Pixel pixel art requests

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ShadowAce, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    oh no its fine.

    hmmmmmm a pig....................
  2. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    sooooooo sorry to keep you waiting here it is (schools been killing me) enjoy

    Woodland likes this.
  3. Woodland

    Woodland Big Damn Hero

    'S aight. The sprite looks really nice!
  4. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    hey here is your penguin sorry for the wait(sorry if its small)

    gentlemen penguin.png
  5. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    ok good
  6. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    [​IMG]Avian cockatiel? I would love you forever if you did it for me!
  7. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    sure, ;) do you want it ''naked'' or clothed avian style or human style?
  8. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    here's the unclothed one, enjoy
    avian request.png
  9. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    Oh yes! Thank you so much! It's perfect!
  10. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    ahh no problem
  11. Stalkish Cockatiel

    Stalkish Cockatiel Existential Complex

    I accidentaly didn't reply to that "Clothed or unclothed" I was going to say unclothed anyways, again, thanks!
  12. cheeseweenie01

    cheeseweenie01 Space Spelunker

    Man shadow you gotten pretty big
  13. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

  14. cheeseweenie01

    cheeseweenie01 Space Spelunker

    well you got a bunch of request

    i would kinda like that if it would happen to me
  15. cheeseweenie01

    cheeseweenie01 Space Spelunker

    never mind um........... i just needed some tips on the hair
  16. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    all the pixels have to be the same resolution
    you could always use the character creator.
  17. cheeseweenie01

    cheeseweenie01 Space Spelunker

  18. Draithian

    Draithian Void-Bound Voyager

    I have a kind of difficult request. Could you take the profile picture I made, and turn it into a gif like that Orange guy you have at the top? Except the energy is blue like on my sweatshirt.
  19. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    umm sure but it may take a while
  20. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Nice work, ShadowAce. You've made some pretty impressive characters. Would you mind doing a request?

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