RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    "JAKE!", Mia shouted in contempt, an almost reflex response not dissimilar to one said to a person telling a secret.
    Ugh. Now things are going to go bad really fast...
    The anthromorph, Tsurugi, reacted faster than her, creating a body-shield between Alexander and the strange creature, something that Alex - predictably - didn't take very well. And as the person she is, she just couldn't let this be.

    "Mr. Hawkins?", she chimed in, making sure to keep the strange being in her field of vision.
    "While your arguments are sound, I would appreciate it if you would wait for now. This... 'Woman' has been here for some time now, and has not displayed any signs of aggression or hostility, nor has she displayed anything to be a credible threat even as we approached. Who knows? 'She' might even be able to supply valuable information about what 'she' is", she said, surprisingly calm as she talked.
    "Also... We're still in the hospital. I don't exactly think its security system would appreciate acts done with the intent to kill", the insect-like young woman stated matter-of-factly.
  2. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "I suppose you might have a point. However, the system really can't handle my swagger. So, you can take that intent to kill, and shove it up the things face." Alex said, grinning, as the e-cigarette's holo-reality simulation system puffed out holographic smoke.
  3. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "sure. much better than my apartment anyways. oh, and I forgot to tell you that I remember a few of the recipes for the classified stuff too. I will tell you them later. oh and that sample you got? it turned into a actual person! oh, and I saw some harsh letters from the university on a desk. us people with powers are like outcasts. but i'm only gonna stay here if we can get a guns locker. which I can pay for. so.... i'll stay here." jake said looking at blinky's schematics. "oh, and one more thing. I know a ton of ways to get revenge at the university. so just ask me if you want to get back at them. and say a number between 1 and 10. 1 is freaking them out and 10 is killing every person that ever wrote atleast one of the letters."
  4. Horizons Reach

    Horizons Reach Void-Bound Voyager

    It apparently looks like im not wanted in your elitist club of assholes, as such, i'm transcending to a different universe.
    Good fucking bye. With that, joshua shot every soldier who was not his own, ordered a tactical nuke to demolish the city,
    and thorroughly commited suicide.

    So much for my only power being able to control people, ending up being useless.
    Thats really convinient.

    No, but really guys. Thanks for being really nice to me as a begginer to roleplay, and
    completely discounting the only power I have. Unfortunately, despite all of your wonderful
    kindness you have shown to this absolute begginer, for some strange reason I cannot
    continue. Probably as benevolent as you are, you will not miss me. Thats nice. I like
    the salt in wounds approach. Very smart.

    Alas, i must say goodbye.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  5. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The creature/woman was quite obviously terrified by this point, cowering in the shadows and curling up to hide herself to the best of her abilities, and failing as she sat there.

    Meanwhile, the attendant took the card with a sigh and waved hawkins off, walking back into his office and slamming the door shut returned to his work on the computer, as the doors of the clinic sealed themselves and shut completely. On a nearby wall a loudspeaker clicked out and turned on, a female voice speaking out of it, the voice containing an almost hypnotic sway to it but masked with a program altering the tone of voice, preventing identification. "On the part of New White, I ask that you come to the city hall for a realization of your accomplishments, and please bring your new companion with you, thank you. " the hypnotic voice withdrew, although the lingering effect seemed to drive the would be heroes rather strongly to do as asked, although the extent of the voices power would be based upon each heroes individual willpower.
  6. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *achillea felt obliged to do it cause she just can't tell why*

    "we must go to city hall because we need to be recognized for our efforts"

    *Achillea says in a hypnotized voice
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  7. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Bitch, hell no. I have a job to do. You guys go do your shit. I already work for the government!" he said, as he kicked open the door of the clinic, and walked out. He wasn't out of earshot, though, as he walked to the parking lot where he'd been hunting for the Mk 19 before. He'd get a bike, and go kill that vampire. Then, he'd drop by.
  8. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "I don't want to kill anyone!" Blinky remarked. "Definitely, definitely not... That would be bad... No, I have my own sort of revenge lined up for them, and nobody has to get hurt... I am ok with the locker though. Hell... get a whole armoury if you want! This is going to be sooooooo awesome! Those recipes will come in handy for the lab too... and I'm going to set up a better security system so your gear will be safe."

    The mutant was about to get back to work when he stopped and turned back to his comrade in adversity. "The sample turned into a person? Well... THAT was unexpected! I'd like to meet them sometime... anyway... go pick a room or ten! It's getting pretty dark outside soooooooo... things to do!"

    Blinky disapeared and reapeared in his room. Donning the skull-print balaclava he swung his rucksack onto his back and jumped back to the university.

