RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn climbed to the top of the building to assist the cyborg, removing the blackness around his head to speak with it, just as the alarms begin to blare and lights flash. He gazed about in alarm, getting in a ready position before the speakers began to blare. This was a stronger mental attack, it staggered him, and he dropped to one knee fighting desperately but losing. He gazed about, watching the appearance of the platform and the device upon it. His vision swam, he clawed mentally for any handhold against this power but was slipping. A blackness swam before his eyes as Annalita's voice reached his ears. He collapsed forward on the rooftop, barely holding on as she spoke. The condescending bi**h... With that last thought, Saryn lost consciousness, his clenched fists relaxing as he drifted off...
  2. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    With all six of her limbs occupied with trying to climb the building, Mia heard the announcement in full force, its hypnotic powers again subtly seeping into her mind to interfere with her rational thought.
    In ordinary circumstances, such a strong 'thought' will likely overpower her, having to deal with the 'swarm' as well as the 'thought'.
    But now, inexplicably, the 'swarm' voluntarily retreated into the depths of her soul, leaving her 'self' free to resist the influence of the 'thought'.
    Yet, for a moment, she hesitated. Why did she keep struggling? She knew that the enemy is too many, too strong. It was a hopeless fight at best, and an impossible one at worst. So why?

    "Stand up, Mia Edelstein. Fight on with all your might. Never surrender until the very last second. Even when all hope seems lost, keep fighting until the end"

    Yeah... That's why. That's why I won't give up, ever again. I'll keep trying, keep living, until the very end.
    That stubborn girl is really rubbing off on me, isn't she?

    Her resolve born anew, she continued her climb, reaching the roof of the building with surprising speed.
    Just when she finally could draw fresh air, however...
    At the sight that appeared in front of her, Mia could only stare in shock and disbelief.
    Lethal beams shot indiscriminately, wiping out all life they could find, and all around her came the same commanding hypnotic voice, now even stronger than before, eating away at her waking conscious.
    Mia tried to resist, defying logic, even despite all the odds that are stacked against her. Nay, rather, it was because of all the odds that are stacked against her did she keep trying to resist.
    Yet, everything she can do was, of course, still not enough. Not long after, the young woman fell to her knees, her consciousness fading away.

    Even though I knew I would lose in the end... It's just like that time.
    Just like... That time...
    ...I wonder where you are right now, Christa?
    I haven't gotten to say 'thank you for everything'...
    So I hope we can meet again someday.

    By now, she was staying awake through sheer willpower alone, every single part of her body dragging her down.
    Not yet.
    Just one... Last... Thing...

    And with the last of the strength she could muster, she commanded her body to curl up like a ball, much like a newborn child, firmly protecting the vital parts of her body.
    Thus, surrounded by the lights of New White, she sinks to the depths...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
  3. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Upon hearing the hypnotic message, Marc falls to his knees. He tries to resist the power, but his mind is losing the battle. However, he feels...something else fighting the power.
    The piece of him that he would rather be gone, his bestial mind. His primal mind thinks of itself as the pack leader, and it will not let anyone tell it what to do.
    His other side battling the hypnosis, his mind has cleared up enough to see the platform rise up.
    When the device starts shooting out lasers, he lays flat on the roof to avoid the blasts.
  4. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Jun felt the hunger overcome his thoughts and he felt like fainting, but pushed himself to stay there for a moment longer.
    His plans were crushed though when he saw the fist coming right at him.
    Suddenly he was falling, but he couldn't feel the ground.
    The moment seemed to last forever for him.
    He saw all the 1800 years flash by ,he was happy with his life, it seemed like he has done everything he wanted in his life, yet he felt like he couldn't go just yet.
    "But why?"
    He didn't want to go with a question like that bugging him.
    All this flood of information and the fact that he has a major concussion might explain why he couldn't see the answer.
    So he opened his eyes and promised to himself to stay awake for a bit more.
    The moment he left his dream-like state felt even worse than the punch.
    Not a second later he felt another punch from the floor, this time in the chest ,he fell flat on his back on a table, braking it and maybe even his ribs.
    He Laid on his back and didn't even try to get up.Everyone was gone by now exept for the security drones -it was quiet and Jun liked it.
    He slowly turned his head looking around and saw a spider, looking him right in the eye.
    And then he remembered - he can't go because of Shal, Shal won't make it far in this world without him.
    His mind will go in the wrong way and so will he.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
    m0k0n4 likes this.
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex just stared at the vampire, and wondered what he was thinking. Well, it didn't matter. He walked up to the now totally broken table, and picked up a leg from it. He broke it in half over his knee, and took a look at the edge of the side that hadn't fallen to the floor. It was spiked and sharp. Good enough for a stereotypical vampire kill, like in the books. He then walked up to Jun, and said "Times up, and I hope you enjoyed the damn ride, assjack." He brought down the sharp makeshift wooden stake where Jun's heart should have been.

