RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    The events went by so fast, one moment he was in the clinic, the next Tsurugi found himself being carried away by Mia-whom he noted showed a surprising display of strength as the insect-ish girl towed her allies away from the wrath of a rampaging alien robot. During said escape, he wittnessed Jake Sol squeeze out of her grasp and run back to the snow framed scene of destruction. "Jake! What the-ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Ugh, typical Jake....guess the world can't go on for even a single second without a new mess to clean up. the cyborg thought as Mia set him down.

    As soon as he saw Mia come running back towards his location with two people in tow, Tsurugi readied his Blood Buster, incase he needed to provide coverfire.
  2. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (The bit with me tasing Jake has been changed)
  3. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "kid, you think i'm that stupid! I have a plan!" jake said as he shot his goo gun-now with some green goo in it inside the tiny hole he had made inside the line of the connected metal on the machine. then he pulled out his laser rifle and in one quick breath he said. "explosive goo." before he pulled the trigger and threw blinky back and as he possessed a microwave someone threw away.
  4. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron let out an omnidirectional blast (( Should've added "energy attacks". That's essentially what it does. )) only knocking away all the low grade security drones, ground and aerial, most not functioning. The cage was absolutely busted, but Omicron's targets were all gone.. Except for Jake, who just tried to stab Omicron. Unfortunately, people don't pay attention to the fact that Omicron is essentially a mobile black hole, and Omicron consumed the knife, transforming it's right hand into a sword.

    (( Where is the context in Jake's post? I'l just assume it's being shot at Omicron here.. ))

    As Jake quickly backed away, pulling the trigger on his goo gun, sticking explosive goo to Omicron, Omicron attempted to slash away the goo with it's blade hand, but before it could do that, Jake pulled the trigger, caused an explosion that left Omicron stunned.
  5. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Setting down her two 'passengers', Mia again turned around on her heels, right on time to see Jake, rifle in hand, fire on the alien mechaniloid to trigger an explosion while pushing Blinky away from the blast.
    Safely catching the young man, she shielded her face from the blast, using it as an opportunity to-

    Wait, where is Jake?

    Mia scanned the area quickly, but found no sign of the reckless man.
    She shook her head; as much as she would like to search further, there are, regrettably, more urgent things to do.
    "Let's go, let's go! It's not safe here!", she called out to the others, the sense of urgency in her voice making it clearer that they would have to get out of the danger zone as soon as possible.
    And if someone just happens to like the suicidal idea of staying put or going off-course with no valid reason, she would not hesitate to drag them along by force.
  6. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    "why thank you for carrying me to safety as I would never have been able to get away in time"

    *Achillea happily smiled at Mia*
  7. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "What the-"

    "Thank you kind lady, that robot appears to be the bounder negating my own abilities!" Blinky explained, a little shaken and dazed. "What? We going? I'll- I'll follow you..."
  8. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn watched as the girl ran past him to the clinic, guessing that she was going back for the others. As he finished his attack he readied another. Another person joined the scene, this one a younger kid. He circled to the side slightly, just in time to see Jake's knife absorbed, and a bladed arm grow on the robot. Great it absorbs things too? This is one dangerous robot... The girl came back arrying two more people in tow, Saryn, gave them a quick glance, hearing her talk to the new guy. He called the girl Mia, and she called him Blinky.

    Saryn noted these as he began to plot his next move, only to see Jake fire some goo substance at the being. Wait, did he just say explosive? Sh**! With barerly a moment to spare, saryn threw himself backward, creating a large shield in front of his body to protect from the blast. He skidded backward from the force of the explosion, withdrawing his shield and surveying the situation.
  9. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    The fenix poodle cyborg couldn't stand watching the others near danger any longer- he dashed towards the clinic, brandishing his firing arm as he cut through the raging blizzard. That Jake!...if that idiot had just let Mia take him to safety instead of attacking that walking tincan AND ticking off the Titans, we wouldn't be so head deep in (bleep)!... Tsurugi reflected grimly as he neared the clinic.


