RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    as soon as it smashed into the fountain, jake realized it was not a escape pod. he ran towards the remains of the fountain and possessed the nearest piece of technology, a robotic security drone. as soon as he possessed the drone, by breaking the metal, he formed himself. with a laser cannon arm. "hmm... this form feels....mega." he said as the smoke cleared and he saw the thing that crashed into the fountain.

    (find the reference!)
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  2. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Pssh, childs play, Mega man my dear fellow! )
  3. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron awakened. Not noticing the security bot, It walked up to a vending machine and consumed it. Omicron's left wrist armor and left hand together turned into a shield with a black centerpiece which had no shine, unlike the rims. Omicron then proceeded to scan the area, and caught notice of the security bot, heading torwards it.
  4. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn observed as the cyborg and bug-like female seemed to react to the manipulation. Good, they're fighting... maybe there's hope for them yet... and of course Alex wasn't effected, mental manipulation is easily trumped by his brand of insanity... he thought. The cyborg recovered first, though the bug-like one was still unconscious... he watched, just out of sight, watching for further reactions and evaluating the situation. He knew he might end up needing to reveal himself, loathe as he was to do it. There seemed no other option though, he couldn't let them march into whatever trap must lay in wait for them... and if any of them can fight it, the more chance we'll have of keeping the others from going...

    As he watched, he saw the cyborgish animal looking one there must be some word for that... stiffen. Damn, heightened senses? Am I discovered? Well it was bound to happen eventually... He sighed inwardly, awaiting the reaction of the hybrid individual, to see just how skilled this person was... After all, I need to evaluate just how skilled they are.... IF I'm going to be working with them... Big 'if' though... Maybe just help them out.... a little.... just this once... maybe... He resigned himself to wait, watching this individuals actions carefully...
  5. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "hello you freaking robot. seems like you need a good beating! and to answer a question, I am a guy who can possess tech!"jake said as he shot a barrage of laser bullets at the machine. "weird" jake thought "this, thing seems to have a ability quite like mine. maybe he is somehow related to the lab where I got my powers. no, not a chance." then he set his cannon to extreme mode and ran around the machine, shooting as many bullets as possible and trying to avoid the attacks the machine will probably do.
  6. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Enormous metallic holes in the pavement spun outward, the grinding sound of hydraulics and gears piercing the snowing night air, with a resounding clang, five more titans rose from beneath the surface, pylons and other assorted technology attached to them, bathing them in a constant field of electricity. The titans single eyes blinked to life, their joints unfreezing and stasis plates sliding into holding pockets, as the titans became aware of their surroundings, watching the ground as lights flashed across the pavement. The titans, with a booming whir began their stride, two of them approaching Omicron and Jake, hands raised and a bright light spinning within, as a deep and robotic voice blared out of one of their faces

    "You will remove yourself from security drone A-117L, Extra terrestrial Artificial Intelligence, surrender yourself, and you will be taken to a local data mine center for evaluation, resist, and we will be forced to terminate. " The other Titan spoke up with a loud piercing feminine robotic voice

    "All civilians are advised to remain indoors and allow Titan AE-1 and AE-2 to handle this disturbance, interference will be met with arrest, physical violence will be met with termination." the titan spoke out, this titan, apparently AE-1 based upon the number painted on one of it pauldrons held a hand towards the two, a beam of light bathing them as an attempted data purge traveled along the beam in an attempt to oust the ghost and shut down Omicron.
    Meanwhile, inside the clinic the two titans voices was somewhat audible over the outside wind, as cameras spun on their bases to watch the would be heroes, occasionally blinking to take photos, other cameras across the city did the same, keeping watch on the would be heroes. In an enormously tall tower located dead center in New White, a woman sat upon a spinning chair, studying the multiple screens surrounding her and occasionally speaking into a nearby microphone, or tapping on buttons. She adjusted her sunglasses and tapped a single button, speaking into the microphone "Grand Robotic Linik Ventroul, you are requested in the observation dome for a few questions about the latest bloomers, there may be something interesting to you as well." the woman tapped the button again as the microphone shut off. A sliding door whooshed open and a miserly looking man with a beak like nose and thin goatee entered the room, mumbling as he tapped repeatedly on a calculator, walking to the monitors and looking them over, the woman pointing to the clinic screen silently, the man raised an eyebrow and studied the group, speaking to no one in particular as the screen changed to X-ray, studying the bone structures and blood vessels.

