
Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by RioNiss, Nov 21, 2012.


Do you want to see this in the game?

  1. Yes!

    29 vote(s)
  2. No! Stop... What did I saying?

    7 vote(s)
  1. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Update! Now, 2 additional colors available! Black and gray with orange neck.
    blind sniper likes this.
  2. Iamyew

    Iamyew Big Damn Hero

    I like your old version a bit more =P but still pretty sweet. so many of these ought to be in the game...
  3. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Thanks. But i like more second version. Lmao. :p
  4. Luci

    Luci Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Now make a third version: includes their webbed feet!
  5. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    I tried to do it, but it was not very nice. So, I'm sorry for my English. It's my non-english-speaking country. :confused:
    And now, guys, what can i do next?
  6. TMDW9

    TMDW9 Space Spelunker

    Awesome hat :D
  7. RioNiss

    RioNiss Title Not Found

    Aww. Thanks! Like you, guys!
    Contest close in a few hours. Good luck!

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