
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Lunaril Moonflower, Mar 14, 2016.


If a piggybank is implemented, what do you think the best way to add it is?

  1. Buy it from Robin

    0 vote(s)
  2. Spend X amount of gold at Pierre's

  3. Reach X number of hearts with a villager

  4. Buy it from Krobus

    0 vote(s)
  5. Something else! (Post your response in thread!)

  1. Lunaril Moonflower

    Lunaril Moonflower Void-Bound Voyager

    One thing that bothers me a little bit is the lack of some sort of banking option. I'm not saying have a bank or ATM suddenly appear in town, but perhaps maybe add a piggybank to the game? It'd make things easier for folks like me with poor impulse control. I'm not even saying have it available from the start, perhaps make it something you'd get as a gift from one of the townsfolk, or perhaps a reward from purchasing Xg worth of good from Pierre's? Having it a purchasable furniture item from Robin's seems a bit dicey, as that'd basically have you relying on RNGesus to smile upon you, so making it some form of benchmark item seems the best bet.
    • Farmerman92

      Farmerman92 Seal Broken

      I kind of like the idea of a bank being put in the game, like Pierre starts to branch out to beat the competition and opens a bank or something like that and maybe the possibility of accumulating interest along with it (like Animal crossing)

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