    ((This is just before the hypnotization))
  6. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Jun watched as Alex prepared his weapon, but he couldn't ,and didn't resist much, and watched as the weapon went straight in his chest and trough his heart.
    He blinked the moment this happened and suddenly he saw his body and Alex from above.
    No matter how weird it might seem but Jun, as a quite paranormal being didn't belive in a life after death and this was a surprise for him.
    But this wasn't all a bad thing, as he somehow might help Shal in this form, Jun had a strong mind and that means he might somehow interact with others ,even the slightest thing might turn out useful.
    So without further thinking he flew trough Alex and watched his face.
    (My vampires don't hypnotize, but my ghosts are classic though and you can't see them.)

    Meanwhile Shal- in the spiders head- watched the events and felt more and more desperate to help, the hopelessness kept growing with every second.
    And then ,when he was about to leave the spiders body he saw it - Jun looked at him, and this small thing eased his pain for just a moment.
    This gave him the courage to watch it till the end.
    When Alex stabbed Jun in the heart he felt a stab in his heart too.
    He then shifted back to his body, grabbed his head with both hands ,elbows on his knees and just sat there.
    Toughts flooded his mind and
    moments later his mind was in such a mess that he couldn't even hear his toughts- like a crowd muttering.
    He wanted to cry, but couldn't.
    He couldn't take it anymore and got up, screaming his lungs out at the trees from the balcony.
    He wasn't even sure why or at what he was angry, it didn't help much either.
    The muttering was gone though ,but silence wasn't much better.
    Moments later the toughts came back :
    "Why now?"
    "You promised to never leave me!"
    His lungs were empty ,and he felt the same ,so he took a deep breath, but the emptiness only grew.He let out a wall from the pain he felt.
    He felt weaker than ever before -his legs collapsed and he fell to his knees.
    The wall turned into sobs and soon, a cry...
    m0k0n4 likes this.
  7. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex left Jun's body on the grass, with the wooden stake in it, and walked away, but he felt cold, slightly. As if something...... were watching him. Or very close to him. It was a paranormal chill, but he disregarded it. He took out his phone, and flipped it up, looking into the sky. "Jah, mein Fuhre- what do you mean, I can't say that? Anyways, job's done. Yeah, wire everything to the given account. Done? Oh, good." He removed the phone from his ear to check his account status, then put it back to his ear. "Good, I see the shit. Yeah, I'm also turning you in to the old Batterwitch government!" He then flipped the phone closed, and put it back into his pocket, and turned around. He noted the existence of the somewhat disturbingly pale man yelling in the trees, but he also disregarded that man. He was probably screaming for his mother or something after watching all that. And maybe all the blood triggered him or something.

    With a slight hesitancy, Alex left the area. Soon after, the announcement began, and he clutched his head in slight pain, as he stumbled into an alley. "No, you old hag, hell no!" His hand dived into his pocket as he fell to the ground, with his back to the wall, alone in the alley, his head fighting the hypnotic power. His hand pulled out of his pocket with his cellphone in hand. He opened it up, barely being able to see. The icons appeared blurry as all heck, but he had to do this. The old hag was an annoying woman anyways, and if she was gonna try this, she was gonna regret it. He tapped an icon on the phone's touch interface, and it opened up a yes/no box, with some writing on its top. He couldn't currently read the words, but he knew what they said, for he had written the protocol precautions on his own. He tapped the yes box, and somewhere in the outskirts of the city, a fireworks box opened up, and began firing. The fireworks were finished in only seconds, but the smoke created by the slightly small explosions remained, and could be seen all over the city. The smoke had created some sort of....... writing, and was soon deciphered as a giant "Annalita, go burn in hell. King Penguin will know what to do with you."

