RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi ducked as sludge and nasty sharp objects flew over his head, ruining the wall behind him. That....was a bad idea!..and now it's even uglier... the furry cyborg thought as he witnessed his foe's sickening mutation. Before the beast had another chance to attack, a shout rang out- "Hey you ugly ape!" as bullets blasted it into the nearest bookshelf.

    What the....back up? Nevermind, NOW would probably be a good time to vamoose! He took the chance to fire a couple of blood crystals at the stunned creatures legs and then ran for the window, ignoring the glass shards. "This is gonna suck...." he muttered as he leaped out into the cold airspace. "AAAAAAAiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee~"

    *PAWF!* A snowdrift on the street exploded. Tsurugi cringed as he landed- the wounds from earlier still stung. "Bleh...got to work on my landings..." the girly looking anthrophmorph said as he sat up.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  2. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    Gun shifted uncomfortably in the alley he had made a temporary home -- the sound of carnage had woken him. It was something he was well accustomed to, of course, but it was the first he had heard such thing here. Can't a man get any sleep? I thought New White was a peaceful place... Gun stood up from the pile of refuse he was using to conceal himself, dust scraps of newspaper from him. He walked out into the street, yawning, and saw a mass of infected rushing toward him..

    "Oh for f--" Gun let out just as several jumped at him. He shifted to the side in the blink of an eye, watching the creatures slam into the street where he had been only a second before.

    "You know," Gun paced away from the infected slowly and tactically, "This is not exactly what I expected this city to be like at all, but I guess it isn't different from Arachnis after all." With a flick of his arm, he drew a few bullets he had been storing in his coat, and readied them in his hand. "Now look, we can do this the easy way, or the way where you all die. How about you all just go back to where you came from, and we'll all have a good day, hmm?" Gun flipped a bullet in between his fingers, ready to loose the deadly projectile at a moment's notice.
  3. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    standing over him appeared a steam roller that was driven by no one. then, in a flash, jake appeared inside it as if he had teleporting powers(which he doesn't)"how ya doing, furry?" he said as if there was no beast behind him rampaging through the city. "oh, also furry, do you know how to kill that thing?" he said while reloading his revolver.
  4. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi sat there in his nightgown and mint-green underwear on the snow, dumbfounded for a few seconds before he reconized the voice of the newcomer. "So you're the one who shot the creep that invaded my appartment," he stood up and shook himself of the snow before replying-"name's Yoshi, Tsurugi Yoshi.. and to answer your second question:I haven't got the foggest." The cyborg shrugged. "All I know is that whatever their weakness is, we'd better figure it out, and ASAP!" he said, glancing around before returning his attention to the man in the steamroller.

    Suddenly, the athromorph wittnessed a flicker of movement behind the steamroller, and raised his firing arm as he shouted a warning, "WATCH OUT.... BEHIND YOU!"
  5. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The flattened dogs merely came back, a sickening mass of teeth and limbs sprouting up in odd places all over the abominations, as they continued their assault, their abominable might letting them tear the steamroller apart piece by piece as a few ran for the two heroes. ( lucky you tsurugi, you have the same infection as those other beasts coursing through you now, hope you have a back up plan ) Along tsurugis body scabs of the sludge were starting to crop up, creeping slowly over him.
  6. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex finally found the car with his weapons cache, and he opened it, by breaking the glass, and opening it from the inside. He dropped all of his weapons, and grinned, saying "Awe-freaking-some" as he picked up an Mk 19 Grenade Launcher, capable of firing 40 rounds a minute. The thing was heavy, but it was powerful. He'd have to set it up somewhere, and it was really heavy. He'd probably get on top of a building, or something. He rushed into a nearby building, carrying the heavy box with the MK 19. He opened the elevator, and turned it up to the terrace level. The doors closed, and he heard elevator music. "Are you kidding me?"
  7. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "OH MY GOD!"jake said as he shot as many bullets he had in his gun. then he threw a grenade at that abomination. he was pretty sure it was dead, but he wanted to be sure."so yoshi, what is with those scabs on you? they are starting to, wait, ARE THEY MOVING?!" he said, taking a small step back.
  8. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    As he steadied his Blood Buster, Tsurugi was suddenly struck by a sudden wave of pain. "Aggh!...What the...?" He then noticed an expanding black-ish substance on his arm. "Eek!" Oh great..now I'm infected! Those needles from earlier must've been laced with it...however, I'm not about to give up yet. IF this 'thing' thinks I'll give in like the rest, it's got another thing comin'!...