    (OOC) Horizon dude, this is only my second RP and the first had almost zero rules (the only big one I can remember was no personal NPC's which I broke consistantly :eek:) ... heck, it didn't even start off as an RP so I'm classing this as my first true RP. You can't control another person's characters or NPC's (including the Dungeon Master's/Narrator's) without their OK'ing it first. It's called Godmodding and it's pretty much rule one. Actually... no.... rule two... Rule one is being polite to fellow posters... But anyway... I digress... :facepalm: The point is that it is a major rule in all RP's. Just, don't take it so personally man, you know... maybe make a new character and pass it by phanton first. :up: :D

    Also, please-please-please refrain from dropping the F bomb. :down: ;)(/OOC)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  9. Horizons Reach

    Horizons Reach Void-Bound Voyager

    As stated before, i know next to nothing about RP.
    I created my character to simply be able to control other characters.
    As it stands thats its only power. It can't do shit other than that.
  10. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (OOC) So make a new guy. It also helps to have a quick glance of the rules of RPing which are pinned at the top of the forum page. Just trying to help. :) (/OOC)
  11. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "sure. i'm just going to tell the apartment building manager that i'm gonna move my stuff and i'm leaving. most of the stuff I have is a lava lamp, a bed, a flat screen tv, a couch, cabinet, and my piles of video games and books. and i can build a armory so that's cool. when i get back i'll also tell you the recipe for organic solarium made of wood and pine leaves. and a sample of frozen uranium. and a small bit of lava. i'm also gonna go to ikea. if i don't come back, gather a search party! see ya in a couple hours!" jake said as he got in his truck and parted ways with blinky for a little bit. "oh and another thing! when i get home i'll show you my other skill!" jake yelled back at blinky.
  12. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    As the message reached his poodle ears, Tsurugi begin to feel the hypnotic effect tugg at his mind. He raised his hands to cover his ears and gritted his teeth. Aggrgh...So this is your game, then?...Mind manipulation...are we just pawns in your little play-New White?

    The experiance was akin to removing a well-rooted weed, as Tsurugi as struggled to keep hold of his will. Before he almost succumbed to the hypnotic suggestion, a image of Mia and the pale woman shivering in the cold popped into his mind. It then was overlapped by an old, painful memory... Oh lord no....

    A small group of children his age sat in a cold bleak room, waiting for something. Their clothes were tattered and torn, and most of their bodies were covered in bandages. A wall of thick, foggy glass seprated this room from the next- shadows could be seen moving behind it. One child shivered and cried, her long purple bangs covering her eyes as she curled up against the wall. " It's so cold in here...I-I wanna go home."

    Across from her sat the fenix poodle(only younger)- he scrambled his brains to come up with a way to try and cheer her up, then he suddenly had a idea- removing a silver necklace, he kicked it over. "Here, you can keep this- it's a memento from my uncle. It's not much but to me it's special." he similed. Curious, the other child examined it, then giggled and said, "It's pretty! Thank you.." She begin to play around with it, manipulating her purple hair like tendrils. Then, a door slid open with a ominious *HIIIISSSSSS...* A man in a white smock stepped out, the front of his garb splattered with stains. "Okay, next...." Next to him stood another figure, this one with a lizard-like apperance- who then pointed at the purple haired child. "Our sponsors have high expectations for this one.." he cackled as he grabbed her by the arm. "Waaaaah, lemmego!!" Without thinking, Tsurugi tried to grab onto her other arm. He fell back to the ground as his entire body suddenly shut down- the man in white holding a large taser-eqse device...Paralysed, he was forced to watch as shadows moved behind the glass-as sounds of drills, saws, and other heavy equipment racked his ears, followed by a splash of blood on the glass....the necklace laying broken on the floor....

    Despite the deep mental scarring, the cyborg clutched that pain like a mental razor, and focused on it. No...I'm not your pawn! I won't let something like that happen. Not today, not now-NEVER AGAIN!!...
  13. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn watched events transpire and noted what information he could. There was apparently some sort of unidentified woman hiding out of sight, who Alex presumes to be dangerous. Based on the man's reputation, if he says the thing could be dangerous it probably is, though with how fervently they protect it, Saryn wonders what the real case is. With the days events he assumed it must be a victim or something related to the infection... If it actually is communicating it might be an evolved form.... He doubted much good could come from this, but before he could give it more thought, a voice came over the speakers. He instantly felt the hypnosis and brought up his defenses with trained speed. He battled with it relentlessly until the voice receded, not letting it take hold. He panted slightly from the mental exertion. That was not good, whatever the voices intent for the heroes and creature was, he doubted it was good. If it chose to attempt to hypnotize them, he knew it must want them bad. It was a risky move, because any who could fight it would surely try to alert the others, and it would cause distrust. He watched for their reactions, ready to follow, trying to figure out who he could rely on to be clear headed.
  14. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Mia sighed in dismay, seeing the hospital attendant didn't really answer her request for warm clothing. The winter night was cold indeed, the brewing blizzard only amplifying the cold, and with only her thin clothes for protection, she doubted that she would be able to visit the only clothing store she visits regularly to buy another cloak.