    Alex grinned, as this was not the only thing done by the protocol. He had a plan for such a situation. He always had a plan. It would not help him right now, but some day, he'd have his revenge, no matter what. Because aside from the fireworks, a timer far out in the ocean began, and a bleeding man sitting next to it grinned, saying "Job done" as he died. The timer was set for several years in the future, and would do several things that were unimaginable to most people but Alex.

    But Alexander knew all this, and was now unconscious, as he'd hit his head on the wall as he fell

    ((Thats right. King Penguin? Yep. Part of the plan. The story about me taking down the man in the aircraft carrier? Part of the plan. Remember when I said that Alex made the most complex and convoluted plans? I wasn't joking. And I haven't done any godmodding, or pulled anything out of my ass. Everything was there in my post! And do not worry. It won't be a huge explosion or anything.))
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2014
    m0k0n4 and austriss like this.
  8. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As Jun saw Alex freak out a bit he knew that he can make a difference.
    He knew what must be done.

    "No more weeping"Shal said to himself and got up.
    He then took a deep breath and looked at the fireworks in the distance, he forgot about Jun at that moment and walked inside to make some warm red tea and watch some TV.
    He couldn't think about Jun and needed to get his mind off of it, but as soon as he laid on the couch he heard "I'm here." echo trough his mind."I knew you were alive!"Shal excitedly said thinking to himself that he might be crazy."Stop hiding and show yourself,Jun!?"
    He continued.
    He decided that he needs to go to the ball to check if his sanity or the body is gone.He knew that the detectives and officers were on their way or already there, so it was quite the risk.
    Shal quickly entered Jun's room and grabbed Jun's sword before heading out to the ball.
    Edit: Unfortuantley for Shal ,as soon as he left the house he fell to the ground -legs limb-,from the information he had ,he assumed the sound was in some way hypnotizing.
    "That Merc must be after me too"Shal tought to himself ,and soon enough fell in deep sleep.
    Edit,Edit: Without knowing, Shal had an extreme alergic reaction , and he might never,ever wake up.
    His pulse slowly faded ,but he still has life in him.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    The timer aboard the ship beeped as it hit the two minute start mark. Another couple of years of many outcomes, but right now, it was triggering the air carrier on which the timer was placed to begin firing all its munitions away, towards the land. These munitions were stacks of guns, stored on board once upon a time to use in case of raiders/boarders. The three boxes fell in strategic locations around New White, one landing next to a cave, one landing next to a barren pathway leading to Old Anarchis with the skeleton of a man on it, and one landing next to a battered and unused car that had not been touched for a long time. The boxes cracked open on impact, and some of the weaponry in them broke as well, but some remained intact. They were mostly small arms, M9 pistols and other kind of weapons like that. These were obviously going to be crucial in Hawkin's plan.