    "well, that IS interesting, the sludge morphed into a female form, and appears to be generating protective chitin. . . I suspect she can alter her form based upon what she gathers sufficient genetic details on, but the cyborg, well, I may remember this one, I believe you remember him as well my dear lass," he said, looking to the woman and chuckling, before turning back to the screen, the woman swallowing a bit as she DID remember him, hand clasping an object in her pocket. " But anywho, the bug woman is unique, very similar to the sludge, although she has signs of obvious genetic manipulation and alteration, although, " he said, flipping a switch, the camera changing to a brainwave spectrum lens "she appears to be dealing with personality disorder, Annalita will be interested, Hawkins is regular but his regeneration speed COULD be useful, my latest robotics should be able to capture at least ONE of them, although the bug woman or sludge spawn is more importan- " the man tilted his head, as a screen switched to Omicron and Jake, two new titans approaching them. "hmph, well, this IS odd, I thought our deep space beam destroyed an asteroid, but the robot shows signs of extra terrestrial design. . . No matter! " the man turned and flapped his lab coat with a flourish, walking off with head held high.
    In the clinic, the sludge spawned woman stood up, looking at each individual in turn and walking forward to a chair, sitting down and looking around nervously, eyes locking on the numerous cameras individually for a few seconds before she began talking. "sh- she's always watching, she watched us for years, years long, before her voice came in the metal box, we listened, we followed, and now, we are almost all dead, I. . . I am alone " the woman said with a bit of foreboding, rocking back and forth in the chair a few moments before standing and approaching Mia, walking past the individuals and setting a hand on Mias arm, the sludge spreading rapidly for a moment or two and then withdrawing, a mental jolt that would hopefully be enough to wake mia striking at Mias mind.
  7. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron held up his newly gained shield, which absorbed the bullets, shooting them right back, effectively hindering the movement of the possessed security bot.

    But then..

    Omicron withdrew it's shield, ran a swift scan for weaknesses, and attempted to hinder the sight of the Titans with cosmic energy bolts which left a sparkling trail, like stars twinkling from above. Omicron proceeded to shoot down two street lights with sparkling cosmic energy in the form of razor blades, making them split from the middle, in an attempt to slow down the titans, and hastily progressed torward a building, planning to bust down the door and head inside. Not a word was said by Omicron.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
    austriss likes this.
  8. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "you think that will stop me!?" jake said as the bullets hit him and the light beam covered him. "hahahaha!" jake laughed as he unpossessed the security bot and pulled out his laser assault rifle and shot the titans while singing "party rockin". he started running up the arm of titan AE-1 and reached the top of his head and mocked titan AE-2 trying to get it to shoot off titan AE-1's head.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  9. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Unfortunately for Jake, these are not idiot titans that fall for simple tricks, for THESE are titans equipped with adaptive AI, Titane AE-2 turned to jake and lifted its hand, a blast of taserlike energy blasting out amplifying the already present stunning electric field on the titans that coursed across their skin. Titan AE-1 reaching up with surprising quickness to try and grab Jake.
  10. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    suddenly realizing the electric field on the titans and trying to avoid the hand and electric beam."ruh ro."jake said as he ran to his car, put his lava lamp and the rest of his stuff in the back and drove back to the clinic. he ran in seeing Yoshi over a collapsed mia "uh, may be a bad time, but I have two titans that might be chasing me." jake said as he looked out the window at the street he came down.
  11. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    She was sinking, and yet she was floating. She felt like she was underwater, and yet she could breathe.
    From within the 'depths', she was drifting toward the 'surface'. She could feel it - she could almost reach it. It was only a matter of seconds...

    When suddenly, a mass of black tendrils came down from the 'outside', reaching out toward her. Holding her. Taking her to the 'surface'...

    Mia awoke with a gasp, the shock of her sudden awakening leaving her out of breath.
    Looking around, she saw the anthromorph, Tsurugi, watching out for something. And to her side, she saw the strange being, 'her' hand on her arm.

    "Nngh... I guess I passed out. Sorry. I wasn't out for long, was I?", she asked the others, sitting down on the cold clinic floor, still feeling a bit woozy from the ordeal. She recounted what happened, trying to assess the situation.

    Well... After I gave that 'woman' my cloak, I heard an announcement... A hypnotizing announcement, and I went out trying to hold it and 'that' off. Then... I guess I was forcibly awakened, judging from this headache.
    What's miss Tsurugi looking at, anyway?

    Shrugging off her daze, Mia lifted her head to match her line of sight with Tsurugi's, and she could almost feel something in the distance... Like something, something alive, was watching them. She pondered this fact for a moment, thinking about what all this means...
    When her thought was suddenly cut off by a person suddenly running in.