    Suddenly, he was knocked back to the ground as the sound of an explosion rang in the air-hit by the unexpected shockwave. "What the heck....was THAT??" he uttered as he got up. Analyzing the scene that was being played out in front of him, Tsurugi steadied the Blood Buster- he didn't like what he saw.
  10. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    An enormous and blaring siren rang out across the noble districts top and bottom, spiraling ground doors opening as enormous pistons pushed up, around twenty five titans in total, the noble districts full security force, rose from their subterranean hibernation as loudspeakers blasted out.
    "Attention supers, you are accused of grand treason for attacking the titans, and charged with destruction of private and public property surrender now or be faced with complete capture, resist and face termination, all civillians are advised to apprehend these dangerous supers who DO NOT keep their powers under control. The titans will now converge on your positions supers, you have no choice but to surrender if your lives are valued by yourself or anyone close to you." The voice ceased talking as the alarm continued blaring, the ground rumbling as the titans converged on the clinic, hands raised and bright blue energy spiraling inside their hands as their eyes changed to a dark and malign purple, armored plates covering them. Metallic pillars rose out of the ground and gushed forth a sleeping gas charged with magnetic and electric atoms designed to function along the lines of an EMP and knock out gas, a special concoction forged for such a time as this. What will these heroes and villains do now, with the dangerous and most definitely deadly titans converging on their position? Is their slug fest of spectacularly super actions at an end?
  11. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn cursed venomously, pissed at this sudden development. As much as the titans were made to protect, he disliked their involvement in anything regarding himself. Having not tangled with them himself, and not desiring to go down for someone else's lapse of judgement, he swiftly threw his black clawed appendages up to a higer point on the buolding next to him and quickly ascended above the gas, watching carefully what was happening below, ready to act if necessary. Why does it always get so damned messy when I try to help...
  12. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    "Ah...crap." Tsurugi muttered, realizing the situation has gone critical . Worry striking his very core, the cyborg called out to the others. "Mia, Blinky! If you guys can hear me..get out of there! It's too dangerous to stay!" Without waiting for a reply, he dashed further in- his Blood Buster aimmed at one of the pillars which began dispersing some strange gas.

    *BANG* a crimson crystal flew through the air, leaving heatwaves in its wake.
    I'm not leaving until I know they can get away safely...I don't know what this gas is, but it can't be good for our health. Probably best dealt with from a distance-I just hope I'm not too late...
    *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*
  13. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    for each pillar that shattered another replaced it, around the first pillars are four other circles, a pillar rose out of each individual hole when one was destroyed.
  14. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "dang it! I wish there wa-YES! my car! THANKS WORLD!" he said as he possessed his car. he heard Yoshi fire his blood buster and yell "mia, blinky! if you can hear me.. get out of here!" the last part was too muffled by the dispersing of a gas "crap... I need to find Yoshi, mia, and blinky!" jake thought. then he said "YOSHI, MIA, AND BLINKY!! GET OUT OF HERE!! I CAN SURVIVE AS LONG AS AT LEAST MY SOUL IS BOUND TO A MACHINE!!!! GET THE FLIP OUT OF THIS PLACE! I THINK IT WAS MY FAULT YOU GUYS ARE NOW CRIMINALS! HEY YOU MACHINES!" now talking to the machines "DON'T ATTACK THEM!! ATTACK ME!!!!"
  15. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    "@$%^!" The cyborg cursed as he witnessed serveral pillars replace the ones he just shot down. Shooting them would be a just waste of time, which was gravely limited. The gas rolled in, tainting the air with its ash-like, metalic toxic taste. Reflexively, Tsurugi leapt back out of the clould- coughing as he did so. Suddenly his entire body suffered spasms of extreme pain for a few seconds.

    Agh...What the...They...have....EMPs??....Shoot, they prepared well for this...I won't be able to advance any further or I'll short circuit.....even worse, I might even explode if that cloud reaches me again.

