Welcome to Penginu Industrees! Thanks for stopping by! Here at Penginu Industrees, we pride ourselves in our appreciation of nature! Boasting thousands of nurseries, We have trees from all over the Galaxy! Someone burned all the trees on your homeworld down? No sweat! For a negotiable price, we'll find a tree just like it somewhere in the galaxy, and grow it for you! Soon, your planet will be covered in lush vegetation again! Catalog The following are the Trees that we have in stock as well as the Glossary of tree types we have discovered. We will add more to this as we discover more and more trees! Note: We currently have fully stocked nurseries, and as a result, have ALL trees in stock! As an opening discount, all trees are 50%off! Prices Random tree:These trees are useful on barren planets, as they are the start of a stable ecosystem. Since these suffice as any random tree, They come cheaper as we do not need to specially look for them.(200 Pixels)(100 pixels) Custom trees: These trees are expensive. You are able to describe the tree and perhaps send some pictures. Our staff will then scour the galaxy for the tree, and present it to you. In the event that we are truly unable to find the tree, you will receive a full discount.(500 pixels)(250 pixels) SPECIAL OFFER!: Penginu Industrees is on the constant search for new trees to farm. If you have a tree, you can send it to us and we'll pay YOU for it!(paying 200 pixels)(Paying 400 pixels) Ordering When you wish to order a tree, please phrase it something like this " I wish to order a random tree" or "I wish to order a custom tree, A Barren, willowy tree." Our code of ethnics We sell to anyone, but our trees are solely to be used for terraforming, ecosystem building, and personal use. Any attempts to use our trees as weapons will result in orbital bombers burning the tree to ashes. We treat our staff well and they get ample pay.We do not tolerate abuse of our staff, whether physically or verbally and you will be banned from shopping here if you do so. Now hiring staff!
Our new state of the art tree transport trucks are supplied by Falcon MotorSports! Twice the cargo, half the time! Get your shipment delivered fast!
so for that you needed this truck... , can i have one classic piney to my shop, as decoration? It's kinda empty.
Yeah! Our first customer! * dedecuts 100 pixels from card and hands it back* here's a free watering can to get you started on growing the plant!* gives watering can*
Arial - Correspondence. I am the R&D department head for Siv Corp, and I believe I may have a proposition for you. You see, I am an arborist and practice Silviculture for our bio-engineering department. We have a vast catalog of tree samples and seeds. Therefor, we could possibly work out a deal to supply you with special order seeds. It would save you the hassle of trying to collect all the samples yourself, and we can mass grow a forest rather quickly. What do you think?
Sure! That sounds like a great proposition! On estimate, how many different types of trees do you have? We need to be able to measure the pixels.
Arial - Recalling... We currently have 130 varieties of trees. Some are not easily developed, and some can multiply quite quickly. 60% are standard wood style trees, 20% are winter developed trees, 10 % are single seed types, and 10% are special types.
HOLY CRAP THAT IS EXPENSIVE. Hold on, I'm gonna do some taxes. Lets see... Sell my cousin.... Sell my other cousin... Sell three of the plant nurseries.. Sell that one employee's kid....mess with the bills... Skip a couple payments... Alright! 52,000 pixels will be delivered soon! Could we pay in installments? We are having a hard time even with all the cash we just made illegally.
well, i can make you an offer, i will give you 10 000 pix, but you will give one tree, i know that's very much for one tree, but that because this tree is very dangerous and can be deadly, i'm looking for new decoration this tree looks like this , it's kinda weird and very rare.
Hmm... Seems okay. But as a strict follower of our code if ethnics, you have to sign a contract to not use the tree as a weapon. Also, some of our trees react very well to chocolate coffee. They love it so much that they get animated into sentient beings just to taste more chocolate.* points to bandage around stomach* anyway, we'll go look through the archives for it. And if it isn't in there, we promise that we will scour the universe for it.
okay, don't worry it's just decoration (and to destroy some unwanted trash), it don't be used again living things. * sign contract oh, don't try to water this tree, it would disintegrate and that why it's so rare, nobody knew that it shouldn't watered
No wonder it's so rare! It must have a hard time surviving since it disintegrates in the rain. Thanks for the information! I'll be sure my staff knows not to water it. Well then, looks like we've got ourselves a deal!
oh by the way, remember that you also need to still pay 23000 pix to me, and instead of giving you 10000 pix i will just take those pix from your loan to my company, making you only to pay 13000 pix, okay?
Alright! 36,400 pixels seems a lot more obtainable! Thanks for the business! We still have to pay in installments though, we currently have quite a big debt to Falcon MotorSports, and we are a little short on cash.
MinervaTech: You have needs, we have solutions. We here, at MinervaTech have lately constructed a new Nano-Tech Flora Vital Functions Support System (N-TFVFSS). We are not going to introduce it officially as it doesn't fit our company's profile. It's advantages over it's currently available counterparts are: less energy consumption, no need for light to be delivered for the plants, self-programming control system (should you find and unknown flora types out there, it'll adjust itself) with ability to be user-programmed (for that it's equipped with a user-friendly interface). The system is mounted per vehicle and it's current value (based on material and labor costs) is 7500px/piece. Because you would be our first client and first company to use this system, the price would be reduced to 2250px/piece (70% off) and would become your company's property once the testing is finished. Should you be interested just let me know by PM or a reply.
Alright, I've wired up a credit balance to automatically deliver your 1000 pixels every day. I think that should cover the Instalment fee after a while. Woah! That sounds like an amazing piece of technology! And conveniently, we sold a bunch of decorative plants a few minutes ago, and have enough to purchase the system!* hands over pixel pouch* it's great doing business with you! We'll make a sponsoring shout out in the OP tomorrow!