    Mia turned her head to look at the newcomer, Jake, confounded and clearly exasperated.

    "...Titans? What in the world did you do now, Jake? Why do you have the heavy-duty peacekeepers after you?"
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  12. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    " I was fighting this special robot from space and I possessed a security bot to fight it and then the machines came after me for no reason! then I kinda lazered them...." jake said suddenly feeling very tired. "guys I think I a-"jake sentence was cut off by him falling asleep and face planting into the floor.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  13. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron bust down an emergency exit from the opposite end, wandered through the clinic pursuing Jake, as light objects began to rattle in his presence. .. A scream was heard from the halls.

    Omicron spotted a scale, consuming it, but nothing appeared different about Omicron. What did it get this time?

    (You can't easily make very detailed posts with a character that doesn't talk.)
  14. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ((so make him robo talk))
  15. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (Like Ultron! :D)

    A painfully light sleeper, Blinky was awoken by the faintest tremors rising up through the old floorboards.

    "What now?' he grumbled, thinking he'd atleast get a good night's sleep in New White.

    After a quick wash and a change of clothes, he jumped up to the roof with breakfast bar in hand and saw the distant smoke rising from the district where the outbreak had happened many hours earlier, the bellowing clouds occasionally punctuated by laser fire. He debated with himself for a few moments wether or not he should just go back to bed, but curiosity got the better of him in the end and tried jumping to the roof of the building opposite the clinic. Unfortunately, the vortex seemed to loop on itself and break, and the poor mutant landed roughly in a dumpster a block away.

    "Ouuuuu..." he carped miserably. "Who's messing with the continuum? I havn't even brought bus fair!"
  16. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn watched as the strange life form in question revealed itself. It sat and seemed to be nervous in the presence of the cameras. I don't blame her... Saryn thought. She spoke a little, something cryptic about whomever was that spoke to them over the speaker... Something was definitely going on behind the scenes here... She moved to help the unconscious bug-girl Whatever she did, it seemed to work, for the girl soon came to. Suddenly another individual ran in, shouting about titans. Fantastic, that's all we need... some giant metal a**holes to bring into the mix... He rubbed his temples, clearly stressed, and examined this newcomer. The young man claimed to have possessed a security robot while fighting some space robot.... What is he, some sort of... technopath? Interesting.... The robot from space is a development as well.... looks like today is going to be even more funfilled than I thought... He continued to watch, waiting for their next move... observing, calculating... Whatever they did next, he might have to introduce himself....
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Meanwhile, Alex was in the better parts of New White, if that were possible. He was hunting for a vampire who lived up to the Dracula stereotype. He sat perched on a high skyscraper like he was Batman, or something, hunting for the man. Whatever his name was, he'd killed and eaten far too many. He'd also paid a beautiful girl, one of his favorite mistress's, to draw him out. The vampire frequented balls, (he laughed at that joke, remembering the stupid Twilight books that were published outside the fourth wall) and would often use his dates for food.
    (( @austriss !))
    austriss likes this.
  18. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    "oh the titans I heard there real big you can posses objects I see"
  19. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Shal,possesing the spider, looked around the place, from the building he was on he saw Jun with a girl, and when he looked up he saw a silhouette of a man on top of the opposite building,he looked very powerfull, the man was looking down on Jun.The moment Shal saw this he felt shivers go down his spine.He felt sick and was losing control of the spider.He didn't want to stay there and do nothing ,but he needed to see what will happen ,he felt hopeless ,unable to interfiere,warn Jun or do anything ...
  20. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky pulled himself from the dumpster, almost falling flat on his face as he tumbled down the other side, but he managed to stay up right. Arming he potato gun and the location of his tasers firmly in mind, he set off down the dank, dark alley. Stepping out onto the snow covered street, all was so still -the majority of it's citizens now dead- and just for a second, the mutant imagined he was out on the streets of Gotham, with the distinct possibility of seeing the Batman doing battle with the Joker, or trying to trackdown Dead Shot. Instead he caught more sounds of battle coming from the direction of the clinic on the other side of the block. Cutting through the next alley he found himself at his destination.

    The stealthy teleporter was just about to cross the street when the whining of servoes clawed at his ears and he looked down the lane to see two Titans stomping towards him, their skin crackling with arcs of electricity. Backing off he melted into the shadows of the close and waited to see what they would do. Normally he would be happy to introduces himself to any kind of robot, but this was New White, and if he'd learnt one thing in his short time there, it was that you don't trust the establishment...

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