RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Meanwhile, the sludge woman was nowhere to be found. . .
  2. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Thisisbadthisisbadthisisbad!" Blinky freaked as blinding lights flashed all around and laser lit gass crept ever closer. "New I should have just gone back to bed!"

    He saw the new, shadowey arrival helping Tsurigi and Mia, but they wouldn't be able to save everyone. Then one of the light flashes glinted off of something metalic under snow. Dashing to the object and using all of his survival-trained agility to avoid the hail from the titans, he sweapt the snow asside and discovered-

    "A manhole cover!" Them mutant threw it aside with excitement -the sewers of Old Anarchis having been his and Mala's secret streets. Peering down into the dark, he easily saw that all was clear. "HEY! EVERYONE!!" Blinky yelled at the top of his voice, "OVER HERE! THERE'S ANOTHER WAY OUT!"

    He was about to take it himself, but then he noticed the giant robot slowing under the intake of gas. It was clearly struggling under the assult and close to defeat. That's when the idea shot acroos his mind. Should he take it out while he had his chance? With his powers restored there would be a third way out...
  3. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    (( prolly should've cleared this up, but the sewers are handled at a specific building, and the manholes were removed to make New White more scenic, apologies about no stating that, I guess I expected people to think of that on their own. . . woops ))
  4. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (How do work men get to the diffrent sections?)
  5. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    (( cars and bikes, along with a monorail system ))
  6. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky, seeing no other way out, pulled his taser from his pocket and rushed head-long at the big space robot.

  7. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Laughing at Blinky's recklessness, Omicron pulled out the fastest attack he had, and attempted to stab Blinky. Unfortunately, being too slow to do much, the attack missed. Now, Omicron was planning to pull out something powerful if it is capable.
  8. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex dodged the knife and laughed all of a sudden, and put his revolvers back in their holsters, and then dropped the holsters. He removed his blade and its sheath, and dropped them as well. He then took off hi jacket, leaving him with only his jeans and slightly tight half sleeved shirt. He closed his fingers into fists, and raised them. "Well, this will be enjoyable." He was going to go and man them all out. He'd give the vampire the please of getting killed by his fists. And the Titans too, but they couldn't really feel pride now, could they? Perhaps they could boast about it in machine heaven. Ah, machine heaven. No matter how many times people told him that didn't actually exist, he'd reply "Don't be silly! If there's no machine heaven, where do all the toasters go?"

    ((Louis Armstrong incoming. For reference, play this song. @austriss ))
  9. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ((Back, kind of))

    Marc left the library where he spent most of the day, blissfully unaware of what has been going on with the supers. He walks through the streets, perusing the various shops on the street corner. He passed a street by a crosswalk, and did a double take at what he saw there.
    He saw the great pillars with gas rolling off of them, poisoning the heroes there. He runs toward the pillars, but stays away from the noxious gas. He looks through the gas toward some of the people that are unconscious, trying to figure out how to help them.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
  10. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Holding his breath as he entered the gas and burying any lingering doubt, Blinky used what little he knew of medium level robotics and thrust his taser towards one of the circuit boards that prior attacks had exposed.

    "NO ONE MESS' WITH MY ABILITIES, TOASTER FEATURES!" was the mutants battle cry.
  11. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "oh great, I need to stop his recklessness before HE gets hurt this time." jake thought unpossessing the car and tackling blinky at high speed. "DON'T BE SO STUPID!!!" he said tackling blinky to the ground. after getting up from the tackled blinky, he asked blinky "do you know if these titans have organic brains, blinky?"
  12. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The gas surged into Jake and blinkys mouths as they spoke, the gas working it's way through their systems as the titans aimed another series of flashes towards Mia and her group.
  13. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    [quo0, post: 1641256, member: 98310"]"oh great, I need to stop his recklessness before HE gets hurt this time." jake thought unpossessing the car and tackling blinky at high speed. "DON'T BE SO STUPID!!!" he said tackling blinky to the ground. after getting up from the tackled blinky, he asked blinky "do you know if these titans have organic brains, blinky?"[/quote]
    "Bi-Bio mechanical," Blinky coughed before losing consciousness.
  14. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    with his last minute conscious, jake said "good enough." hearing blinky's answer. then did his greatest power-his mindslposion. he dropped down on the floor, thinking about the titans only. after 45 seconds, he yet out a scream as he activated the mindslposion. then, he became unconscious.
  15. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "So, this is how you wanna do this, huh?"Jun said while placing his legs in zenkutsu position and his arms ready to throw some punches.
    Suddenly Jun felt like fainting, but he dosen't give up so easy does he?

    Meanwhile Shal -possesing the spider- he saw Jun preparing for a hand-to-hand fight with the other man ,this was bad since Jun wasn't the best in hand-to-hand combat and Shal could see that Jun was weak.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
  16. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Oh, yes I do. Anyways, lets see. Your stance is weird, so I can make assumptions about your fighting skills, but theres one thing. I'm not going to dodge your attacks." Alex smirked and said, his body now moving sideways, while still facing Jun. He then threw a punch at him, but it was a feint, and he pulled back.
  17. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "How wise of you"Jun said with a grin .Pain could be seen in his face.
    As Alex threw the punch ,Jun Thrust his Leg(Knee to be specific (the back one)) at Alex.
  18. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi looked up at the source of the voice and saw a shadowy figure extending a long black arm to him from above. "Give me a sec-there's still people down here...We need to help all of them out of the gas somehow!" he shouted. The question was, how? The cyborg's attention imediately shifted as Mia's voice reached his ears-

    Bingo, question answered! the fenix poodle hybrid thought with a spark of hope. Taking the rope with him, he grabbed onto the black tendril and called out " Alright, give me a lift! ....I have a plan!"
  19. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn wrapped the tendril securely around the cyborg and hauled him up quickly, keeping a secure grasp on the building with his other hand. "We have less than no time, fill me in on the plan."

    He kept the tendril wrapped around the oddly clad cyborg. Up close his features seemed canine. It wasn't out of the realm of possible occurence, but was still a bit of a strange appearance, an the nightgown didn't add any normality. He kept an eye out for movement from below, wary for attacks.
  20. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    A single titan, picking up the movement shifted its shoulder plates, drones flying up to Saryn and Tsurugi, spraying the gas out in a flurry, a few readying their guns whilst one other shot a few taser strength bolts at them.

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