    Meanwhile, in the city apartment of Alex Hawkins, King Penguin looked out the window, watching the bomb right outside. He took a gulp from his whiskey bottle, grinned, and disappeared forever, never to be seen again by Alex. A great sacrifice, no doubt, but one needed for Alexander's plan. Immediately after he disappeared, the weaponry in Alex's cupboard of weaponry became unusable, with all of their barrels breaking, due to a wireless connection to the timer. But, the secret compartment inside the weapons cupboard which contained all his swords opened up, and all the swords, fifteen in all, fell to the ground, intact. The weapon caches around the city were intact, but the weapons that had come from Alex's cupboard all broke. The blade lying in the street where Alex had killed Jun was also intact, though the guns over there broke as well.
  10. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *Achillea while mia did not know had woken from the effects of the sleeping gas and went into the building mia was climbing*
  11. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    (( how does one wake up if they're already in the gas? meh, nevermind. . . ))
    Beneath the shadow of night and the cover of the sight restricting gas, a few masked individuals all wearing black ran about the area, scooping up the incapacitated heroes and mounting cars equipped with silence inducing piping and insulation. Mia was wrapped in a tight pod of thick metal, Saryn was placed into a pod where lights were constantly shining to prevent any shadows from manifesting, and Hawkins was placed in a pod that held all his limbs apart so he couldn't move, Blinky had his head held in a helmet that constantly blocked out thoughts of any place, and Jake was held in a pod made entirely of reinforced wood that held no technology whatsoever. The cars zoomed away under the gas as the bomb sank below the ground, a miracle if there is such a thing, while the gas stopped spraying and the turrets deactivated, all of the machines sinking beneath the ground, although the masked individuals has caught and captured several civillians that the heroes were unaware had been trying to help. After around an hour, the gas cleared up entirely, the stars shining down peacefully on what looked like a war zone after the fight, the titans continuing their patrols, after another hour, drones hovered over to the war zone and began repairing everything, snipping hedges, mowing grass, and refilling craters whilst planting seeds as others spread mortar and repaired walls with welders. It appears that death was not the intention after all. . .
  12. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *Achillea looks out the window to see them all being taken away*
    "well I could go completely forget this and just live my life or I could sneak after the truck and later attempt a daring rescue"

    *Achillea then leaves them to live out the rest of her life and never looks back*

    *Achillea stalked the trucks staying enough of a distance to be unseen*
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  13. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    As everyone was taken away, the cars zoomed away. Omicron went to follow these cars-- however, there just happened to be a motorcycle on the side of the road. Comes in handy.

    Omicron consumed it, and transformed into a more compact form, now able to achieve faster land speed. It continued it's pursuit.
  14. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    As Omicron followed, a few turrets rose up and set heir laser sights upon him, opening fire as a few electrical fence posts rose up creating walls of energy behind the cars, they obviously did not wish to be followed, a titan patrolling nearby recieved an order to detain Omicron, and turned towards him. The titan reached down and attempted to grab Omicron, while using its other hand as a temporary wall.
  15. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron swerved about, attempting to evade fire. But when the energy wall came up, Omicron let out a powerful blast at the ground, sending it upward and over the wall, then returning to evasive movements..

    The titan attempted to grab Omicron, but Omicron literally flashed to the opposite end! It proceeded to fire at the Titan, as Omicron can still shoot anywhere in this form.
  16. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The titans alloy frame pinged with the shots, the titan stumbling back a single step, as it spoke out "Cease hostilities, I do not want to proceed with hostile action, surrender now and you will be treated fairly in a court of law" the titan boomed out. More energy walls stood up, as the cars approached a tunnel, a thick alloy door slamming down, energy bars sliding across it and turrets popping up atop it firing at Omicron. The titan attempted to grab Omicron again after gauging its speed and overclocking its servos to properly respond, this time with much greater speed at the grab attempt.
  17. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc followed the van like the robot, but staying a certain distance from the van.
    "Where are they taking them? That is not the police van."
    Marc's eyes went wide with shock, the heroes could be going to the facility where Marc was held. They might be experimented upon, these scientists might then look for him.
    Marc could not let these people suffer what he had suffered through.
    He followed the van from a safe distance, he could see and follow the van, but they would not notice him.
  18. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    With another dodge and jumps when they are needed, Omicron kept to the chase with minimal damage. But when the door slammed down, Omicron halted movement, to charge power strong enough to create a hole by a lightning fast dash to pierce the metal alloy wall.
  19. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *Achillea watched as the fight went on of course she then fell*

    "nice robots"

    *Achillea then tried to get away from them as quick as possible by climbing buildings sort of thing*
  20. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    I'm calling it everybody, this RP has officially died, no more responses except for Flame up there /\, I take it that everyone is very busy IRL and that's why. As such, I ask you all have a wonderful time playing starbound, and tell me of your accomplishments when possible, and I might have a new RP at a later date, possibly fantasy based since that seems more preferred and wanted, and with a smaller group of player, until then, Phanaton the monkey chemist, signing out! ))

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