    Tsurugi's ears twitched as he heard a familiar voice. He shouted back, "You IDIOT!... I'm not leaving you behind!"
  16. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero


    *Achillea as if by sudden reflex immediately turned her arms into a sort of gas shield considering her leaves function like a plants as each one received too much gas she could feel them withering off the pain was intense*
  17. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn looked down through the fog of gas. He could see the dog cyborg fighting, but seeming to have difficulty. Jake was farther away, seeming to have possessed a car, trying to draw off the titans. Can I really just.... leave them? I may not know them but... They're heroes... Like me... Like I try so hard to be.... If I don't do something, how can I call myself a protector... No, I will not stand idly by as they are killed. Making up his mind, he lowered himself down to see if he could reach any of them. That gas looked like bad news. He readied a long tendril of the black substance, just long enough to reach down and wrap around someone. He threw it over toward the cyborg, attempting to wrap it around him. He hollered down, trying to get it's attention. "Hey nightgown, grab hold so I can get you out of there!"
  18. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    "Oh no. No, no, no. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WORTH SOMETHING LIKE THIS!", the young woman shouted out, practically freaking out at the impending crisis.
    Her panic did not last for long, however, as her calculating side kicked in.

    Okay, calm down. Let's see... I see about two dozen Titans - that would be the entire security force in this district. The reason why there's so many can be saved for later.
    And those pillars... Gas. Likely incapacitating, and quick-acting too. They're not pulling any punches, are they?

    As she was looking around, she saw Tsurugi fire crimson crystals at the pillar, attempting to destroy the source of the gas... Only to have more pillars shoot up to replace the destroyed ones, the anthromorph reeling back in pain as the cloud rolled in.

    Wait, incapacitating gas isn't supposed to be painful! This is even worse!

    As if the surprise wasn't enough, she heard Jake's voice come out of a nearby car, calling out for them to run away - which is promptly and defiantly rebuffed by Tsurugi, saying that nobody gets left behind.

    Yeah... Nobody gets left behind. But where are we supposed to go? How are we supposed to escape? She thought, drawing upon her mind a map of this district of New White, trying to search for the safest routes. The gas was closing in, and she had to act before it's too late... But what should she do?
    "If only she was here..." Mia muttered, reflecting on her past...
    When a tendril of jet-black substance rolled down near Tsurugi, on the other end being the man she passed by before, calling out to have others grab hold of it. She smiled to herself at the timely rescue, but realized that it'd be unlikely for him to rescue everyone in time.
    Not alone, at least.
    With her limited resources...

    "Miss Tsurugi! Take this with you as you go up!" Mia suddenly called out to the poodle-hybrid, one of her hands carrying a long, thick, durable length of rope.
    "It's all I have... But at least you can rescue more people at once with this!"
  19. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    After quite some time, Omicron snapped out of his stun, with rage. However, the gas was slowly being sucked into it, placing high heat into a space inside Omicron, slowing him down. However, this didn't stop his advance torward his previous targets.

    "ERROR. EXTERNAL GASEOUS MATTER DETECTED. DEFY. DEFY." echoed down to the others..

    At a steady pace, Omicron became slower and slower..
  20. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The alarms continued blaring as the titans stood in a circle around the clinic, the ground shaking with a sense of finality as they did so, their faceplates opened and a bright light attempting to blind the heroes blinked out every few seconds. Their shoulder plates shifted as a few flying drones flew out, orbiting the clinic, a small group of about three noticing the shadowmancer and sending a signal to its fellows, the three drones zoomed towards him and blared out a warning.

    "Cease aiding these criminals, they will not be killed, they will only be stunned, any further interference will be seen as associating with the criminals, and will be met promptly."
    The chiring robotic voice said, a few taser like gun dropping from under them as they pointed them at the shadowmancer.
    Meanwhile, in New Whites central tower at the presidential suite in the top, Annalita watched the monitorsm overcome with rage and anger at their ignorance and refusal to listen, she grabbed a chair and smashed it into the ground, screaming at the monitor.
    "Damn you heroes, these outbursts will threaten my power and control over this city! Why the HELL didn't you listen the first time!" Annalita said with a last angry roar, walking to her bathroom to take a shower and think further about all this.

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