Other Pilot: Living in the land.

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Dark_Yehn, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. Dark_Yehn

    Dark_Yehn Void-Bound Voyager

    Host: DY.
    Guest: Johnny One Eye

    DY: So tomorrow you’ll take us around a day, a typical day?
    JOE: I didn’t say that, there are no typical except what other choose.
    ~: Ah, but your base routine, the thing you decide must be done?
    ~: I guess so, lets see.

    DY: The day started with a dull thud, no cockerel but it is a cold winter day, nineteenth or twentieth? Good trades?
    JOE: I’ll check later, Twenty Five K overnight transfers. Clearing a few minerals and a batch of cranberry wine matured, but think it is time to switch the crop to more blueberries.
    ~: Oh, why’s that?
    ~: Looking forward to some cool fruit salad when assaulting the skull caverns. Planted out some apricots recently, but doubt they will mature for a good harvest this year. Need to do some more checking on the cranberries, good in stuffing I think. The rest, not so good.
    ~: I see, those plant and forget, great. A few coffee bushes for me.
    ~: Start the day with it. Pepper Poppers if I remembered the night before. check in with the family, glance at the sloth and remember why. See you at the door.
    ~: I’ll meet you at the door.

    DY: The post arrived I see.
    JOE: Something from the wizard, I remembered the birthday this year, just something back. Evelyn today, we’ll work a trip to town in as well.
    ~: The crew look happy with that, there’s nods, sounds good. Next?
    ~: Animals, always the animals, never stops.
    ~: But you’re a coop master if memory serves.
    ~: Oh the rabbits are fine. The rest, well…. there’s way to make it fun.
    ~: And that's iron you are dropping in for processing there.
    ~: On the way to the stable yes. Then we go to the animals. Quiet in there okay? We’ll talk after.

    DY: Interesting, you sold all the cattle, so just sheep, goats and pigs in this barn now.
    JOE: Yes, the milk was too good for me to use. Large and golden, I can’t bring myself to churn that. So it’ll go to town this afternoon. Think its Saturday, will probably catch Marine as well, more cows to raise, keeps me in pepper poppers and restock the mini game.
    ~: And this is the coop, well talk outside after.

    JOE: So that's the two, the eastern and western. So quiet wasn’t it. Nice thing about rabbits and din#
    DY: Strange Lizard I think is the term we prefer, always a favourite coop animal, and who doesn’t like rabbits feet. But you still keep chicken and ducks, not many just a few, and the sheen on that blue one!
    ~: You’ll need to talk to others for that sheen, but yeah, just to keep the eggs in the larder. To the shed next door for coffee, you lot are putting me behind, normally there in time for a coffee at ten. Keep up or meet you there.

    DY: Simple set up, something I should try. not too many looms, and some vats maturing at the back. The colour coding system works well I see that.
    JOE, Inbound outbound. for those days when things just go right.
    ~: Or half days when its picking up time, more in than out, clearing the buffer. Both cheese and goats cheese? The cheese from the milk for the pepper poppers I get, but goats cheese?
    ~: Both cheese and goats cheese. The goats cheese is just part of the game that the sloth reminds us. You know how the cattle would wander to the hay feeder when you walked in the barn, before the auto feeders arrived?
    ~: Yes,
    ~: And you try not to catch or drive them to the corner? Well, you want to be in and out in. Get the milk, sheer the sheep. check the health and away for the fun times. So with two of each its easier. You see the sheep, the goats you remember, the cows are always cows. But you want fun, try a barn of twelve cows all the same colour and see where your time goes.
    ~: I think I’d kick the bucket and try again the next day, I remember the days, the braying din.
    ~: Forager weren’t you?
    ~: Tracker, still dabble, well hard not to. Coffee drunk, next?
    ~: The green house.

    JOE: Here we are, starfruit, tomatoes and coffee ready today, gem berries yesterday or day before, still in the store. I need to come back and water this patch of the pumpkins in. Soup for the caverns again. eels, you can keep ‘em. See you back at the house, need to find that watering can!
    DY: That was a busy meet you back there. Lets make our own way to the house.

    DY. I see you got flowers and apple wine along with the milk from this morning. anything else?
    JOE: Just the path home, didn’t think you’d enjoy the long way with a horse and all. Checked the southern workshop on the way back to see the calendar and a check of the stars and weather. You a superstitious type?
    ~: Aren’t we all, you see this rabbits foot. A neutral day for me, and you?
    ~: Also, why don’t we call it day? I’ll run to town and get those animals, build more hives and get things ready for the coming season. Best time of year for me, winter.
    ~: And it’ll give some time to warm up again. So thank you for the morning! You’ll have to go some to catch Marine and Pierre, don’t forget Evelyn as well.
    ~: And that why I’m off now. Goodbye.
    ~: So there you go, a morning as it turned out, with an old coop master friend, With the community radio project, I maybe back with other trails if I can thaw the crew out in time and persuade them winter is all about knowing when you’ll be warm again. Others may take up the mantel if the producers nudge. There’s nods and motions for food from behind the equipment. So why don’t we head to the Tavern and see what the special is, maybe an idea for the next. Goodbye from us all.

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