    Gritting his teeth and ignoring the pain, the cyborg looked at the incoming abberations and noticed that even the infected's own contaminating sludge seemed to be harmful to them...... I wonder... "Hey, monsters, let's see how you like a taste of your own poison!" he yelled *BANG* a black crystal cut through the air, growing into a spiked-mace like shape instead of the normal quartz form.

    Panting afterwords, he rolled out of the way and turned his head at Jake. "Can you try shooting it off?" he gasped, as the scabs contiuned to grow.
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex reached the top, and headed out onto the terrace. Looking down, he saw two guys fighting against the monsters. He yelled "Get outta the way! BOMBS AWAY!" as he began to set up the mighty god of destruction that was the MK 19
  10. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    The girl-ish looking fenix poodle hybrid looked up at the scource of the voice and jumped backed nervously-" You CRAZY NUT!! You'll blow us all to kingdom come!" he shouted. Struggling against the pain, Tsurugi broke into a run- motioning for Jake to do the same as he did so. Another offshoot of the flatted abomination sped out ahead of the cyborg, trying to cut him off. "I'm not about to stop now, so GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" he growled and fired*BANG*

    The twitching organic mass took the blow hard and skidded off to the left, a black crystal inbedded in its thrashing flesh.

    Tsurugi's breathing became heavier, as the pain continued to ravange his cyborg body. I can't use the Blood Buster for much longer....I already feel like I'm on the verge of fainting....But I can't give up now!
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  11. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Yeah. Uh-huh. Alright. Mkay. Yep. Okay. That'll be 1,000,000 dollars? Mkay. Alright. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Bye Mom, love yo- What? Just because you're not my mom I can't say that? God, you're not the boss of me, Mom!"
    Umbra spoke on the phone as casually as ever, though it should be noticed that at least ten human-beasts were attempting to pursue him, though he was just too fast. Dashing from roof to roof, Umbra quickly reaches the place he wants to be, the NWBS or New White Broadcasting System. This is where the Titans are stored, commanded and operated, as well as signals being sent for many other things such as the radio, mobile phone, and even tracking if need be. The NWBS also hosts the NWNBC, or the New White National Broadcasting Channel. Here he could at least try and shut down the Titans themselves, and in the process, get himself on TV with a smokin' hot babe actress.