    Busy thinking about how to escape the bitter cold, Mia was taken by surprise as an announcement blared off the nearby loudspeaker; Still, she managed to listen to the entire message.
    Mia was never much for the government; she kept on their good side, and she followed news and rumors, but she always preferred to hide under the radar, performing undercover tasks only when she is requested to. Normally, she would refuse to come to the city hall for various reasons.
    Hmm... Still... It's strange... I feel like I should come... Follow all that voice says... And...


    As sudden as it can be, Mia doubled over, falling to her knees as a rending pain coursed through every part of her head.
    She knew what this extreme pain is; she had felt it before - multiple times.

    Those things... Those things are trying to -- overcome -- again --

    Now down to all fours - or sixes, for her case - the girl fought back that influence that had always existed ever since she was changed, that influence that had always tried to overcome and eliminate her, subdued cries of pain escaping from her mouth...
    But this time, she realized something different. She felt something different. The 'swarm' was never this 'strong'. There was another - another 'entity' that seeped into her mind, fighting for dominance as the other two 'entities' did.

    Holding off the 'others' in her mind, Mia tried to 'find' that other 'entity' - to get a 'lock' on it, to 'know' what the 'entity' desires.
    Wading through an ocean of words - most of them variations of "Eat", "Drink", "Mate", and "Breed" - she quickly 'found' the other 'entity', in part because of its noticeable strength:

    "Come to the city hall. Bring the one created from the infection with you"
    "Come to the city hall. Bring the one created from the infection with you"

    That was when she realized. The voice from the announcement - whoever it was - held the strength to manipulate others' psyche, the 'request' effectively being an order.

    And if the source of the announcement used mental manipulation, she deduced, that person must need the strange creature very badly.
    ...And I doubt it's going to be a good thing.

    Another surge of pain entered the young woman's head, eliciting a pained gasp as she desperately tries to retain control, two 'others' trying to force her 'out'.
    No... Squeezed... Two... Enemies... Can't... Win...
    So the girl, on the limit of her mental strength, simply let go.
    Mia fell to the ground, the other two 'entities' in the mind retreating or disappearing, as her 'self' fell into the abyss. She would return, fully in control, within mere minutes. But for now, she would fall into the black sea that is unconsciousness.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  15. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    (There is no building manager. It was derelict and scheduled for demolition until I paid the contractors and land owner off. It is now completely mine and completely off 'the grid' having meant to have been a safehouse for my character and Mala.)

    A long, blinding beam of light cut down the wynd of shelving and books. Blink stepped back, away from the torches gaze and melted into the shadows -just like Mala had taught him years before- the night his keep, the darkness his blanket. He remained perfectly still, ever fighting the urge of a hundred diffrent fidgets while the security guard trudged past. Once the patrol had cleared the room and locked it again behind themselves, a shade emerged from his dark corner and started flicking through the tombs on display.

    "The fundamentals of applied theoretical physics," Blinky whispered in interest. "That's one for the bag..." he added and dropped it into his rucksack. "Plumming the Depths of the Digital Soul -that will be a good read..." It went in the bag.

    Row by row, he proceeded in this fashion, not getting greedy, but only picking what he absolutely could not do without. Then he jumped onto the labs and workshops, and, trip by trip, he transported one of everything to his sanctuary amidst the urban decay, but refrained from taking everything -leaving them with far more than they needed to get by as an educational establishment.

    When he had all that he would ever need from them, he had a few bruski's, watched a bit of Arrow, then crashed for the night.
  16. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    An unusual object of sorts has appeared in the sky: only slowly does it appear to become larger. It appears to be some grayish blue escape pod?

    It is hard to tell for everybody who noticed this, walking on the streets at night, or sitting on their balcony before a good night's rest. This brings some to worry.

    [ Omicron has entered through the atmosphere after 7 years of travel. ]
  17. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    (I was talking about my apartment building's manager)
  18. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    As The cyborg came back to his senses- the subliminal effect subsiding- a cry of pain reaches his ears. Tsurugi turned to witness the 'bug girl' named Mia collaspe on the floor.

    She must have been trying to resist the hypnotic sway, just like me....looks like the strain was too much for her mind to handle. The anthromorph thought as he rushed to her side. He checked her pulse and then breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed stable. Those reponsible for this won't get away scott-free...I refuse to let them use this city like some grand puppetplay, to further their own machinations. But that can happen later- right now, the safety of these two come first. Tsurugi muttered mentally, one of his hands clentching into a fist.

    As he thought about what course of action to take next, the furry cyborg had a sudden chill go down his spine, as a feeling as if someone or...something was watching him.
  19. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    while jake was putting his lava lamp into the back of his car, he saw the grayish blue escape pod with his enhanced vision from aiming a lot of guns. he couldn't see inside because it was frosted over, but blinky would probably be happy that I brought him a escape pod, maybe even a person is inside! he would like to meet them.

    (first player vs player battle! awesome!)
  20. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    The unusual object which looked like an escape pod had come much closer: it suddenly gained highly increased speed and landed on a fountain within the town, destroying it.

    That's no escape pod..

    (( My OOC brackets used to be [ and ]. But I'l do these for convienence. ))

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