above all, she saw that people would need her help.

    Mia turned and stopped, feeling the 'swarm' in her squirm in protest.
    No. No more running. I was scared, and I still am. But now... I'll stand and fight. With everyone else.
    And the first thing I will do is...

    Noting as the rugged man that landed right behind her is pretty much doing fine on his own - at least for now, the cloaked female entered the clinic, keeping all but her upper left arm hidden beneath her cloak.
    "Um, hey... Everyone-", she began to greet the others, but is immediately interrupted by the ailing sight of the human-poodle hybrid.
    "Oh-oh my gosh. You look like - you look just like one of those people right before they turned into one of those monsters. Are you - um, can you still go on? I don't know what's happening, but I'll help to the best of my abilities!", she said, though she is clearly afraid.
    "But... Um... Can anyone tell me what 'clean procedure ELECTRIC' means?", she continued with a question, completely oblivious to the fact that she just deciphered a somewhat cryptic - if delivered verbally - announcement off the top of her head.
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex watched the girl, now clearly a girl, dashed into the clinic. "Huh. Weird one." he said, putting another bullet into the skull of a creature. The S&W's were out of ammo, and only a single bullet in each, and the swordplay was getting somewhat out of control. Had he brought two blades, the whole thing would probably have been. He decided to enter the clinic himself. He cleanly put his blade back in its sheath, and then he kicked the door in just as Mia asked
    He yelled, "IF ANYTHING, I DON'T KNOW!" He then noticed Tsurugi. His eyebrows broke orbit when he saw her condition. He raised the S&W's, with the intent to kill.

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