Pixel pixel art requests

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ShadowAce, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    thank you kindly
    Gleil likes this.
  2. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    heres the penguins starbound cyborg penguin with gun.png

    heres the other one starbound cyborg penguin with back gun.png (the brown thing is the strap that holds the gun)

    just for the record i dont think im that good at guns...as you can tell
  3. Gleil

    Gleil Void-Bound Voyager

    Well you did your best that's fine to me :)
  4. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    thanks man

    ill start practicing with guns
  5. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    well im tired ......im going too sleep............its like 10:30 here......
  6. Gleil

    Gleil Void-Bound Voyager

    Good night
  7. Gleil

    Gleil Void-Bound Voyager

    Also i have another request...yeah another penguin :rofl:,i liked my old avatar helm can you make a red penguin with a green helm
  8. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    dude.......how many have i made for u?
  9. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    argggg....i cant believe im doing this but.....ok
  10. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    waahhh you dont like mah cyber penguin? :cry:

    i made an entire army pic too....what evs
  11. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    heres your penguin (mumble) starbound penguin 5.jpg
  12. Gleil

    Gleil Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks i liked the recolor
  13. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    your welcome....
  14. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    hey people! look at this turtle penguin! starbound turtle penguin.png

    ima penguin general!

    what do you have to say private!

  15. Gleil

    Gleil Void-Bound Voyager

    Cool turtle bro
  16. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    thank you
  17. Eaterofworlds

    Eaterofworlds Space Hobo

    hullo there fello cousin :D can i have a blue glowing person as mine like the first gif but blue and standing up
  18. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Wow! Your sprites/gifs are awesome!
    Im rather new to Spriting, so could you take this image I drew....And make a gif of it fighting?
    [​IMG] If possible could you change the hand to a more robotic-claw looking? When I look at it now, I think I made it look like a rake. (This is my first pixel art thing :rofl:)
  19. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    hello cousin to you too.....ummm...yea you cant have gifs as avatars.... sowwy but sure i cant do that... if you want to download it for fun... i guess....
  20. ShadowAce

    ShadowAce Big Damn Hero

    umm yea...thats really cool and all...but making it in to a gif would be exremly difficult for me.....sorry...:oops:...but i can change the hand for your though..

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