    Hell yeah Umbra, best plan ever.
  12. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc went around a street corner and let himself relax. He looked at his left gauntlet, analyzing his heart rate and telling him if he is in danger of turning.
    "170, 155, and 140. That is good enough for right now. Now let me figure out WHAT JUST HAPPENED BACK THERE!?"
    Marc paced back and forth, far enough away from the commotion that he was not in immediate danger.
    "Okay, a Titan tried to laser me to death. Then there was this ooze I saw as I left. What is happening in this city today?"
    On a whim, Marc looks at his right gauntlet, this one having a clock and calendar function. Why? He does not know.
    "Oh, of course these kind of things happen on a Monday."
  13. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    jake climbed up the window ledges until he reached the roof opposite of Hawkins."ya shouldn't play with explosives, you could lose a arm." he said jokingly as he swapped his revolver with a very small gun that seemed it couldn't break a thing. "ready?"he said as he put some orange goop in a small hole.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  14. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    That day started off as a slow day for Mia. Then again, pretty much every day is a slow day in this city - New White. A part of her loved this peace, while another part of her somewhat missed the thrill and action of fighting for her life.
    And that day, that part of her would regret that wish.
    On her way home from a simple grocery-buying trip, Mia was taken aback by a sudden, violent CRASH, the force causing the ground to rumble beneath her feet.
    When the dust settled, she tried to take a closer look at what caused such an ungodly noise - and was surprised further when she saw waves of people running from the direction the sound came from, alarms blaring at every corner of the street.
    Frightened yet curious, she closed in and lifted her hood slightly, trying to get a better view, taking care not to lift her bangs and expose her right eye... And to her shock, she saw three things.
    First, she saw that two of the robotic sentinels - guardians and keepers of the city - have been changed, transformed, corrupted, strange organic-looking ooze dripping from their broken, melting robotic skulls, and they're pretty much doing the opposite of what a peacekeeper should be doing.
    Second, she saw monsters, humanoid abominations with talon-like arms and chitinous bodies. They were even worse than her, and they're attacking everything on sight. And every once in a while, she saw the strange ooze attach itself to one of the fleeing people, horrifyingly transforming them into one of the abominations.
    Third... She saw that those abominations are coming right toward her.
    She didn't think; she probably didn't have time to. The only thought that passed through her mind as her survival instincts took over was one word:
    As quickly as her legs can carry her, she fled the scene, trying her hardest to avoid notice by the creatures as she slipped into the smaller streets away from the source of the chaos...
    The Neon Seal, BoltCrank and austriss like this.
  15. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex had finally set every part of the damned gun up, finally. "ITS TIME.............. TO ROCK AND ROLL!" he yelled, as he operated the powerful weapon while lying prone. Around twenty rounds of death fell on two of the Titans in under half a minute, causing huge explosions. "HELL YEAH!" Then, when he realized the HEV launcher cartridge was empty, he pulled out another, and chocked it to the brim. Then, he shifted the direction of the heavy ass weapon slightly, towards other Titans, where he saw a girl running. Eh, casualties happen. Especially when he was concerned. He began firing again.
  16. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Alarms blared and snow began t fall more, the snow creating a thick blizzard that was beginning to envelop the city of New White rapidly, although visibility was still high as the abominations howled and screamed on their bloodthirsty rampage. One of the mighty titans shuddered as the sludge grew a sickening brown, the titan falling to its knees and exploding, sludge and metal scrap launching out every which way along with the infected needles, falling in a hail of disease and pestilence. Many of the infected civillians dropped to the ground and burst in a way similar to the titans, bone and marrow, sludge and needles flying outwards in smaller explosions. The newer infected remained and continued chasing everyone, a few noticing Mia and chasing after her, hunger in their eyes.
    austriss likes this.
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex raised his fist in disgust. He hated the snow. In fact, he hated all kinds of weather. He continued firing the grenades, trying to leave nothing living, and creating shit tonnes of smoke "WOO HOO!" he yelled, being very audible
  18. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    As she was frantically running for her life, Mia suddenly heard another deafening, earth-shaking BOOM coming from behind her; curious as she is, she couldn't help but take a glimpse over her shoulder - and saw, in shock, a hail of shrapnel flying seemingly from nowhere, and something else falling from the sky above her-
    Grenades?! No, no, no, no... First the Titans went haywire, then there's mutants, then this?! What is happening over here?!
    Despite her panic, though, she kept running. Pushing her legs to their limits, she ran and ran, curling up her body to minimize exposure to explosions and shrapnel; she could feel some bits and pieces of debris rip and tear at her cloak, impacting her 'armor'-covered back, some of them - sharp, needle-like objects, she thought - embedding themselves harmlessly on her thick exoskeleton. Running ever further from ground zero, she could feel herself being followed - several indiscriminate killing instincts chasing her like a predator finding its prey. Still, she kept running, hoping to at least drag them away to a place not raining explosions and death.

    ...In the back of her mind, she realized something.
    The 'swarm' that usually tries to overwhelm her 'self' isn't doing anything.
    I guess... I guess that's one thing the two of us can agree on - don't die.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  19. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    As the grenade launcher ran out of grenades, he realized he no more left. "Ah, well." Swordplay was much more fun. He picked up the giant gun, and raised it up. His muscles hurt really bad from the weight, but that was fine. He threw the launcher down, which hit another monster. Then he jumped down, pulling out his blade
  20. Horizons Reach

    Horizons Reach Void-Bound Voyager

    It was not a normal day for Joshua. First question he had to ask was, whats new?
    Thus began the whole flurry of reports being filed into his office. Shit always goes down.
    He had hoped to at least get some scrambled eggs and coffee, but he'd have to do without.
    As it stood, he was standing in the outer sector of a combat zone.

    "Awaiting your orders commander."
    He glanced around, where the hell was this guy?
    "Oh, sorry sir."
    He shielded his eyes as the light bending plating shriveled away to reveal a man standing at
    "Whats going on?"
    "Situation 3 sir, we have a standard attack, mutation as far as we can tell. There are people
    combating the threat at the moment, but they aren't one of ours."
    He glanced around. Several assault VTOL's had landed in the safe zone.
    "Can you get me in touch with the people already in the zone?"
    The man barely attempted a response when a huge part of the apartment they were grouped
    around came crashing down.
    "I suppose that'll have to wait"

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